Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 251: Blessed by the ancestors, the three disasters must pass!

"Then it's time for the three calamities!"

After saying this, Su Xuan walked down the Banhu Pavilion and opened the door, came to the terrace, and hugged Mo Shanshan tightly.

They haven't seen each other for nine months. This time is indeed a long time for them who have just been married for only two or three years.

After a long time!

Mo Shanshan sensed the obscure aura that was gestating above the blue sky, and she said worriedly: "After picking the Celestial Immortal Dao Fruit, it should be the three disasters. You will definitely use the half box of runes."

She has read a lot of Taoist books about the benefits and harms of the three disasters of the immortals. Unlike the ordinary three disasters that come only once in five hundred years, the three disasters after picking the fruits of the heavenly immortals came from somewhere. Come on the road.

It is a test for those who pick the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit, and it is also a kind of liquidation. If you survive it, you will be a real Heavenly Immortal.

can't get over...

Can't get over it, but why can't it get over it?

Su Xuan looked at the box full of talismans, and said, "When I came down, I paid my respects to the Patriarch. The Patriarch blesses you. The three disasters must pass. After so many years, don't you believe me? When will I Do things you're not sure about."

He did pay homage to the Patriarch when he went downstairs, and he and the Dao Patriarch did indeed have some sympathy, but in matters such as crossing the catastrophe, he was the real deal and there was no room for falsification.

All things are born to support people, and people have nothing to repay the sky. But in terms of the Dao, there will be no liquidation for the Dao and fruit generated between whether there is change or not.

But the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. Since the practitioners are in the world, they will naturally be governed by a realm of heaven.

To become a celestial being is the way of detachment, the world does not owe him Su, but Su owes heaven and earth!

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan said: "I believe that my family, Su Xuan, will naturally be able to survive the three disasters and become a celestial being."

At this time, a jade book appeared in front of Su Xuan out of thin air. After seeing the appearance of this jade book, many smiles appeared on Su Xuan's face.

At this time, the jade book!

In the future, if we walk through the heavens and myriad worlds, will we be a person with status?

But when he saw the Daoist name on the jade book clearly, he couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Many people say I'm hypocritical, but Daozu, why did you call your disciple a little moral master?" ?”

After Mo Shanshan saw the Taoist name on the jade book, he said: "It seems that the Patriarch also hopes that you will do more moral things in the future."

"Master of Morality!"

After Su Xuan grunted, his complexion changed suddenly. He hurriedly stuffed the jade book into the arms of his family, and sent his family's mountain to the cliff on the river bank.

next moment!

Where is the Banhu Pavilion, where is the riverside house, after the strong wind blows, all of these are gone.

Only Su Xuan stood in the gust of wind. Su Xuan sensed the wind disaster that had engulfed several miles tightly, and couldn't help laughing: "The people in the Haotian world, this world, and the world in my previous life are all at this moment. Are you here to collect debts? But I really have no money!"

Facing the several strands of heavenly aura that were exposed in the strong wind, Su Xuan directly took out the jade book and shook it in the strong wind.

And those wisps of heavenly breath with different scores all dissipated after seeing the jade book, because it was the jade book of human education at that time.

After the aura of heaven dissipated, he blew his body again, and then blew the gust of the Immortal Family's innate immortal spirit, constantly washing Su Xuan. This is a test, this is a liquidation, and it is a blessing.

It's a pity that not only the immortal family who picked the heavenly immortal fruit can resist this blessing, but most of those who can't resist this storm have become immortals.

Su Xuan waved his sleeves and said: "This wind disaster is indeed interesting, but it's over here."

The next moment the gust of wind dissipated, but it took only a moment for the gust of wind to dissipate before a sky fire rose from outside the world and fell into the world.

People who witnessed the fall of the sky fire for a while began to avoid it, but the sky fire has a spirit, and no one can burn it except for those who burn through the calamity.

Standing on the top of the cliff, Mo Shanshan watched the calamity of fire one after another. She didn't transmit any sound, because she knew that at this critical moment, she must not disturb her family, Su Xuan.

The wind blows the soul of the body, but the fire burns an inch of the Lingtai!

"In the square inch of the Lingtai, a big fire broke out, so that's how it is! Refining Mind Ape, it turns out that this fire has burned thousands of distracting thoughts in the past. One thought gave birth to thousands of distracting thoughts, and one thought calmed thousands of distracting thoughts."

Facing the menacing fire disaster, Su Xuan still did not fear at all, and went straight into the fire.

A moment later, Su Xuan caught fire

It seemed that the clothes on Su Xuan's body were not damaged at all by the fire, but within an inch of Su Xuan's mausoleum, a raging fire had already ignited.

From what he saw and heard in his previous life, all this moment was burnt out by the fire of this day. He sensed those distracting thoughts and recited in his mouth: "Tao can be said, but it is not eternal. Names can be named, but they are not eternal... "

After reciting the Tao Te Ching once, Su Xuan surrendered to the catastrophe of fire and fire. This is really the blessing of the patriarch, and the three disasters will surely pass!


After the calamity of the sky fire dissipated, Lei Jie gathered and dispersed in the air for many times, and then dispersed directly. Just when Su Xuan was puzzled, a gourd fell from the sky.

Su Xuan looked at the traces on the lake gourd that had been pierced by lightning, and he already understood in his heart where the gourd came from, and why the thunder calamity dispersed.

Seeing the thunder calamity dissipate, Mo Shanshan drifted back to the former site of the riverside house, she asked: "Since it is the benefit of the three disasters, why didn't the thunder calamity come down instead, instead it dispersed."

Su Xuan took off the gourd that had just been hung on his waist, and said with a smile: "When I was in retreat a few years ago, I never went to see that gourd. Now that I think about it, it must be the Dao ancestor who made a new spirit treasure for us. That gourd is compatible with my aura, so it can naturally be used as a substitute for robbery."

The three disasters are wind, fire and thunder!

Wind and fire are difficult to overcome, and thunder calamity is even more difficult to overcome.

In a certain sense, Lei Jie is more about the final venting of Tiandao's dislike of your achievement as a celestial being.

It would be the best if he could kill a celestial being who had survived the two catastrophes of wind and fire, even if he couldn't kill him, he could vent the anger of heaven and earth.

Mo Shanshan played with the and said: "Then when we meet the patriarch and the old man in the future, we must thank him very much. If there is no patriarch, you will probably be ashamed."

After hearing this, Su Xuan turned towards a certain direction, cupped his hands slightly, and said: "Since the Patriarch has given me the title of Little Moral Master, I should do more moral things in the heavens and myriad worlds to repay the kindness of the Patriarch."

When I travel to the heavens in the future, beheading a few fellow villagers who used the Tao Te Ching of the patriarch but refused to sign it is probably the best way to repay my gratitude.

After all, Daozu's strength does not require him to go through fire and water.

Mo Shanshan said: "Preach the Tao, pass on the way of the ancestors."

Su Xuan smiled and said: "Then preach, pass on the way of the ancestors."

Then the Louchuan appeared on the river, the two looked at each other and smiled, and flew to the Louchuan.



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