Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 453: Only this one sword left the Great Wall in the world

late at night!

Ordinary corvees who have worked all night are allowed to eat, while practitioners cannot stop for a moment. Even if they die, they have to draw out their souls and seal them in a mechanism beast to continue working until their souls are exhausted. give up.

Even a cultivator with a very strong Dao heart began to become numb after undergoing some unknown ordeals. No practitioner knows how long it will take to endure such a catastrophe.

That kind of torture and catastrophe is more painful than letting practitioners go to reincarnation several times.

Just when they thought it was going on as usual and another day passed, they saw a white streak coming from nowhere.

When they saw it clearly, they realized that it was a sword and the sword energy emanating from the sword.

With just one sword move, he traversed tens of thousands of miles and came to the Great Wall that has not yet been forged.

The sword qi is light and cold, and the long wall is as cold as an ox. The cultivators who forged the Great Wall stopped their work, put down the tools in their hands, and looked at the sword qi passing across it, tears filled their eyes.

The supervisor looked at the practitioner who was crying the most, and cursed: "What are you doing? Don't get up to work, and if you don't get up, be careful and talk to your senior sister. Your senior sister is very good!"

In the past, these practitioners were all aloof, but now?

Why not let him beat, scold and reprimand, the senior sister who slept with this kid dare not even fart.

"Thank you, senior, the boy will make a bright future today."

It was painful for the practitioner to stop, and the cultivation base of the Yuanshen realm bloomed at a glance, and several flying swords flew past.

In front of that cultivator, there is no supervisor.

There are even cultivators from the sect who took the soul of the dead supervisor and used the technique of nailing seven arrows. Tens of thousands of practitioners bowed together.

Hundreds of millions of miles away, thousands of families have been wiped out, and no results can be found.

Ordinary corvee workers also responded one after another when they saw the fellow practitioners killing the supervisor.

"Princes and generals, would you rather be kind?"

"Every man in Guizhou would rather have no kind?"

"Rise up."

"Go home, we can go home."


All of a sudden, the unfinished Great Wall was full of smoke everywhere, and the soldiers of the Great Qin Army became lambs waiting to be slaughtered after losing the magic weapon to suppress the practitioners.

The revenge of the practitioners of the Taoist Dao is at most a sword to kill, but with the emergence of revenge methods by some heretics and practitioners of the Demonic Dao, some practitioners of the Dao of the Xuanmen who feel puzzled have also learned it one after another.

From the Tao to the demon, and then from the demon to the Buddha, and then the Buddha is the Tao, and then enter the Tao.

There is nothing wrong with that.

The killing lasted for nine years. Finally, under the leadership of Lord Wu'an Baiqi, the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty blocked the practitioners and corvees rushing out of the Great Wall from the core territory of the Great Qin Dynasty.

But with the practitioners who escaped, they went to the thirty-third heaven, and cried to the elders or ancestors in the door.

Most of the gods in the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm also secretly descended to the realm, intending to seek justice for the younger generation. After all, Daqin did something unethical.

The lives of so many Taoist female cultivators are innocent, someone has to give an explanation, if Daqin doesn't give it, then they will have to ask for it.


The world, Xianyang.

I don't know when a wine shop appeared. The dignitaries in Xianyang city only know that the wine brewed in the wine shop is excellent.

But no one knew that the owner of this wine shop was the one who caused such a dangerous situation in Daqin.

"Mr. Su Qin, go slowly and come back next time."

Su Xuan looked at his family who had opened up, and felt quite emotional in his heart. If he hadn't been with Su Qin from time to time, I am afraid that his family could really maintain the situation in the world. With the seal of the six countries, they are vertical and horizontal.

The key is that the former monarchs of the six countries believed in Su Qin. He didn't know whether Su Qin was a descendant, but Guiguzi was definitely a practitioner of the Da Luo Jinxian realm.

"A letter came from Feilaishan, and Longji said that she has found her father." Mo Shanshan handed a flying sword to her family, Su Xuanhou, and said, "It seems that our little uncle probably wants to I want to re-enter the heaven, but the Queen Mother and Uncle Xi may not agree, and the heavens and worlds are even more chaotic."

Su Xuan looked at his family's mountains and said, "It's better if it's in chaos? If you don't mess with those ambitious people, how can you fish in troubled waters? His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor seems to be the reincarnation of a great witch from the Wu clan, but according to what our teacher said a few days ago Judging from Feijian's biography, the great witch of the witch clan who was reincarnated as the Great Qin Emperor may have been a human race before he became the great witch of the witch clan, and these older generation practitioners are really good at calculating."

This is a game within a game, and a practitioner in the realm of Yuanshen can still plan for a hundred years and endure for a thousand years.

These practitioners of the older generation of Daluo Jinxian realm, I am afraid that they have not already started planning since the beginning of the creation of the world.

After Mo Shanshan heard the truth, she was also quite astonished. She said: "I didn't expect to go around, and I'm still a practitioner of the Daluo Jinxian realm of our human race. I'm afraid it's just Daqin's excuse to go to the heavens and conquer the heavens." If Daqin brought hundreds of millions of Daqin people to take the Great Wall to the heavens and worlds, no fairy family would dare to do it."

None of the immortal families under the Daluo Jinxian can bear the karma of hundreds of millions of people, or if the human race suffered heavy casualties, no one can stop the furious human ancestors in Huoyun Cave.

No one can stop it, that empress Nuwa who wants to like to make things happen.

Su Xuan said: "That's true, but those practitioners who escaped from the Great Wall, surrounded by the elders behind them and a large number of Guizhou leaders, have almost reached the vicinity of Xianyang, but the millions of Great Qin Forbidden Army near Xianyang But he didn't move at all, Shanshan, what do you think His Majesty the Great Qin is waiting for?"

Mo Shanshan replied: "It must be waiting for our little uncle. If he wants to re-enter the thirty-third heaven, in addition to the calamity, he also needs a lot of luck, that is, a helper, so there is something better than the Great Wall." Are those practitioners who escaped from the fire a better helper?"

It's true that the situation is unclear, but the only thing that can't be covered up is a little hand. Their little uncle chose a very good time.

Although many people don't like their little uncle's visit to the heaven, many people dislike even more that His Majesty the Emperor of Great Qin once again ascended to the heaven.

"That's right."

"When the army arrives in Xianyang, it's time to fight for the throne. His Majesty the emperor of Daqin thought very well. Unfortunately, once he loses, he will have nothing left."

But will their little uncle lose?

Or should I say, will His Majesty the Emperor of Great Qin win?

This time, it has been disturbed so much that it is difficult to see clearly at the end.



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