Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 390: Xiqi was in a panic as the interception array was like a forest!

Among the heavens and worlds, if Jiejiao Biyou Palace is said to be the second in the array, then naturally no one dares to say that he is the first in the array.


Therefore, the formations arranged by Jiejiao Biyou Gong Xianjia are the best of the best, the conscience of conscience.

Under the rushing work of Lord Shitian of Jinbie Island day and night, the ten large formations sacrificed by Lord Shitian have already besieged Xiqi City.

The ten absolute formations of Heaven, Earth Fissure, Wind Roar, Ice, Golden Light, Melting Blood, Flame, Lost, Red Water, and Red Sand are distributed in all directions of Xiqi.

No matter from which side you look at Xiqi, Xiqi is like a soft-shelled turtle, let alone going out of the city to fight, even if a sparrow flies out of Xiqi city, it has to go inside the formation for a while. suffer.

Above the city of Xiqi.

After Bo Yikao went to Chaoge, Ji Fa, the temporary agent of Xiqi government affairs, looked at the formations scattered in all directions outside Xiqi City, and said with a panicked look: "Prime Minister Jiang, Wen Zhong has found Biyou Gongxian." The family has set up a formation and has surrounded me in Xiqi, what should I do!"

He thought that his father would give Xiqi a chance to breathe by voluntarily going to Chaoge, but he never expected that this Grand Master Wen would take this opportunity to wipe out Xiqi.

Jiang Ziya looked at the group of formations like Lin Zhisheng, and said: "Wen Zhong invited the Ten Heavenly Lords from Biyou Palace on Jinbie Island, and these ten Heavenly Lords are the best among the outer sect disciples of the Jiejiao. Moreover, the Ten Jue Formation practiced by ten people is even more magical, and I have no other good solution for a while, and the only way to do it now is to save money and let my nephew, Yang Jian, go to Yuxu Palace for a while. trip."

Jiang Ziya was also very helpless in this situation, who would have thought that this seemingly loyal Grand Master Wen would be so ignorant of martial arts, and be trapped by formations.

If Wen Zhong had waited until Wen Zhong's conspiracy was completed one formation after another, I am afraid that in the entire city of Xiqi, only his nephew Yang Jian would have the chance to kill him.

Immeasurable brilliance bloomed on Yang Jian's forehead, and he looked at the formations that had spread all over Xiqi City.

After a long time, Yang Jian closed his forehead and said, "Jiang Shishu, it's not too late. If I leave now, I may be able to leave. If I go up for a few more hours, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave." .”

As a Golden Immortal, he naturally sees much more thoroughly than his Uncle Jiang.

The formations scattered outside Xiqi City seem to be independent formations, but they are not. Those formations have already been connected together through some mysterious means.

The formation formed by Jiejiao's many immortal families is not an existence that he can break through now, and only his teacher, and his uncles and uncles, have the strength to break the formation.

Jiang Ziya looked at Yang Jian, and said solemnly, "Yang Jian, hurry up and come back, Xiqi's safety is now tied to you alone."

Yang Jian cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Jiang, please don't worry, this disciple will definitely fulfill his mission."

Then Yang Jian turned into a rainbow and went away.

Under the city of Xiqi!

Tianjun Wangbian, who was continuing to strengthen the Red Water Formation, looked at the rainbow light in the distance, and immediately understood that Yang Jian had gone to find reinforcements. He said regretfully, "If we could have been faster yesterday, I'm afraid this Xiqi In the city, no one can escape, now that it’s over, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao are probably coming, but fortunately, there is no senior sister, this time, we must let the Chanjiao disciples see the power of our Biyou Dafa."

The Twelve Golden Immortals who explain and teach are all immortals in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm. They fight alone on weekdays, and their Ten Heavenly Lords are naturally not their opponents.

But today is different from the past!

Now they not only have the formation method bestowed by the teacher, but also Wudang Senior Sister sitting in it, and Da Shang Wen Grand Master's great help, plus Da Shang's practitioners and immortal families are rushing to this place in a steady stream.

This time, they still have great hope to keep all the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu.

Tianjun Baili, who had completed the flame formation, came over and looked at Wang Bian, and said, "Brother Wang Dao, don't worry! The ten formations of our ten heavenly monarchs have been improved by Senior Sister Wudang. Linked together, any immortal who wants to break through the formation will have to face the power of ten formations! Not to mention there are hundreds of formations densely packed, which are ten unique formations. A formation that increases power."

Compared with Wang Bian, who was still a little worried between his brows, Bai Li was not afraid of the possible arrival of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Enlightenment, and even had some expectations for the Twelve Golden Immortals of Enlightenment.

Bai Li really wanted to see how the Twelve Golden Immortals used certain methods to sacrifice to the formation, and then fell into a real killing formation.


Qin Wan said: "Brother Bai Li, it's better to be more cautious, but Brother Bai Li made a mistake in saying something, this time only the eleven golden immortals who came to explain the teaching, our Senior Sister Cihang has already passed away. After being taught in Youjian Daoist Temple in Feilai Mountain, he has escaped from calamity, so how can he re-enter the world of mortals?"

To be honest, he envied Cihang very much, he escaped without saying a word, unlike them, he still has to turn upside down in this world of mortals!

Bai Li said with a smile: "Brother Qin said it is true. Now that our formation has been laid, the eleven golden immortals who explained the teachings are naturally not to be feared, but Yun Zhongzi, the true fairy who explained the teachings, is not afraid." I have to guard against it!

In case Yun Zhongzi goes crazy, give us a ruthless attack, and throw down one innate treasure one at a time, won't our formation be over? "

He had not only heard about Yun Zhongzi's method, but also saw it with his own eyes. That was when he was explaining and cutting off demons with his disciples. In order to save time, Yun Zhongzi directly used dozens of pieces at a time. Sexual congenital spiritual treasure.

As soon as the dozens of one-off Xiantian Lingbao appeared, the dazzling light made him faint at that moment, and the monster clan on the opposite side immediately ran away in fright.

Among the heavens and worlds, not to mention the monster race, even the Daluo Jinxian would panic if they were pointed at by dozens of innate spirit treasures.

At this time, the Holy Mother of the Golden Light in a white Taoist robe came over, and she said with a smile: "Brothers, haven't you heard? Brother Yun Zhongzi offended senior Queen Mother Yun Zhongzi Brother Dao, are you apologizing on the West Kunlun Mountains? Brother Yun Zhongzi will not come to Xiqi in three to five hundred years, and you Dao brothers don’t think that this battle can last for three to five hundred years, right?”

The words of Our Lady of Golden Light immediately eased the tense atmosphere.

But after alleviating, there was a long period of doubts, Qin Wan asked: "I don't know where the news about Junior Sister Jin Guang comes from?"

Yun Zhongzi offended the senior Queen Mother of the West, which is extremely secret news for Daluo Jinxian, not to mention them practitioners in the realm of Jinxian.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light said calmly: "Brothers, it's better for you to know little about our fairies at this time."

Due to the fact that female fairies are relatively rare among the heavens and worlds, in most cases, some less important news will be shared by female fairies.

Just like the news that Yun Zhongzi offended the senior Queen Mother of the West and wanted to make amends on the West Kunlun Mountains for three to five hundred years.



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