Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

Under the congenital laurel tree.

Yunxiao looked at Luohu who was fighting Duobao in the mirror of the cloud, and said, "The Demon Ancestor Luohu is about to lose, it's just this scene, will anyone really believe it?"

Maybe some immortals will believe it, but she probably won't believe it. If the Demon Ancestor Luohu loses to her former big brother for such a bizarre thing, then among the heavens and the world, the Western Sect will really believe it. Become an existence that may surpass Taoism.

Su Xuan waved his hand and said: "Rao Hu will lose, because at the beginning this is a play, and it is a letter specially given to those immortal practitioners in the western realm. Practitioners and casual cultivators just believe it."

He felt a little helpless, after all, since he achieved the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, he could no longer become a practitioner who would choose to believe.

Believe it or not, these practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm are not in the consideration of Luohu and other practitioners.

Zhao Gongming said: "After all, it is the ancestor of the devil in the past. If you bother to act at such a cultivation level, I am afraid that Senior Brother Duobao will be squeezed into an innate spiritual treasure."

For the Da Luo Xian family, this is not difficult to see.

At this moment, the picture on the cloud mirror turned again, and just between birth and death, Duobao and Luohu fought countless times in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Each of these countless fights has been very good in front of the living beings, so the practitioners watching the excitement in the heavens and worlds also know that the current leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect is very powerful. Strong enough to be able to fight head-to-head with the former Demon Ancestor Luohu who competed with Hongjun Patriarch.

Su Xuan looked at Yun Jing, Su Xuan's eyes seemed to have crossed countless mountains and rivers, and fell on Luo Hu who was pressing down on Duobao, and he said: "The final score!"

It's just a pity that this victory or defeat is not between Duobao and Demon Ancestor Luohu, nor between Xuanmen and Western Cult, but the victory or defeat between the masters of many immortal sects of Taoism and many immortal families of Western Cult.

After the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, all of them will belong to the Taoist disciples from this day onwards, and those ordinary Taoist disciples will finally recover the robbed merits from the Western Sect.


But no matter how restrained you are.

Duobao and Luohu, who fought from the western realm to the heavens and worlds, and then fought back from the heavens and myriad realms, still destroyed many blessed places.

After all, it wasn't my own paradise, even if it was a little broken, I wouldn't care too much about it.

But the indifference of Duobao and Demon Ancestor Luohu made Zhunti, who was hiding in the depths of Mount Sumeru, very anxious and angry.

These caves and blessed places are all family properties accumulated bit by bit by Zhunti. Although they are not comparable to the family properties of the Hunyuan saints in the East, they are more than enough compared to other veteran Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners.

But now all these family backgrounds have been wiped out in the battle between Duobao and Demon Ancestor Luohu, how can he not be angry?


"Sooner or later, the property of the side door will be completely defeated, and the evil way will invade. I really think that no fairy family knows what's going on."

But what can I do if I know?

Some things, after all, cannot be put on the table, just like when they infiltrated the nether world in the Western religion, once they are put on the table, everything will be over.

At that time, other fairy families obeyed such rules, and today, they can only abide by them.


It is 760,000 miles east of Mount Sumeru.

The leader of the sect, Duobao, and the demon ancestor Luohu fought here, and many practitioners here also saw the overwhelming power of the demon ancestor Luohu who dared to fight against the ancestor Hongjun in the past.

I have also seen the supernatural power of Dabao Daobao, the master of the side sect. The master of the side sect who can suppress Luohu is obviously much more powerful than the few immortals in the side sect.

It is natural to compare who is qualified to sit on the seat of the master of the sect.

Those disciples of Western religion hidden among many practitioners were furious after seeing this scene.

They really didn't expect that many immortals in the Xuanmen actually invited the demon ancestor Luohu to cooperate in acting, but this demon ancestor Luohu is so powerful, why didn't he dare to come up with a fake show and turn this treasure into an innate spirit treasure? ?


After a few loud bangs, two more caves were blown up.

Dozens of innate spiritual treasures and many treasures of acquired spiritual treasures hung around him. Looking at the mighty Luohu, he said, "Senior Luohu, how about one move to determine the universe?"

The effect has been achieved, and everyone is a busy person, so naturally we can't waste any more time here, so it is natural to use the shortest time to decide the winner.


Luo Hu said with a ferocious face.

Then the God-killing Spear, which was born from the Law of Destruction, did not have any fancy supernatural powers when stabbing at Duobao, but only stabbed forward with the God-killing Spear.

But the immortals present only felt that their own cultivation was completely destroyed the moment they sensed the God-killing Spear, as if they had never practiced before, but between birth and death, the God-killing Spear had already arrived in front of Duobao.

The celestial family and practitioners who were present just recovered, but the experience just now was enough to make them unforgettable for a lifetime.

In an instant, the law of destruction broke through the innate spiritual treasures around If it is only based on killing, there are few people in the heavens and worlds who can stop the killing of the demon ancestor Luohu. Sharpshooter.

In the next moment, the overwhelming laws of destruction flooded Duobao like a vast ocean, but it didn't take long for Duobao to come out of it again.

I saw Duobao proclaiming the Buddha's name: "Amitabha!"

"Then I will let you, the Demon Ancestor, take a good look at what is the boundless Dharma."

I saw that Duobao became more and more solemn. In the heavens and worlds, the Buddha statues that should have been clay sculptures suddenly burst out with golden light at this moment.

At this moment, Duobao made a difficult choice with countless thousands of years of planning, and he was about to become a Buddha.

"Hmph, what a sect master, what a Buddha."

Luo Hu sneered.

Rahu, who didn't like the Buddha's light, said, "Let's go."

Immediately after, countless streams of black smoke rose into the sky, followed Luo Hu out of the Realm of Conferred Gods, and headed for the Realm of Heavenly Demon.

Before returning to the Heavenly Demon Realm, there was only a chaotic breath coming from nowhere, which directly scattered the Buddha's light all over the sky.

This also made Duobao, who had been trembling all this time, finally heaved a sigh of relief. If he had been hit by the chaotic breath just now, he would have been seriously injured by now.

"Everyone, I didn't know that I, who defeated the Demon Ancestor Luohu and eliminated this evil catastrophe invisibly, am I qualified to be the master of the sect?"

Duobao looked at the hidden Western disciples and said.

Hearing the cold snorts that kept ringing in his ears, Duobao murmured to himself: "Who else is better than me for the position of sect leader? If I don't sit, can your Western sect be secure?"



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