Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 367: Shen Gongbao turned around Xiqi City

The head of Xiqi City.

The figures were constantly moving, but compared to the bitter battle a few days ago, Xiqi was much more relaxed now.

I have to say that the cultivators under the hands of the Wudaoren Emperor Xin, the talismans in their hands are really tyrannical.

A few days ago, after Yang Jian, the fairy family of Yuxu Palace, used the cage talisman to straddle Xiqi, the army of Wudao Emperor Xin has not been able to advance an inch.

On the head of Xiqi City, the Yuanshen returned Jiang Ziya who had been with him for many days, looked at the fan cage talisman outside Xiqi City, and said: "This fan cage talisman of Senior Brother Su is really easy to use. Only with this talisman, you can use it." Blocked the army of Emperor Wudao Xin."

But Yang Jian remembered what his Uncle Su said, and he said: "Uncle Jiang, if Xiqi hadn't been in danger, I wouldn't use this talisman. This is Uncle Su's property, I'm afraid Uncle Su will come to take away this talisman soon."

Although the fan cage is good, it is not their jade.

A direct disciple of the Renjiao would not allow such a talisman to appear under the city of Xiqi, just like his Uncle Shen, wouldn't he dare to walk in the camp of the merchant army after changing his appearance?

"I don't know what kind of means my Senior Brother Su will use to take away the talisman that you planted by Nephew Yang."

Jiang Ziya looked at the talisman that blocked many practitioners in Dashang's army, and couldn't help but wonder when he would be able to have such a cultivation level.

But as a Conferred God, there is probably no hope in this life.

Jiang Ziya looked at the merchant army camp in the distance full of melancholy, and said: "For the current plan, we can only take one step at a time."


In the camp where the great merchants conquered the army, in the tent, the veteran Lu Xiong held the wine jar and drank heavily, and said angrily: "Our army was once again blocked for several days. If it is destroyed, I am afraid we will not have any good fruit to eat."

Xiqi will rebel, this is an inevitable thing.

But from Lu Xiong's point of view, it would take only ten months to wipe out Xiqi, but he didn't expect that it would be blocked by a magic talisman of Su Xuan, the great sacrificial wine of the former Guanxing Tower, for less than half a month.

Yin Xun, who was sitting in the lower position, was suffering so much that he couldn't tell. He wanted to trap Lei Zhenzi so that Xi Qi could be wiped out, but he didn't expect that Yang Jian, the true king of Qingyuan Miaodao, would come and destroy Yin Xun's everything. plan.

Fei Zhong, who was sitting on Lu Xiong's left, looked at his useless relatives, and sighed helplessly: "Old General Lu, please be safe and don't be impatient. Our 100,000 troops have already approached the city, and the Master of the State Teacher has also gone to Su Jijiu's ashram. When Master Guoshi returns, he will surely bring back good news."

That cage talisman should have been their most important hole card, but his nephew released it early, which led to the current situation.

At this time, a gust of wind blew up outside the commander's tent, Shen Gongbao, the great merchant national teacher, followed the wind and entered the commander's tent.

Shen Gongbao looked at the few people who were drinking, laughed and said: "Everyone is back, my brother Su criticized Yang Jian's presumptuous behavior, and gave him a magic weapon to defeat the enemy with a sword."

A pear-wood sword hung in the commander's tent, flying around Shen Gongbao, flying back and forth.

Veteran Lu Xiong looked at the wooden sword and said, "Junior Brother Shen, isn't this just a wooden sword? Could it be that we are going to use this wooden sword to destroy Su Jijiu's talisman?"

In Lu Xiong's view, how powerful a wooden sword can be.

Could it be possible to rely on this wooden sword brought by Shen Gongbao to break through the formation to meet the enemy?

Shen Gongbao smiled and said, "Old General Lu, this wooden sword is not an ordinary thing. It is a wooden sword cut from a pear tree in the heavenly court. There are many talismans engraved on it. Naturally, it is a magic weapon to defeat the enemy."

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Then Shen Gongbao bowed his hands to several people and said: "But this treasure can't be used here, you're right! Fellow Daoist Yin Xun."

Yin Xun sneered and said, "Of course, Uncle General Lu, please dispatch a hundred Yuanshen realm practitioners and seven thousand troops, and I will make the Xiqi territory full of flames."

This is a war, but neither his uncle who is a senior doctor nor the old general Lu has ever paid attention to this war, but Su Jijiu taught him very well that this battle is not a big battle. Shang died without a burial place, which meant that the Xiqi Kingdom was destroyed.

Lu Xiong was full of worries, and said: "Nephew Yin, don't you want to bring more troops? You must know that Xiqi has many Chanjiao immortals here. If the Chanjiao immortals sneak attack, such people will not be able to protect you .”

It's not that he doesn't believe in the abilities of the practitioners in the great merchant army, but that he has really been taught by those immortal families, and the whole situation is already in turmoil, and the grass and trees are full of soldiers.

Shen Gongbao said with a smile: "Old General Lu, Doctor Fei, Xiqi thinks that my senior brother Su's cage talisman protects them, but they forgot that while the cage talisman protects Xiqi, we Those good masters and nephews of my family can’t come out for the time being, so fellow Daoist Yin’s scheme is very good.”

Unexpectedly, among the relatives of the royal family, there are such talents, who can even figure out such a Yin Xun looked at the roasted meat and wine on the table, got up and said: "Old General Lu, Uncle, Yin Xun is one step ahead, this time I want to avenge my second uncle."

This is war, and he wants to deal a ruthless blow to the core area of ​​Xiqi.

Inside the handsome tent.

Fei Zhong put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at the pear-wood sword behind Shen Gongbao, and said, "I don't know, my lord, when do you plan to use this sword?"

Shen Gongbao laughed and said, "Doctor Fei, of course you can only use it when it's time to use it."

Just kidding?

Even he himself didn't know when to use it, his Senior Brother Su told him to use it well, but how to use it well.

After thinking about it for a long time, he also came up with a clue, but can this kind of thing be said?

Of course it can't!

"Then it's time to see Master Guoshi show off his might with this sword in his hand."

After Fei Zhong got bored, he didn't ask any more questions. After all, Fei Zhong was just an ordinary practitioner, a practitioner who hadn't even entered the realm of Yuanshen.

"Come on, drink wins, drink wins!"

There was a sound of toasting and mingling in the handsome tent, and it seemed that Xiqi City would be destroyed in an instant during the mingling of toasting and toasting.

And Yin Xun, who had just left the command tent and ordered all the soldiers and horses, led tens of thousands of people, and began to criss-cross the territory of Xiqi, driving the people of the entire territory of Xiqi towards Xiqi city.

Along the way, the people of Xiqi were in mourning, but under the threat of the sword light, they could only rush towards Xiqi honestly.

This is Yin Xun's strategy. Once under the city of Xiqi, Ji Chang, who claims to be unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, loves the people like a son, if he abandons these common people, then these people will naturally become the common people of the great merchants. He wanted to see how Xiqi could break it.



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