Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 403: 6-winged Golden Cicada to Xiqi, Taiji Picture Exhibition Golden Bridge Length

The emperor of heaven was in chaos, and he wanted to go to Zixiao Palace to ask to see the Taoist ancestor, which caused an uproar.

The empress Nuwa, who has never been afraid of things, directly showed the scene of the Emperor of Heaven struggling hard in the map of mountains, rivers and land, and presented it outside the blue sky by means of a cloud mirror.

The cloud mirror with a radius of tens of thousands of miles can be seen even by practitioners in the realm of the primordial spirit. Almost instantly, the majesty of the heavenly emperor of the heavenly realm is lost.

The Nine Heavens Xuannv who was far away in Xiqi looked at His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven in the cloud mirror above the blue sky, and she was also very helpless.

"Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, how could you be so unwise."

"It's all right now, even after the conferment of the gods, the lost majesty of the heavens may not be able to return."

In the past few days in Xiqi City, Nine Heavens Xuannv did not rush to help Xiqi, but now lived in Xiqi for a while.

She has a good understanding of the local conditions and customs of Xiqi. She is very optimistic about the current Xiqi, but she is not optimistic about the future of Xiqi, because she knows very well that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven will not let the master of Xiqi become the successor of the Great Shang. Another emperor.


Fly to the outside of the mountain, about three hundred miles away.

There are bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and there are bursts of cicadas singing in the Sanskrit sounds, and the murderous intent comes from nowhere.

Go straight to Feilai Mountain.

Flying to the mountain, Nezha, who was lying on the laurel tree in Taiyin outside the Taoist temple, threw out the wine jar in his hand.

Nezha stepped on the hot wheel, held a pointed gun, and showed his supernatural powers with three heads and six arms. The six pairs of gods could see clearly who was so bold.

"Uncle, there are enemies coming."

"It seems to be a cicada, a cicada taught in the West, with six wings."

Western religions have cicadas, golden cicadas!

The ancient alien species, because of the heavy gold, was also murderous. Later, because he offended the Zhunti sage of the Western religion, he was tortured.

Su Xuan slowly walked out of the Taoist temple. After drinking half a pot of wine, he said, "Six-winged golden cicada, golden cicada, this is a monster!"

Su Xuan also has a lot of knowledge about the golden cicada, such as fried golden cicada, and Tang Sanzang who may be arranged clearly, and it is likely to be the reincarnation of the golden cicada.

"Uncle, do you want my nephew to test it first?"

Since he came to Feilai Mountain, he hadn't had a fight for a long time, but now that he had encountered the Golden Cicada, he naturally had to fight.

Su Xuan looked at the Golden Cicada with six wings, and said with a smile: "No need to test, Nezha, go and heat the oil, I want to see how fierce the Golden Cicada is."

He would like to see if there will be a fairy family to rescue the six-winged golden cicada when it is fried.

Su Xuan held a scroll of simple pictures in his hand, he looked at the edge of Feilai Mountain, and calmly looked at the six-winged golden cicada with no fancy hair, delicate features, but a murderous face.

The Six-Winged Golden Cicada looked at Su Xuan indifferently at the edge of Feilai Mountain, and said, "You are the Su Guanzhu who has a Taoist temple, and you must mention that **** for not letting me provoke you, but I just want to try it." Let’s see, what kind of abilities do you have as a direct descendant of the sect?”

Zhunti told him to go east, so he must go west.

If Zhunti told him to go south, he would definitely go north.

Zhunti asked him to hide from this Guanzhu Su after he arrived in Xiqi, otherwise he would come to trouble this Guanzhu Su.

The sound of cicadas sounded!

The Six-Winged Cicada itself is a different species from the prehistoric era, like the Wu Clan, who has mastered the laws of the Dao by nature, but unlike the Wu Clan who is the direct descendant of Pan Gu, the Six-winged Cicada's Dao Law is inbornly incomplete.

But even so, the Six-winged Golden Cicada is considered number one among the immortals in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

When the six-winged golden cicada showed its cultivation realm without reservation, within a thousand miles of Feilai Mountain, the rules of the avenue were replaced silently.

The law of the Golden Dao is constantly replacing the Dao law that builds the realm of the gods. Practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm can use the Dao Law, and practitioners in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm can change the Dao Law of one Great Thousand World at will. Practitioners in Luo Jin's fairyland can create new Dao laws.

"Of course I don't have any skills. I have practiced for hundreds of years, and now I am only in the Golden Immortal realm."

"Fellow Daoist Six-Winged Golden Cicada, my master is too pure and moral!"

A simple picture scroll flew out of Su Xuan's hand, as if he sensed something wrong with the law of the Great Dao in the Realm of Conferred Gods.

Unfolding the ancient and simple picture scroll, it is the most treasured Taiji picture of Renjiao.

A golden bridge spanned the entire Conferred God Realm, fixed the laws of the Great Dao changed by the Six-winged Golden Cicada, and sealed off all the laws of the Great Dao around the Six-winged Golden Cicada.

Su Xuan looked at the immobile six-winged golden cicada, and said: "The six-winged golden cicada's supernatural powers are good, but it's a pity that this is a Tai Chi diagram after all, and it's because Taoist friends don't respect the Taoist principles and wantonly changed the laws of Dao, which aroused Tai Chi. Picture, so the master of the temple invites fellow Taoists into the frying pan for a while."

Fried Jinchan is the ancestor of Jinchan.

Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

Nezha, who didn't find the scapegoat, directly moved out the stove that Su Xuan used to make alchemy, poured a lot of boiling oil, and heated it with the real fire of Samadhi.

Nezha shouted at the top of his voice, "Master, the oil is ready, when will the six-winged golden cicada go to the pot?"

Nezha doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and he doesn't care who will be furious after frying the golden cicada.

After Su Xuan tied the six-winged golden cicada tightly, he hung it on the fork of the lunar laurel tree.

Next is Nezha, the hot oil that has been burnt.

"Scallions, ginger, garlic, star anise and cumin."

While Su Xuan was muttering, he took out a large amount of spices. Isn't the six-winged golden cicada transformed? Then he will let the six-winged golden cicada break the precept again.

On the eucalyptus board, the garlic with an age of tens of thousands of years was crushed by Su Xuan with the ancient moral sword, one sword after another, and thrown into the alchemy furnace.

Nezha looked at the six-winged golden cicada in its original form, and said, "Master, can this thing be eaten?"

"Of course I can't eat it."

This Six-winged Golden Cicada has a great relationship with his Uncle Zhunti, and he is not used to eating some weird things.

Nezha said, "It's boring."

Although it was boring, Nezha still honestly put a lot of meat into the Dan stove.

The six-winged golden cicada's densely packed small suddenly showed a look of madness.

You must know that Zhunti's Duhua, but the real Duhua, can only be a vegetarian Duhua.


On Mount Sumeru.

Jieyin woke up from the dream, he looked at his junior brother and said, "The Six-winged Golden Cicada is in trouble, it has already been captured by Nephew Su with the Taiji diagram."

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Zhunti, who was counting the goods received, suddenly turned down, and he said with a bit of resentment: "What an idiot, I told you not to provoke Su Xuan, but you still have to. Now let's fry the golden cicada. "

The six-winged golden cicada is related to a big plan, so naturally this stupid cicada can't have the slightest surprise.

"Brother, I'm going right now."



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