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In the eight hundred miles of Heishan, strangers can't come back after going, even if the strong dog goes, they will be punched a few times.

As the monster with the most resounding name and the most blood-eating food in a thousand miles, the name of the Black Mountain Demon has long been resounding in the north and south of Guobei County.

The ghosts passing by came to the Heishan Realm for eight hundred miles, and when they arrived in Heishan City, who would not be able to eat a good meal of blood, and which monsters passing by would not say a word when they went outside?

Originally, Black Mountain was not called Black Mountain, and the King of Black Mountain was not some kind of high-level monster, and he couldn't even be named.

But as the heavens and the underworld were closed one after another, this little demon King of Montenegro fell in love with a certain mysterious old demon.

At that time, the black mountain demon, who was still a minion, was stunned. He survived all the demons in this area. Even a pig can become a fairy if he lives for a long time, let alone a demon whose body is stone marrow?

So the king of Montenegro embarked on a leisurely life of waking up to control the land of twenty counties, lying drunk on the knees of female ghosts, and eating some blood for nothing.

It's not that there are practitioners of the three religions on weekdays, who come to slay demons and eliminate demons, but they can't stop them from twenty or so counties in a radius of thousands of miles.

The practitioners who came to slay demons and eliminate demons in the past are now several feet high on the graves. From time to time, the black mountain demon who has become the king of Montenegro will also go to the grave of an old friend with wine, chanting a sentence of the former poet Li Bai's poems pay tribute to those old friends who want to kill demons.

On this day, the eight hundred miles of Montenegro seemed particularly festive.

Demons and ghosts of different shapes, ghosts and ghosts, unscrupulously showing their cultivation in the eight hundred miles of Black Mountain, declaring the strength of the eight hundred miles of Black Mountain.

Master Heishan, who has been in seclusion for three months, is about to leave.

Master Heishan has left the customs, so the blue sky of millions of demons in Guobei County, a land of more than 20 counties with a radius of thousands of miles, will come back!

The old master of Heishan Qingtian is back, that nosy teacher, can he still survive?

Of course it can't!

But in the Heishan Cave Mansion at the core of the eight hundred miles of Heishan.

The King of Montenegro, that is, the old demon of Montenegro, stood in front of a projection in fear, listening to the instructions from the upper peak.

There are no figures in the projection, and there are no shadows of monsters, only a cloud of black as ink.

"A Daoist celestial came to this world, and the order from above is to let that Daoist celestial be enchanted in this world. If necessary, some dignified means can be used to let them know that this is the world covered by Lord Rahu. When Buddhism comes to this world, you have to be enchanted by demons, even when demons come, you have to enter demons again, after you complete this mission, I will pick you up to another world and make you a **** in the sky." Demon An angry voice appeared in the cave.

The old black mountain demon in red and colorful clothes asked, "Master, are you joking? I am a cultivator in the realm of celestial immortals, but I am a ghost! I am afraid that if I cannot walk in front of others, I will die."

The old black mountain demon who has lived for tens of thousands of years and experienced countless battles between practitioners knows that only living is the last word. Even if he is a senior in the devil way, he would never want him to be cannon fodder in the past.

His grandfather, Heishan Old Demon I, and his father, Heishan Old Demon II, have not received any news for two hundred years since they were taken over, so they must be dead.

The magic energy in the projection suddenly changed, and he said very angrily: "Stupid? Spreading rumors! Celestial practitioners are great for you. Isn't your relative who is the emperor already dying? Let your relative Come on! Hundreds of thousands of mortals will go to see if that Daoist celestial being dares to do it."

Although this world has been snatched by their demons, there are still Taoist and Buddhist sects making trouble in it, but no matter how coquettish the immortal family is, they dare not slaughter hundreds of thousands of mortals out of thin air!

That was a violation of the rules of heaven, and now he found that the rules of heaven in the old man Yuhuang's house were really good, because they didn't have to obey the rules of heaven, on the contrary, the rules of heaven were their weapons.

Heishan old demon immediately collapsed when he heard the method of senior Mo Dao, and he said: "Then do it according to senior's idea! I just heard that the Taoist celestial being: If one person comes, the Taoist celestial being will become a demon, and the other person will come here." ..."

The cloud of demonic energy in the projection, Jie Jie Jie Jie said with a smile: "Hei Shan, are you crazy? If you want to die, don't implicate the old man. It is the meaning of the demon ancestor to let the Taoist celestial being bewitched. If you really dare to have any crooked thoughts , then wait for the next eighteen floors of hell!"

Letting the immortal family fall into the devil's way is the established policy of the demon ancestor. As long as there are enough immortal families who have fallen into the devil, everyone will be able to drink and eat meat together on the battlefield in the future. If you don't become a demon, the heavens and myriad worlds are in the pocket of their demon way.

Hei Shan fell to his knees and shouted: "This subordinate is guilty, this subordinate is guilty!"

Looking at the very obedient and obedient Heishan old demon, the ball of devilish energy rolled up and down, and said: "It's good to know, don't have any wrong thoughts, you are just a ghost."

Then the projection dissipated, and in the Heishan Cave Mansion, the old Heishan demon regained his former aura. After all, in this place, as long as the senior demons don't come, he is the blue sky!

The old black mountain demon ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ who walked out of the cave immediately ordered his subordinates to release the news that there is a **** in Guobei County who came to the world, and that eating knowledge can lead to longevity.

At this time, the capable subordinate of Heishan old demon, the green-faced ghost king, came over with an account book and said, "Master Heishan, this time you are marrying the twenty-eight-year-old daughter of the Li family in Qingxi County, and the Li family has already sent her here." Right in the front yard."

Talking about the green-faced ghost king, he was still writing and drawing in the account book, recording that in a certain year and a certain month, Master Heishan married the thirty-sixth concubine.

The black mountain old demon said with a smile: "Then why don't you take me there quickly, I will be the bridegroom again tonight."

"Yes, yes, the little one will take the adults there."

The young ghost king led the way in front, and the thirty or so demons who had already prepared behind carried the racks and walked towards the front yard of the eight hundred miles of Heishan with gongs and drums.

Along the way, for Master Heishan to marry the thirty-sixth concubine, many monsters are envious and jealous!

Back then, if their ancestors hadn't been for the head iron, who dedicated their demon lives to the big demon family, now they would have three wives and four concubines, and eat blood every now and then, so why would they have to consider whether they have money in their pockets even to buy blood food now? Where is the money?

They all went to learn the dialect from the foreign monsters. After learning the dialects of the foreign monsters, they would be able to eat blood in the Black Mountain Realm.

When the welcoming team of the Black Mountain Old Demon arrived at the front yard of the Black Mountain Realm, it was already dark.

Outside the front yard, a lot of blood food had been disemboweled and served on the dining table.

Many monsters who came to hug the banquet ate a pot full of them.

Goblin? Naturally, raw and cooked are not taboo, and some even personally performed the operation, and a blood food piece came on the spot.

It is a scene of demons, ghosts and sprites.



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