Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 217: Xu Fengnian 3 Invites True Martial Dharma Body

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"Sword Qi!"

Deng Tai'a held the sword box, and twelve flying swords flew out, nailing the cage formation to death.

Seeing this, Li Chungang chopped down again with several swords, and only then did the cage formation begin to crumble.

But at this moment, beside Chu Lushan who was dying and about to die, a portal exuding a clear light appeared.

In front of the gate is a reed marsh, and outside the gate is a remote mountain village. In the mountain village are all poor families, all of whom are women who were misfortune by Chu Lushan, family members left over from these years.

Seeing through the loopholes in the cage array, Xu Fengnian looked at Lu Qiu'er, his heart burning with anxiety, and the imprint of the big yellow court on the center of his brow began to glow.

Xu Fengnian glared angrily, he looked at the door behind Lu Qiuer, and said: "Why do you immortals do this? Since you are immortals, then I invite Zhenwu!"

"Today, I will let you dogs see who is the immortal and who is the mortal."

In the reeds, in the cage formation, the splendor shines!

I saw Xu Fengnian's white clothes fluttering, closing his eyes and resting his mind. Behind Xu Fengnian, he saw the xuanwu phantom appearing in the world. On the xuanwu phantom, there was a big snake entangled, and then there was a beam of light that reached the sky, falling from the sky and hitting the cage **** Array.

Blocking Li Chungang's two-sleeved green snake, and blocking Deng Tai's flicking twelve flying swords' cage **** formation, it shattered at that moment.

There was a Wei Wei three thousand feet tall, with hair and bare feet, wearing a black robe, a gold armor and a jade belt, holding a sword and glaring, stepping on a turtle and a snake, and a round light-covered divine body appeared in the reed field behind Xu Fengnian.

It is the Dharma body of the nine-day true martial arts patriarch who controls all spirits and destroys demons and demons.

In an instant, the reeds swayed and turned into fly ash and dispersed.

Xu Fengnian slowly ascended three thousand feet into the blue sky and landed in front of the divine body.

It's just that Xu Fengnian's white hair really started to turn gray gradually.

Zhenwu's Dharma body is for Zhenwu's orthodoxy, and it is used by gods. From the perspective of cause and effect, the reincarnation of Zhenwu's reincarnation has a great relationship with the nine-day Zhenwu's demon patriarch, but Zhenwu's reincarnation has entered the reincarnation and filled the true spirit. Human beings are different from reincarnation in the immortal family, but reincarnation, as long as the womb is broken, you will still be yourself.

So please use your own lifespan to invite the real martial law body!

The law should not be passed on lightly, and the body should not be approached lightly!

at the same time!

On Wudang Mountain, the purple energy is mighty!

The statue of Emperor Zhenwu was shining brightly, and the big characters behind the statue also gradually dissipated, as if no one had ever engraved it on it.

Wudang head teacher Wang Chonglou looked at the statue of Zhenwu, knelt down on the ground, and said, "Emperor Zhenwu, he has appeared!"

In Wudang Mountain, no real martial arts have been seen for thousands of years!

Now that the world finally sees real martial arts, I hope that real martial arts will be real martial arts.

The pilgrims who came to Wudang to offer incense knelt on the ground one after another, and respectfully invited the Emperor Zhenwu to come to the world, so in an instant, thousands of thoughts and infinite thoughts poured into Xu Feng Niwan.


Under the blue sky near Qingzhou!

Standing on the yellow crane, holding Xu Zhihu's Hong Xixiang in his arms, looking at the real martial arts body, he said: "My brother-in-law is really awesome, I didn't expect to invite the nine-day true martial arts ancestor, but my brother-in-law invited me so hard. , Lack of love will be broken!"

A thought you randomly cut out, after reincarnation, became a person again, and now this person asks you to do this or that, what will you do?

What's more, on top of the Nine Heavens True Martial Demon Slayer Patriarch, there is Zhongtian Ziwei Beibei Taihuang Great Emperor, and above Ziwei Great Dao Patriarch Sanqing.

