Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 291: The famous Su Jijiu

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A few days ago, Huang Bao, the little commander of the Human Emperor's Imperial Guard, went to the Guanxing Tower to find trouble with the newly appointed Su Jijiu when he was chasing the white fox.

But that night, Huang Bao, the little commander of the Human Emperor's imperial guards, died. After many investigations by the Huang family, after spending enough resources to pile up an immortal family, he finally found out Huang Bao's whereabouts. But even if you really know.

There is no way to go deep into the eighteenth floor of the nether world to fish people out. The relationship between the human race and the witch race is not very good. It may be possible if the human emperor asks for it, but how can the human emperor do it for a trivial relative? How about going to ask Empress Dowager?

Not to mention that the Human Sovereign is willing, even the Human Race will not agree. His Majesty the Human Sovereign of the Great Merchants, bowed his head to the Wu Clan.

So the Huang family, intentionally or unintentionally, spread the news that the culprit who caused Huang Bao's death and fell into the eighteenth floor of the underworld was Su Jijiu, who was from the Star Observatory.

For a while, the Star Watching Tower located in the center of Chaoge City attracted the attention of countless people.

Because of Su Jijiu's cultivation level and his status as a direct disciple of the Renjiao, Dashang naturally began to obey the law, unlike before, relying on a certain nobleman's words, he could obey the law. people go to jail.

The Huang family can find out the news, but the doctor who is a subordinate of the Emperor, who specializes in investigating the case, is unwilling to compare the truth. After all, even if it is found out, so what?

Could it be possible that just because of a little yellow leopard, he beheaded the little moral mage, a direct disciple of Renjiao, who was personally appointed by the Taoist ancestor?

Let's not talk about whether this is reasonable or not, if you arrest him with great fanfare, won't he run away? Could it be that because of the Yellow Leopard, the Emperor of Heaven couldn't start a war with the Three Religions?

After all, this is not the ancient times of the Three Sovereigns, when the human race was able to suppress the Heavenly Court, the Three Sovereigns relied on their extensive connections, and wherever the Human Sovereign's decree went, someone would give him face.

For several days in a row, Fei Zhong, the senior doctor who was in charge of investigation, just drank and had fun all day long, and didn't care about the things His Majesty the Emperor casually mentioned.

In the end, the notorious senior doctor Fei Zhong gave Huang Bao, the little commander of the imperial guards, the result of being condemned to death by heaven.

This made the Huang family, who already felt wronged, had to spread some news in Chaoge City, that the Guanxinglou Su offered wine, and the fox demon was raised in captivity.

For a while, the name of Su Jijiu in Guanxinglou became very famous!


Stargazing downstairs!

The previously collapsed courtyard wall has been cleaned up completely. The craftsman who specially built the palace for the emperor got the understanding of an old man in the court.

The original courtyard wall of the Observatory of Stars was directly expanded by more than ten thousand steps. The courtyard that was originally only a few thousand acres in size has now increased by more than ten times.

"Su Jijiu, a letter from Master Fei Zhong."

Yin Xun trotted all the way, and handed the letter in his hand to Su Xuan.

After Su Xuan took the unopened letter from Yin Xun's hand, he said, "What is the relationship between you and Fei Zhong, the senior doctor who was ordered by the Emperor to be in charge of the disappearance of Huang Bao, the little commander of the Imperial Guard?"

For Yin Xun to take such a big risk to deliver the letter to him, either Yin Xun has some kind of oblique relationship with Fei Zhong, or this kid took money.

Compared with the former, the latter is obviously much more serious.

Yin Xun raised his head and chest, and said proudly: "The senior doctor, Fei Zhong, is my wife's uncle."

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been able to grab the opportunity to work in the Guanxing Building!

As the old saying goes, there are people in the court who are easy to handle.

Su Xuan asked with interest: "Is that so? But you are not afraid, I will use this reason to expel you?"

Yin Xun whispered nervously: "Su Jijiu, but I'm even more afraid, my wife hit me!"

While speaking, Yin Xun's face revealed a look of horror, probably because he thought of something more terrifying.

Su Xuan looked at Yin Xun with such a posture, and joked: "A dignified practitioner of the Yuanshen realm is actually afraid of his wife, you are really good enough!"

Yin Xun looked at Su Jijiu who was sitting on the chair, and thought to himself, aren't you also afraid of Madam, terribly afraid?

But he knew that if he said this, this Su Jijiu would definitely kick him out of the Observatory. He was not a coward, but he was reluctant to bear the ridiculously high salary of the position in the Observation Tower, which had more money and less work.

Su Xuan looked at Yin Xun who was about to suffer: "Okay, you can go to Zuixianju to watch now, this time the food made by Zuixianju is a bit lighter, and the big fish and meat all day are really a little tired .”

Yin Xun said: "Your subordinate, go now!"

Like Yin Xun, who had been pardoned, he ran away in a flash.

At this time, the door of the Star Observation Building was wide open, and Mo Shanshan, who was holding the white fox, walked out of the building. Mo Shanshan looked at the letter in Su Xuan's hand and said, "Fei Zhong's reputation is not very good, and I don't know that this Doctor Fei, what's the purpose of sending you a letter this time?"

From some intentional or unintentional rumors, Dr. Fei Zhongfei's reputation can already be called a notorious person.

Su Xuan opened the letter, scanned it briefly, and said with a smile: "What's the idea? Of course it's a trick to kill someone with a borrowed knife. Fei Zhong had a feud with the Huang family, and Fei Zhong decided Huang Bao's death to be punished by God~ Fei Zhong found out that the Huang family spread the news that I kept a fox demon in captivity in Chaoge City, with the intention of flattering Ren Huang and plotting against others, Fei Zhong wanted me to write to Ren Huang and sue the Huang family for false accusations."

Mo Shanshan fiddled with the snow-white fur of the white fox, and said, "This Doctor Fei is quite well-informed. It seems that this knife can't be borrowed."

People don't offend me, I don't offend others. At this time, she and her family Su Xuan have always followed the bottom line, but now that the Huang family is bullying them, and they are indifferent, wouldn't it make people laugh.

The white fox in Mo Shanshan's arms was stabbed when he heard that he had become a fox demon invited to be dedicated to the Emperor. The white fox gritted his teeth and said, "Senior Su, you must write to the Emperor to let the Huang family know that Senior Su's majesty cannot be offended. One day, I will destroy the Huang family."

The white fox's ruthless words echoed in the courtyard of the Star Observation Building. Caiyun, who just came back from the outside, didn't pay attention to the white fox's clamor.

After all, it's just a white fox, and the fox fairy who wanted to make the empress's natal family ruined and destroyed Qingqiu couldn't do it.

But after Su Xuan heard this, he said sternly: "You are so hostile, be careful if you are killed in the future, and you don't know how you died. I will punish you for copying the Tao Te Ching three hundred times."

The white fox froze immediately. These days in the star observatory, she didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, but she had copied the Tao Te Ching at least a thousand times with her paws.

Baihu said dejectedly, "Aunt Shanshan, I don't want to copy the Tao Te Ching anymore."

Mo Shanshan directly put the white fox on the table, and ordered Caiyun to take out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and watched as the white tiger dipped its paws in the ink and copied the Tao Te Ching on the rice paper.



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