Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Huang Gong was imprisoned, and Huang Fei was demoted to the cold palace

After a few days.

Inside the nine halls.

Fei Zhong, the senior doctor who had been waiting for a long time, could not wait to stand up.

When seeing Fei Zhong, who had taken refuge in Concubine Su, stand up, there was a cold snort in the nine halls.

Holding the wat board in his hand, Fei Zhong didn't care about the contempt of the courtiers at all. If he really cared so much, he wouldn't be exhausted.

"Report to my emperor, I received news a few days ago that there was a treacherous minister in the DPRK intending to rebel. After many investigations, I only learned of the secret."

Then Fei Zhong pointed at Huang Dang with the wat board in his hand, and said with a smile: "I would like to report to my emperor, it is Huang Dang, the courtier who committed the chaos and attempted to rebel. I hope my emperor will find out."

After Fei Zhong said these words, the entire nine halls fell silent, and then the noise became a vegetable market.

The old prime minister, Shang Rong, and the emperor's uncle Bigan glared at Fei Zhong, but they just glared at each other without saying anything.

Because they knew very well that since Fei Zhong dared to do this, he must have been fully prepared. Does a small senior doctor have such great influence?

Of course not, so it is self-evident who is manipulating behind this, except for the high-ranking emperor above, who else can there be?

Compared with the restraint of the civil servants, Huang Feihu, the son of Huang Gun, looked at Fei Zhonghou with murderous intent, stood up and saluted: "My emperor, my father Huang Gun is very loyal to the great merchants. Thousands of people from the Huang family died in the battle, there must be some treacherous villain who framed them, I hope my emperor will investigate clearly."

"I hope my emperor will see clearly!"

"I hope my emperor will see clearly!"


Veteran Huang Gun was well-known in the great merchant army, and the generals who stood up to intercede for Huang Gun at this moment, at least one-third of the generals in the nine halls.

This made the grand master Wen Zhong who had been silent all the time very worried. Everyone knew that the veteran Huang Dagon would not rebel, but in the eyes of the Emperor, Huang Dagon already had the ability to rebel, and nearly one-third of the court All the generals can be regarded as the disciples and old officials of the Huang family.

In this way, the more people begged for mercy, the more dangerous Huang Gun would be.

Human Emperor Xin looked lazily at Huang Gun, who was always with the old god, and asked, "Huang Aiqing, don't you want to explain? Conspiring against such a thing is a serious crime."

At this time, Huang Gun, who was standing behind Grand Master Wen, stood up and said righteously: "The veteran has a clear conscience, and please His Majesty the Emperor to look into it."

"Sword Comes"

His Huang family was born and died for several generations of great merchant emperors, and he may be greedy for power, but he never thought about subverting the emperor.

The sages of the human race had insight into the world, so how could they allow the Huang family to overthrow the position of the emperor?

"Bah, do you still have a clear conscience?" Fei Zhong cursed, and then ordered the Human Emperor's Guards waiting outside the Jiujian Hall to hurry in with the evidence.

It didn't take long for dozens of Human Emperor's Imperial Guards to carry a large amount of evidence, as well as evidence dug out secretly from Huang's house, into the Nine Halls.

At this time, Emperor Uncle Bigan sighed, and then fell silent. He knew that even if Huang Gun survived this time, he would have to be driven back to his hometown to take care of him.

The Huang family!

After all, it was still a threat. His eldest nephew's control over human beings was just too impatient.

Fei Zhong smiled and said, "Old General Huang, the evidence is right in front of you, in broad daylight, what else do you want to say?"

This evidence is all true, none of them can be faked, at least they all come from the back garden of Huangfu.

Concubine Su is really exhaustive, this time he wants to see how the Huang family can turn around.

The Human Sovereign looked at the evidence brought in by the imperial guards, supported the Human Sovereign's throne, smiled slightly, and said: "Old General, although I believe in the loyalty of the Huang family, these evidences are placed on top of the nine halls. The emperor needs an explanation!"

The Huang family is indeed loyal, but whether it is loyal to him, the great merchant, or to Xi Bohou, it is not certain.

It is the greatest crime for a Xibohou to openly win over his subjects. If it were not for the face of those sages in Huoyun Cave, Xibohou's territory would have been razed to the ground long ago.

"I have nothing to say, and I wish to let my emperor send me down."

After carefully looking at the evidence and the photos sent by the Star Observatory, the veteran Huang Gun said helplessly.

He is very clear that although the Huang family has a lot of power in the court, they also have many enemies. Although his daughter is the emperor's concubine, his daughter is not the only concubine of the emperor. Concubine, he has an inextricable hatred with his Huang family.

This time, the attack on his Huang family seemed to be done by Concubine Su, senior doctor Fei Zhong, and state teacher Shen Gongbao, but in fact the only person behind the scenes was Renhuang.

As for whether the great sacrificial wine in the Star Observation Tower contributed, that's unknown, but there were so many dirt buried in his house, but the cloud mirror didn't move at all. Why?

The human emperor Xin got up, looked at the veteran Huang Gun who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "Although I believe in the loyalty of the old general, it is a big matter. After finding out the truth, the old general will definitely be innocent."

He will not move the Huang family for the time being, but the military power in the hands of the Huang family must be handed over. As the emperor, he naturally learned a lot of news about the conferred gods.

Naturally, he would no longer allow the Huang family to control nearly half of Da Shang's practitioners, as well as the millions of troops on the frontier.

Huang Feihu wanted to explain something, but was stared back by Huang Gun. Huang Feihu, who knew that his father was kind and his son was filial, naturally didn't dare to say anything, so he had to retreat to the train.

Soon after, the Emperor's Imperial Guard led the veteran Huang Gun to the prison.

What happened here, the emperor dispersed, and the nine halls were completely empty.

At this time, the human emperor Xin issued two orders, one went to the harem, ordering Huang Fei to enter the cold palace.

The other way is to go to the Star Observation Tower and dismiss Su Xuan, the Grand Priest of the Star Observation Tower. The Grand Priest of the Star Observation Tower has always been held by the immortal family of the human race.

Although Su Xuan is currently in charge of the Grand Sacrifice Wine in Guanxing, Di Xin still has a taboo against this disciple who is taught to be his direct disciple, not to mention that Su Xuan violated his taboo.

The white fox was really stupid, he would say everything after a little questioning, so the human emperor Xin naturally wouldn't let Su Xuan sit on the seat of the Grand Prix in the Observatory of Stars.

Sitting on the Emperor's throne, Di Xin looked at Fei Zhong who still hadn't left, and said, "Doctor Fei, why don't you leave yet!"

Fei Zhong said with a bitter face, "I would like to tell my emperor that I dare not leave for fear of being beaten to death by the Huang family on the road."

Human Emperor Xin laughed loudly and said, "Fei Qing, there is no need to worry. If you are beaten to death, the entire Huang family will be buried with you."

After hearing these words, Fei Zhong walked out of the Nine Halls with a bitter expression on his face.

At this time, in the nine halls, only the sound of the human emperor Xin's laughter remained.



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