Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Taoist Lu Ya's Killing Intent

Journey to the Heavens from Jiangye Chapter 410 Taoist Lu Ya's Killing Intent

the next day!

From the front line of the confrontation between Xiqi and Dashang armies, several quiet and unique reeds stand quietly, about 700 miles south of Xiqi City.

Lu Peng is located beside a certain stream. On the side of the clear stream is the Immortal House of the Three Religions, which left behind a cloud mirror to observe the trend of the battle.

At this time, the cloud mirror is still stable. Perhaps these days, the Jiejiao disciples in the Great Merchant Army and the Xiqi Army's Chanjiao disciples are not here, which makes this supposedly extremely cruel war difficult. A little calm.

As the stream blew away, Su Xuan chose a place where the stream was deeper and cast a shot. No matter how busy things were, he could still catch a fish in his busy schedule.

Nezha idly looked at Su Xuan who was fishing, and couldn't understand why this fish was so good to catch.

"Uncle, if you really want to eat fish, you can just use Lei Fa directly. It's so troublesome."

As soon as a palm thunder strikes, all fish will be blown out, and such an old method must be used to catch.

Su Xuan looked at the lightning that was constantly surging in Nezha's hand and said, "I'm not fishing, I'm fishing for an immortal family, an immortal family who may make the Taoist Conferred God Tribulation fall short."

It has been a while since I came here under the canopy, although it seems. The situation of the soldiers is still relatively calm, but in his view, the current situation is already in danger.

A Daoist Lu Ya who can shout out that there is Hongjun first and then there is heaven, and Lu Ya is still in front of Hongjun, is the biggest unstable factor in the entire catastrophe of conferring gods.

Nezha dismissed the thunder light, and asked in puzzlement, "Master, shall we return the Xianxian family here? Besides us coming here, which immortal family is not the honored guest of Dashang or Xiqi."

In Nezha's view, his Uncle Su can't catch fish here, nor can he catch Xianjia.

The corners of Su Xuan's mouth rose slightly, and the movements in his hands were not slow. He directly lifted the pole out of the stream. He sighed and said, "The fish has been hooked, and the immortal family has naturally caught it."

Nezha concentrated on looking left and right, and found that there was no immortal family, and then said: "Master, you are lying to me again, where is there any immortal family here?"

Just when Nezha was puzzled, he saw a rainbow light in the distance, coming from the sky to the bank of the stream.

After the rainbow light dissipated, a middle-aged Taoist in a gray Taoist robe with a red gourd hanging from his waist said loudly: "There is Hongjun first, and then there is heaven. Lu Ya was still before Hongjun. He was only eighteen years old when he was born. Chaos is a year. Fellow Daoist Su is so polite."

Listening to the song echoing in his ears, Su Xuan thought to himself that this Daoist Lu Ya really dared to sing, and he was not afraid of his ancestor, the ancestor of the Red Army who came down to Zixiao Palace and came here to find him.

Nezha looked at the middle-aged Taoist, and said angrily: "Bold madman, how dare you humiliate my Xuanmen Patriarch."

"Look at the gun!"

A little cold light came first, and then the spear shot out like a dragon.

The fire-pointed gun in Nezha's hand was danced wildly, but the innate fire-pointed gun in Nezha's hand flew back upside down before it got close to three feet away from Taoist Lu Ya.

"The law is reversed, you are a big Luo Jinxian"

Nezha knew in an instant. It took only a moment for Lu Ya to reach the realm of cultivation, and Nezha retreated behind his Uncle Su.

Although his Uncle Su is also at the Golden Immortal Realm like him, but his Uncle Su has a lot of innate spirit treasures in his hand.

Looking at Nezha who hid behind him, Su Xuan looked at the middle-aged Taoist, and after a moment of contemplation, he said: "The catastrophe of the Conferred Gods has come to an end, and now I am anxious. I don't know why Fellow Daoist Lu Ya is not in East Kunlun. Do you want to promote this unknown teacher, and you want to participate in the matter of conferring the gods?"

Since many immortals of the Three Religions went to expel the disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western Religion, he can almost represent the Three Religions now.

Therefore, a practitioner of the Da Luo Jinxian realm who had never appeared before suddenly joined in. He naturally has the right to intervene in this matter of conferring the gods, and he should also intervene.

According to the decree of the Supreme Master Yuanshi Tongtian, go to routine inquiry.

Lu Ya laughed loudly and said, "Friend Su, the poor way of observing the sky and the way of holding on to the sky. Now that the catastrophe of conferring the gods has caused the imbalance of the heavens and the world, the poor way should naturally go down the mountain to Xiqi, and help Wu Wang Jifa to fight against the Wudao Human Emperor. In order to show the principles of heaven and earth."

The catastrophe of Conferred God is his last chance. So no matter what price he pays, he will participate in this catastrophe of conferred gods.

The Immortal Zhan Feidao, which has been silent for countless thousands of years, should now see the light of day again.

Su Xuan looked at Daoist Lu Ya, smiled, and said, "Whatever you say, I just didn't expect that the only bloodline that survived in the heavens and worlds in the past would dare to be in the catastrophe of the Conferred God. Don't be afraid, Madam Pingxin of the Witch Clan?"

Compared with the previous catastrophe of the Lich, the current catastrophe of the Conferred Gods is quite insignificant.

Although the catastrophe of the Lich and the catastrophe of conferring gods belong to the same catastrophe of the heavens and worlds, even though they are both mighty and sweeping the heavens and worlds.

But compared to the cause of the Momohu Lake, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, the cause of the Lich disaster in the past is indeed clear at a glance.

Those ten careless sons of the former Emperor Jun of the Nine Layers of Heaven, caused wind and rain in the prehistoric land, killing countless lives.

It just so happened that those ten little golden provoked the Houtu tribe of the Wu tribe, and Kuafu, the great witch of the Houtu tribe, died.

This is the history left by the demon **** Bai Ze of the demon clan. Even Bai Ze, who is a demon clan, recorded this matter so clearly.

So it shows how much the former son of the emperor of heaven did too much? I can't even look down on my own people.

Lu Ya held the red gourd in his hand and said, "Guanzhu Su, since you know my Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife, why do you dare to talk in front of me? With such an insignificant cultivation base, I am afraid that there is not enough time to use the innate spirit treasure."

The master of the Taoist Temple of Feilai Mountain of Xuanmen, after all, is only a practitioner of the Golden Immortal Realm. He killed the real Su Xuan with the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife. With the supernatural power of the Golden Crow, as long as he can run Fast enough, even the Hunyuan Xian family may not be able to find him.

Su Xuan looked at Taoist Lu Ya who was uttering nonsense, and said: "Now, I finally know who fellow Taoist Lu Ya is, but murderers are always killed."

"Gene Age"

The master of this temple has just passed away, and the lord of the underworld, the merciful and merciful empress, has now come out of Huangquan to Xiqi. Are you not afraid of the innate essence of Lihuo? "

Ever since he heard that Taoist Lu Ya was going to participate in this catastrophe of conferring gods, he had kept his mind on it. Sending a letter to Empress Pingxin in the Underworld, now it seems that what he did was very correct.

Lu Ya said viciously: "Since you know the prestige of this seat, how dare you speak so shamelessly? Who do you think you are? How can I really believe you with peace of mind."

"Please baby,"


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