His brother-in-law invited Zhenwu, I'm afraid his nephew should have invited too much, and thought of Hong Xixiang here, if the brother-in-law hadn't had to be saved, he might have taken his wife away from such a place of right and wrong long ago.

Could this be a situation set up by the patriarch, nothing can be done in the sky! Too much futility!

Xu Zhihu frowned, and asked, "Hong Xixiang, tell me what will happen to Fengnian?"

Hong Xixiang's face turned pale, and he said helplessly: "My brother-in-law is the reincarnation of Zhenwu Yinian. This time, I forcibly invited Zhenwu to come to this world. I'm afraid the life expectancy will be reduced a lot in the future!"

In fact, he still didn't say a word, if my brother-in-law forcibly keeps the real martial arts body, I am afraid that his cultivation will be completely useless, and he will become an ordinary person from then on.

Xu Zhihu said angrily: "Hong Xixiang, you have to save Fengnian, but you are his brother-in-law."

In such a critical situation, the Xu family is too far away to save them, and only Hong Xixiang can save them now.

After hearing this, Hong Xixiang said, "Don't worry, I will definitely save my brother-in-law."

Then the yellow crane accelerated and flew towards the reeds.

At this moment, the reed marshes were already in a mess. Wang Mingyin, the eleventh in the world, and his group fled frantically towards the distance after the cage array was broken.

Xu Fengnian, who controlled the True Martial Dharma Body, stood under the blue sky, looked at the Qingzhou navy warships on the river, directly raised his foot, and stepped on it.

The True Martial Dharma Body followed him, and hundreds of Qingzhou navy warships and more than ten thousand navy soldiers disappeared at this moment.

After Zhen Wufa entered the water, he set off a huge wave, and the villages on both sides of the Guangling River were completely submerged.

But at this moment, Xu Fengnian just wanted to prevent Lu Qiu'er from being pulled away by that door, "Zhenwu's order, stop!"

The sound of rolling thunder resounded under the blue sky, and the portal trying to drag Chu Lushan away not only did not stop, but accelerated the speed of pulling Chu Lushan away.

Xu Fengnian's face darkened, his gray hair fluttered, and he said: "Please come to Zhenwu again!"

"Third, please come to the real martial arts!"

You can do it again, again, and again, but not again and again!

Two more beams of light fell from the blue sky, beyond the fairy world, and merged into the real martial arts body behind Xu Fengnian.

At this moment, the true martial law body has surpassed the realm of heaven and man.

Xu Fengnian ordered again, and at this moment, the door was pulling Chu Lushan.

Under Zhenwu's feet, the portal remains the same!

When Xu Fengnian raised his hand, a burst of energy fell into Chu Lushan's body, and Chu Lushan, who was on the verge of dying, became alive and kicking immediately.

Chu Lushan looked at the invisible real martial arts body, and said: "Xiao Nian is so powerful, if he is not the emperor, whoever will be the emperor."

Already feeling the flooding of the reeds, looking at Chu Lushan who is alive and kicking, at this moment, I already have a retreat in my heart.

He had thought before that he would just kill Chu Lushan after his nephew arrived, but now?

Xu Fengnian invites Zhenwu with the body of Zhenwu's one Master's nephew, the etheric jade talisman, invites the emperor. In the end, the result must be to reach the sky!

Now that his nephew has not arrived, but Hong Xixiang dare not let Xu Fengnian stay like this, he lives in Wudang in seclusion, which can be regarded as an inheritance from the Nine Heavens True Martial Dangmo Patriarch.

How can there be Xu Fengnian, who slaughters mortals with the power of the world with the real martial arts body.

When immortals fight with each other, mortals fight with each other, and gods fight with each other, there will be no punishment from heaven, but if you cross the boundary, there will be punishment from heaven from the thirty-third heaven.

"Little brother-in-law, stop quickly!"

Hong Xixiang walked through the air and came to Xu Fengnian a hundred feet away, trying to stop Xu Fengnian's trip.

But Xu Fengnian's eyes are red, how can he listen to persuasion?



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