Outside the Mochiyuan camp, Ye Su bid farewell to Su Xuan, and walked towards the camp where the academy disciples were attacked. Ye Su really wanted to see the **** umbrella that his junior brother called a touch of night.

I also want to see if Ning Que, Master's direct disciple, is the son of Pluto that the world is looking for.

Looking at Ye Su who was going away, Mo Shanshan asked: "Have the disciples of Mr. Su's academy really been attacked? If they were attacked, why didn't anyone come to help them?"

The team escorting food and grass to the royal court of the left tent was attacked by horse thieves. Shouldn't the coalition forces send cavalry to rescue them? But it has been nearly two hours since the scouts of the Xiling cavalry brought back the news, and there is still no movement from the coalition forces.

Su Xuan explained: "The generals in the coalition army are naturally worried about Lord Mo Shan's marching and fighting. Besides, the disciples of the academy are not useless. Could it be that they can't stop some horse thieves?"

Ning Que was now being besieged by horse thieves. Although the scouts had discovered the battle situation and sent back the news in a very short time, it was clear that neither Tang nor Xiling had any intention of sending troops to help.

After all, they are just some horse thieves, so can they still cause any harm to the students of the academy who are well-cultivated? What's more, if these young talents come to the wilderness to practice, if they are not killed, how can they be called experience?

After listening to Su Xuan's explanation, Mo Shanshan looked at the wasteland that was about to be dark, and said: "Mr. Su is also a member of the coalition army. How can I stay out of the matter when the disciples of the academy are attacked? Besides, the teacher and the academy quickly If you come to make friends, you will probably not look at me and stay out of it."

Although this Mr. Su's explanation is very reasonable, judging from the teaching she received in Mochi Garden, Su Xuan's approach is obviously wrong. , How could someone go to save them?

"Lord Mo Shan, you are really extraordinary!" Su Xuan admired sincerely: "You can be considerate of others in such a situation, but the camp of the food transportation team is a full sixty or seventy miles away from our current location, even if we catch up now After the past, what can you do?"

The red wall and white snow Mo Shanshan did give him a lot of surprises. Mo Shanshan was still the same Mo Shanshan from beginning to end, but even if he and Mochiyuan arrived before dawn, they could only see other scenes.

Mo Shanshan said firmly: "Mr. Su will also go to maintain the righteous way in the world. This is the responsibility of the Taoist sect and the responsibility of the practice sects in the world. Now that you have seen it, how can you refuse to save it?"

Su Xuan said: "That's right, but the battle formation is quite cruel, Master Mo Shan had better bring some disciples with high cultivation bases to go."

Mo Shanshan nodded slightly, turned back to the camp, and went to wake up the disciples of Mochiyuan to get up, ready to set off for reinforcements.

In the pitch-dark Mochiyuan camp, lights were lit up, Zhuo Zhihua and some Mochiyuan disciples who were cultivated in the realm of no confusion, went to rescue the academy disciples with Mo Shanshan, and the other Mochiyuan disciples stayed behind in the camp.

Seeing Mo Shanshan's skillful arrangement, Su Xuan took off the crimson gourd on the horns of the green ox beside him, and said, "Flying sword to pass on a book, I never thought I would be able to use a flying sword to pass on a letter."

The mouth of the gourd was opened, and the Dao sword flew out. Su Xuan put the letter he had prepared on the body of the sword, and then Su Xuan threw the Dao sword to the sky. A flash of sword light flashed, and the Dao sword disappeared under the vast night sky!

This is a letter to Chen Bachi, the commander of the cavalry in Xiling. I believe that Chen Bachi will make the right choice after reading that letter.


Outside the academy camp.

The disgusting smell of blood made the noses of the academy disciples very uncomfortable. Even though they expected the worst, they never expected that the situation would become so bad.

In the open space less than a hundred steps away from the academy camp, the corpses of horse thieves were spread scattered on the grass.

The owner has died, and now it is an ownerless war horse, still staying beside the owner.

General Yan looked at the scene in front of him and said unwillingly: "If the reinforcements don't come, I'm afraid we will all die here."

Within a few hours, the horse thief launched several charges. Although they were all repulsed by them, the number of hundreds of soldiers is now less than a hundred. If there were not already soldiers who are not afraid of death, it has been proved that the horse thief does not want to be captured. Already alone.

Ning Que looked at the morning light in the east and said, "It's almost dawn and we are having a hard time, but horse thieves must be having a hard time right now, so let's get discouraged now."

He is well aware of this stalemate. Whether it is them or the horse thief, they have already reached the point where the fuel is exhausted. Now it is to see who can make it to the last step.

General Yan looked at Ning Que and said, "You don't look like an academy student, but you look like a fierce horse thief."

Ning Que smiled and said, "The horse thief wants to kill me, so I will naturally become a thief on the horse and kill the horse thief who wants to kill me."

Although it was extremely difficult, they finally saw the hope of victory, and everyone who survived finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind the hillside in the distance!

Lin Ling, who had been waiting for a long time, drew out his saber and said, "It's time for us to go. The horse thieves spent the whole night and exhausted their fuel. Now we are the last straw that breaks the camel's back."

Behind Lin Ling, about dozens of soldiers dressed as horse bandits suddenly galloped out from behind the hillside, and within half a stick of incense, they rushed to the front of the academy camp.

Looking at the dozens of galloping horsemen, General Yan said in horror: "They are not horse thieves~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They are not horse thieves, they are the Zhenbei Army."

Hearing General Yan's exclamation, the disciples of the academy felt inconceivable. Is it really possible that the Zhenbei army guarding the border of the Tang Dynasty came to kill the disciples of the Tang Academy?

But Ning Que figured out the cause and effect of the matter in an instant. The food and grass in the camp were not the target of the horse bandits at all. Only he, the fish that slipped through the net, was the target of those horse thieves!

Ning Que went out with a plain knife in his hand. After many years of chopping firewood, even in the face of these soldiers of the Zhenbei Army, he managed to kill them cleanly!

He is a Tang man, but this does not mean that if someone wants to kill him, he will stand there waiting to die!


In the windy and sandy sky, an ox cart was driving on a rough road.

Li Manman, who was driving the ox cart, said: "Master, my junior brother has reached the point where the fuel is exhausted. If there is no one to rescue him, he will definitely not be able to survive."

The master who was tasting delicious food in the bullock cart said with a smile: "Sometimes I always think that your junior brother and your junior uncle are the same person, but they may never be the same person. Don't worry, your junior brother will not be so It's easy to die, a person born with knowledge, how can it be so easy to die."

He doesn't want to make a choice, but God is forcing him to make a choice, but as a weed swaying on the wall, what choice should he make? He vaguely guessed what Su Xuan was going to do, but he still didn't want Su Xuan to do that.

After thinking for a long time, the master finally said, "Slow down! Ye Su is in the wasteland, you should look after him and your little brother, don't let him be bullied."

Li slowly stopped the bullock cart, and after saluting his wife in the carriage, he disappeared into the wind and sand!



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