Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 40: Academy 13 Mr. Ning Que

The big tent on the wasteland that was built with a lot of manpower and material resources was extremely spacious, even if all the leaders of the coalition army walked in, it still looked very spacious.

Under the leadership of the guards, Cheng Lixue, the vice-principal of the Tianyu Academy, stepped into the big tent, but he was not very optimistic about the next thing to be discussed.

The academy **** team was attacked by horse thieves first, and then by the former priest of Guangming. Cheng Lixue, who was in charge, felt very helpless about such incidents.

In the big tent!

Although Su Xuan's status is very high, but as a disciple of Zhishouguan in the unknowable place of Xiling, he didn't hold any position, so he was only assigned a relatively pre-examination position.

Because of him, the disciples of Mochiyuan have an excellent position. As for the generals of the world and the disciples of other practice sects, they all sit in order according to their seniority.

Cheng Lixue, the vice president of Tianyu Academy, sat on the main seat without hesitation. He looked at Ning Que, who was seriously injured, and said, "The academy was attacked by horse thieves. I will write to the Temple of Judgment, please judge the great priest, send a great practitioner to capture Wei Guangming, and please forgive Mr. Shisan."

This is the benefit of status. Master's direct disciple, Mr. Thirteen from the back mountain of the academy, such an identity is enough to move the people in the military camp.

Similarly, without the identity of Mr. Shisan of the Academy, even if the Academy was attacked by horse thieves, it would be nothing more than business affairs at most, so that others would not be able to pick the slightest thorn. The thirteenth gentleman will not let it go.

General Shu Cheng of the Tang State stood up and said, "I, Tang State, need an explanation for the matter of Priest Cheng. Why did the disciples of my Tang State Academy not receive the reinforcements they deserved after being attacked, so that Wei Guangming was recruited."

When the disciples of the academy were attacked, he should have sent iron cavalry to help, but he was delayed for some reason and could not send the iron cavalry to help, so Shu Cheng was a little angry now.

"Master Cheng's tutor is Master. Even if you don't need to give me an explanation, you still have to give an explanation to Master." Ning Que pointed to the vacant seat of the Xiling cavalry commander and asked, "I really want to know. Where were the cavalry in Xiling when the grain team was attacked by horse thieves at night?"

Hearing Ning Que's threatening words, Su Xuan smiled knowingly. This fellow is really unreasonable, but he has indeed changed. Flying sword cut off the head.

Su Xuan took a sip of tea, and said: "Mr. Thirteen's academy disciples were attacked. Priest Cheng will definitely handle this matter properly, but the identity of the attacker still needs to be investigated. I heard that the general of Yan State who was lucky enough to come back alive , I once shouted that they are not horse thieves, they are the Zhenbei Army.

Mr. Thirteen's matter also needs to be investigated. After all, it involves the Northern Army of Tang Guozhen, and it is easy to cause some unnecessary disputes. "

He was on the hill at the time, so he naturally heard this sentence, and he also knew that Lin Ling was Xiahou's subordinate, and he knew that Lin Ling was behind the Xiling Temple, but he saw the fellow, how could he make the fellow feel safe and sound?

If it develops according to the original trajectory, this world will eventually dissipate the vitality of the world and become a truly doomed world, which is not a good sign.

Listening to Su Xuan's questioning, Ning Que said expressionlessly: "Mr. Su, you and I both know that the general of the Yan Kingdom, after several hours of confrontation with the horse thief, has already run out of fuel, and I think he has seen some retreat. It is not surprising that the Zhenbei army who came down to do horse thieves uttered such nonsense, let alone who would believe the nonsense that the general of Yan State said when the oil was exhausted and the lights were dry."

Listening to Mr. Thirteen's statement, the generals from the Yan State were very angry, but they did not wait for the generals of the Yan State to make any useful excuses.

He was stared back by General Shu Cheng of the Tang Dynasty with murderous eyes. Shu Cheng, who had been in the army for a long time, naturally did not allow such a stigma to be placed on the Northern Army of Tang Guozhen. He said: "Mr. Su Please be careful, they are just some soldiers who were kicked out of the Zhenbei Army and used some of the army's battle formation methods, so why do you hold on to them?"


Su Xuan tapped the table with his right index finger, and said: "General Shu Cheng's explanation is not bad, and no one will question it, so I will naturally question it, but sometimes there are some things that people don't know unless they don't." Why!"

Others may be deceived by Shu Cheng if they don't know the truth, but he doesn't believe every word of what Shu Cheng said.

Mo Shanshan looked at the eloquent Su Xuan, and she realized that she admired this Mr. Su, who helped them a lot. If the disciples of Mochiyuan went to **** the grain and grass, would they be able to persist until the next day? ?

The Mochiyuan disciples behind Mo Shanshan were also in the same mood. These days, they also went to see the academy disciples who had gone through a great battle, as well as those Yan people who had escaped from death. The injuries on their bodies are naturally not ugly. The cruelty of the If it were them, would they really be able to block the attacks of horse thieves for several hours? So now Juzhihua and the many Mochiyuan disciples are grateful to Su Xuan from the bottom of their hearts.

Cheng Lixue sighed and said: "Mr. Thirteen, what do you think of this? After the Xiling cavalry commanded Chen Bachi to return to the camp, he immediately took him down and questioned what happened carefully. If Chen Bachi deliberately delayed the rescue , then this seat will definitely report to the ruling seat and punish Chen Bachi as he should."

Ning Que looked at the injured academy disciples and said, "The academy disciples are seriously injured. In the future, my academy disciples will not participate in military affairs."

He still has to look for the Demon Sect's mountain gate, so he won't waste time here with these people. The reason why he took out the disciples of the academy is because he doesn't trust anyone in the coalition army, including his fellow villager. .

Chasing and intercepting the barren people going south and the disciples of the Demon Sect who might be hiding among the barren people is the main purpose of the coalition this time. It is hard to be convincing in this world that the disciples of the academy want to be picked out.

But after a long time, no one stood up to object, Cheng Lixue looked at this scene and thought, it's really just a fool.

After a long time, Cheng Lixue said: "Yes!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ning Que returned to his seat and quietly waited for the Xiling cavalry commander Chen Bachi. He wanted to see what the Xiling cavalry commander did that night.

At this time, Lu Chenjia, who came instead of Qu Ni, got up and said, "Mr. Thirteen is really a great prestige. Before, Mr. Su relieved the disciples of Mochiyuan from their duties. Now Mr. Thirteen wants to let the disciples of the academy quit. Allied forces, I would like to ask all of you sitting here, is this fair?"



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