Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 399: 3 Teach the treasure to Feilai Mountain

After Su Xuan and the others agreed on the regulations after the catastrophe of Conferring the Gods, they held a feast for the Immortal Family on Feilai Mountain, outside of Youjian Taoist Temple.

When the banquet was halfway through, under the blue sky in the distance, there were three streamers of light piercing through time and space.

When the three streamers stopped, everyone could see clearly what the three streamers were.

Su Xuan looked at the golden bridge across the bottom of the Tai Chi Diagram, got up and said, "So it's the Tai Chi Diagram."

Then the Golden Bridge dissipated, and the Taiji Diagram fell into Su Xuan's hands.

As soon as he got the Tai Chi Diagram, Su Xuan felt the vast avenue washing over his heart. If the immortals were not firm in their Dao heart, they would probably be obsessed with the Dao Zhili contained in the Tai Chi Diagram.

Guangcheng looked at the banner and said, "Pangu banner."

Now he finally breathed a sigh of relief, Pan Gufan came here to represent that the teacher had agreed with their agreement on the matter of conferring the gods.

Naturally, the teacher would not do what he did in some field deduction. In some deduction, due to the different composition of the immortal family, many times, the power of the innate spirit treasure was wrongly estimated.

For example, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in the hands of his Third Master Uncle!

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at the ordinary ancient sword that could cut through countless worlds with one sword, and said solemnly, "Qingping sword!"

The Four Swords of Jade Immortals had already been handed over to her elder brother Dao Bao Daoist, so the one who came could only be Qingping Sword.

Many immortal families know that the Four Swords of Jade Immortals are the inheritance of Jiejiao, but for the direct disciples of Jiejiao, only the Qingping sword that the teacher never leaves is the token of Jiejiao's inheritance.

This means that the teacher has handed over the inheritance of Jiejiao to him.

After putting away the treasures of their sect, everyone continued to feast until hundreds of hours later.

Many immortal families in the Three Religions left in a hurry after making the Taoist oath.

They can't learn that Junior Brother Su is at ease. For them, this catastrophe of conferring gods is the biggest difficulty in front of them.

Even if they have the bottom line, no one can guarantee that the Great Immunity of the Conferred God will always take care of themselves.

If the number of defeats is too many, can it still be exempted forever?

In order to monitor each other, Yun Xiao went to explain the teaching with a Hunyuan gold bucket in his hand, and Cihang went to intercept the teaching with a mutton fat jade bottle in his hand.


Flying to the mountain, the strong wind blows past, and the scent of osmanthus flowers permeates. Outside the Taoist temple, only Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan are left.

Mo Shanshan looked at his family, Su Xuan, and asked, "The disaster of the Conferred God Tribulation has been agreed upon, but for the leaders of the world, it is still a greater tribulation."

In her opinion, her family Su Xuan's move was a good way to eliminate the catastrophe of conferring gods, but it was not a good result for Qianshou.

The flames of war are still the same, the flames of war are still the same, and the fighting is still the same.

Su Xuan said melancholy: "For Qianshou, no matter how bad it is, there is no such thing as Qianshou Ning?

So sometimes, I don't have much disgust for the existence of demons, but I only feel disgusted by evil deeds.

Cultivation is a very troublesome thing. Now there are patriarchs of the three religions. Patriarch Hongjun is still under pressure. When the saints are gone one day, if there are no demons in the heavens and worlds, it will be the greatest disaster. "

The long river of time and space rushes forward mightily, and one day, one will become a nine-rank Zhongzheng system through practice.

At that time, the role of the magic way will naturally come to the fore. In the heavens and worlds, there will always be people who are willing to do certain things that they know cannot be violated.

For example, becoming a demon, overturning an unjust and unfair world.

Mo Shanshan thought of the classics in the Bajing Palace and the Library Pavilion that recorded the great sins of the beings in the heavens and the worlds, and she said: "There are many injustices in the heavens and the worlds, but if one world after another goes away , when will it go?"

She is not an unreasonable woman, but injustice cannot be ruled out, and evil cannot be eradicated.

Su Xuan spread his hands and said: "That depends on this, I also talked about these times with the teacher at that time, so I asked the teacher to refine a main **** space in the Eight Diagrams furnace, called Daode.

The teacher also endorsed the scriptures with the river crab, who is proudly swimming in the long river of time and space. Our master personally enlightened us. After conferring the gods, we will enter the space of the main **** of morality and enter the heavens and worlds. "

Use the space of the **** of morality as a sword to cut down the great evil and injustice in the heavens and the world.

There is always a need for some kind of justice in the boundless void of the heavens and worlds, otherwise there is no need to practice.

Mo Shanshan looked at her family, Su Xuan, holding the undulating Great Thousand World in his hand, and said, "This is a good idea. If all the brothers and sisters of the Three Religions can participate in it, then the Heavens and Myriad Realms will be much better." .”

Those who have attained the Dao will help more than those who have lost the Dao, no matter which world in the heavens and myriad worlds, or in which time period, it is a wise saying.

Su Xuan said calmly: "That's probably the best way for the heavens and worlds, but our brothers and sisters may not choose this way. After all, it's just our way, not their way."

He didn't know when he chose this path, but since he chose this path, he would keep walking like this.


Outside the gate of the great merchant.

Cihang looked at Fearing Sun who was hanging on the flagpole, and said in a very embarrassed way: "Brother Fearing Sun, I'm sorry that disciples of the three religions discussed the calamity of conferring gods together, you can be exempted from the list of conferring gods this time, but your apprentice Xingsun, and Lei Zhenzi, the apprentice of Yun Zhongzi's apprentice, have to go to the thirty-third heaven."

Coming to the business camp to supervise the matter of conferred **** immunity, it still made it difficult for her to face this senior brother who was afraid of leaving Sun.

Hearing this, Tu Xingsun started yelling, "Uncle, I don't want to die yet! I haven't married a wife yet! Uncle, please save me!"

"Shut up, traitor."

After fearing Liusun stopped Tu Xingsun, he said: "Junior Sister Cihang, what is going on with my disciple?"

Cihang said calmly: "According to Junior Brother Su's Practitioners in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm have the right to be exempted from being listed on the list of gods. "

After Cihang revealed all the matters discussed by the disciples of the three religions, Tu Xingsun finally stopped.

As long as he doesn't die, he might be able to ask the uncle of the emperor of the day to introduce the matter of Menqin after meeting him.

"That's good, it finally gave this rebel a way to go." Fear Liusun said: "It's just that Lei Zhenzi has lost his original source. I'm afraid it's because his body can't become a god."

Cihang looked at the unconscious Lei Zhenzi, and said, "Then you can only be on the list of gods."

"The position of the Great Emperor Gouchen?" Fearing Liusun, he couldn't help thinking about the arrangement for Lei Zhenzi's position when the founders of the three religions discussed the list of gods.

But I'm afraid to keep my grandson and still don't understand, how can this Lei Zhenzi be able to do it?



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