Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 433: Meng Zhigu is always there

Outside the Nantian Gate.

The battle between the Heavenly Emperor and Xingtian became more and more fierce. The gods in the heavenly world, as well as the immortal family, never thought that they, His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, could not even take down a great witch.

You must know that the great witch is at most a practitioner equivalent to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Twelve thousand miles away from Nantianmen, the Emperor of Heaven, who barely escaped Xingtian's axe, said with a sneer, "What a great witch, he deserves to be a descendant of Pangu, but it's just a pity that I wonder how you brainless brats know what to do." For the way of the emperor."

The sky is great, and the emperor is extremely.

He has gone through hundreds of millions of catastrophes to come here, how can he be destroyed by Xing Tian in front of him, in just a moment, the Emperor of Heaven thought of a way to break the situation.

The only way to get away today is by death, and when he returns to the heavens and worlds in the future, the heavens and the worlds will definitely come to congratulate him.


The Haotian Mirror fled from the Nantian Gate. At the same time, among the heavens and worlds, there was a riot of spiritual energy in more than 1,200 realms, and the heavenly realm sleeping above the blue sky was suddenly opened.

In each of these more than 1,200 worlds, a **** who is very similar to Yu Dang's world came out, intending to step into the passage opened by the Haotian Mirror and travel across an unknown distance to the God Conferred boundary.

But just as these gods and men were about to enter, in front of the passage opened by Haotian Mirror, there were countless rivers of blood flying in front of the passage, and in the end, only hundreds of gods and men crossed the heavens and ten thousand realms to the realm of conferred gods. His Majesty the current Emperor of Heaven is integrated into one.

The Heavenly Emperor's aura is also rising steadily. The Heavenly Emperor looked at the smiling Sect Master Styx 12,000 miles away, and said, "Senior Brother Styx is really a good trick. He actually ambushed so many Blood God Sons in the heavens and myriad realms just to block With this emperor."

He had considered many possibilities, but he never thought that among the heavens and worlds, the leader of Styx would deploy such a method. What surprised him the most was that so many blood **** sons were hidden in his body. After so many years under his nose, he didn't find anything.

Outside the Nantian Gate.

Styx Master Styx looked at the livid-faced Emperor of Heaven, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother, this is your fault. Why is this Master just trying to block you? My Master is just a coincidence.

It's my master who underestimated the younger brother. With so many underhands, he is not much worse than Di Jun back then. It's a pity that my underhand still played a role after all, and now I am waiting for the younger brother to fight. "

This is like a heavenly emperor, but it's a pity that there are more than 1,200 realms, but he blocked at least 700 lower realms.

Twelve thousand miles away.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Xing Tian who was swinging the axe again, and said calmly: "Xing Tian, ​​today is the time for your death."

On the sword of the Emperor of Heaven, the law of the Dao was swallowed, and the ancient gods reappeared between the heaven and the earth.

In ancient times, gods and Tao were the same, and the witch clan originally followed the divine way, but seeing this divine way now, even Xing Tian, ​​who is a great witch, is in a daze.

And at this moment, the leader of Xingtian's six suns was cut off by the Heavenly Emperor Sword in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor.

Xing Tian without the leader of the Six Suns fell towards the world.

At this moment, many gods who were loyal to the Emperor of Heaven finally breathed a sigh of relief, beheading Xing Tian finally restored some of the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven.

The next moment, the Emperor of Heaven returned to the Nantian Gate, looked at his senior brothers and sisters, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Minghe, Senior Sister Houtu, and Xing Tian have already returned to the embrace of Great God Pangu, I don't know how you two will fight."

It has to be said that the fighting power of the Wu Clan really surprised him. If he hadn't used his backhand, I'm afraid this incarnation would have died on the spot.

Houtu snorted coldly: "Your Majesty is really confident, but without the leader of Liuyang, can you not fight?"

The Emperor of Heaven needs to get out of the calamity, so Xing Tian naturally needs to experience the calamity.

The Wu Clan becomes the Wu Clan, and the Wu Clan loses.

Xing Tian has reached the end of the realm of the great witch, and only reincarnation can reach the realm of Hunyuan.

So he feigned death and escaped, thinking that the second hand was the best plan. He really wanted to see a certain general in the heavens suddenly appear behind the real Wu Clan in the future.

At this time, the cloud and mist outside the Nantian Gate were suddenly thrown into chaos.

There is a figure holding a huge ax from the world to the heaven, it is Xing Tian who has lost the leader of the six suns.

As Xing Tian rushed to the heaven, he shouted loudly: "Xing Tianwu is a relative, and Meng Zhigu is always there."

"Xing Tianwu is a relative, Meng Zhigu is always there."


However, the Heavenly Emperor Sword in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor shot out again, and directly knocked Xing Tian down to the Heavenly Realm and fell into Changyang Mountain.

Changyang Mountain, which was not well-known at first, should be famous all over the world from today on.

"Here comes the axe!"

I saw Xing Tian, ​​who was physically mutilated, roaring angrily before he was about to fall into Changyang Mountain.

The Godly Ax of Gan Qi, who was supposed to fall into Changyang Mountain with Xing Tian, ​​went upstream and once again killed the rather contented Emperor of Heaven.

At this moment, behind Xingtian's Qianqi Shenaxe, Xingtian is no longer alone. Behind Qianqi Shenaxe, there are Houtu, the Styx leader, the immortal family of the three religions, and the old ministers of the former demon clan heaven.

So today's Godly Axe of Qianqi is no longer the God's Ax of Qianqi, facing this unstoppable God's Ax of Qianqi.

The Emperor of Heaven glared angrily, "You really are my good senior brother and sister! In order to make the emperor's original source lacking, you actually used so many immortal families, do you really think you can hide it? You are the one who killed the emperor after all. .”

After the God of Heaven roared.

I saw a thin old man with a white beard, holding a book, came outside the Nantian Gate, it was Bai Ze, the former historian of the Yaozu Heavenly Court and part-time prime minister of the Yaozu Tianting.

Bai Ze looked at the Heavenly Emperor, who had been severely injured by an axe, and murmured: "After the Heavenly Emperor became a god, there were treacherous people who misled the heavens and the world, and the Netherworld raised troops to correct the universe.

The **** of war Xingtian, although he has no leader of the six suns, dances with the godly axe and kills traitors, but is imprisoned in Changyang Mountain by the emperor of heaven. "

After finishing writing about today's events, Bai Ze looked at the Heavenly Emperor not far away and said, "Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, do you know if the history books recorded by the old man are true?"

He has compiled the history books of the entire heavens and worlds since the creation of the world by Pangu. After the era of the demon clan heaven, he, Bai Ze, is the author of the orthodox history books.

If you believe in it, you will naturally not doubt it!

The Emperor of Heaven sneered and said: "What a Bai what a prime minister of the demon clan's Heavenly Court in the past, today's matter is regarded as the emperor's loss, and from then on the Netherworld Palace will be ruled by the Empress Dowager, and the Heavenly Realm will no longer intervene. "

At this time, the conditions of his senior sister, but after today, the Yinde system has no relationship with the heavens.

Houtu smiled and said: "The little girl would like to thank His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, but I just hope that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven will take care of his health. The little girl does not want to. Hearing the news that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has entered reincarnation, re-election of the Emperor of Heaven is not a good thing."

Hearing this, the Emperor of Heaven's face became darker and darker. With the support of Yaochi, the Emperor of Heaven led the group of gods into the Nantian Gate in a chariot.

And the immortals who finally came to the heaven, naturally they would not miss this good opportunity to reminisce about the old days, and chatted in twos and threes.




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