Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 211: I sent thunder to Beiliang

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"Here comes the crane!"

Following Su Xuan's soft drink, the yellow crane that had become a spirit was caught back by Su Xuan with no distance.

The yellow crane with blank eyes wanted to run away after seeing Su Xuan, but when that yellow crane really met Su Xuan's murderous eyes, he had no choice but to obediently let the two stand up. .

The yellow crane sings clearly and flies high above the blue sky.

Su Xuan waved lightly, and a volume of Daoist scriptures fell into his hands. On the already yellowed cover were written the words "Five Thunders and Correct Fa".

But after flipping through it for a while, Su Xuan closed the book of Taoism. The book of Taoism is indeed difficult to understand, but it is actually a truth, you have to have someone on it.

It is indeed very difficult to mobilize the cardinal of heaven and earth without the acquiescence of the immortals above, but for him, it is indeed very simple, and he does not even need to follow the cumbersome procedures.

Under the blue sky, on the back of the yellow crane!

Holding the ancient moral sword, Su Xuan shouted: "The wind rises, the clouds surge, and the thunder falls!"

Mo Shanshan threw out several talismans, for the wicked, he should use evil to control evil, so as to vent his anger.

Afterwards, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan flew back to Shangyin Academy on a crane.

Then there was the wind of the nine heavens, which fell from the blue sky and landed on the Qingliang Mountain, whistling non-stop through the illegal buildings on the mountain.

Under the blue sky of the three states of Beiliang, dark clouds rolled in, covering the sky and covering the sun, as if the sky and the earth were collapsing, scaring those who believed in gods to their knees.

There are people who are proficient in the art of yin and yang divination and weft, trying to calculate the cause and effect, but as soon as they calculate the cause and effect, they vomit blood and fall to the ground.

How can a mortal body calculate the cause and effect of the six realms.

Qingliang Mountain!

Beiliang Prince's Mansion, in Tingchao Pavilion.

Xu Xiao, who was playing chess with Li Yishan, heard the rolling thunder, and asked suddenly: "Why was it fine just now, but now the sky has changed? You must know that the autumn harvest is coming, if there is a violent storm for no reason, This winter, the lives of the people in Beiliang will be difficult."

Li Yishan, who had dropped a chess piece, also frowned and said, "I calculated the recent weather before, and it was pretty much the same as usual, but it suddenly changed today, which is really strange."

Even if you haven't counted it, it's extremely strange, at least the wind should not be so loud, and the thunder is too dense.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Li Yishan pushed open the window, looked at the dark blue sky and the thunder that kept falling outside the window, and said with some doubts: "Even a great master of the celestial phenomena realm can't create such a terrifying abnormality, and the land gods are enough, so now I can't see anything either."

He seemed to have seen something, but he couldn't say it out. The immortal relied on his own likes and dislikes to use the power of heaven and earth, who can stop it? Why say it if you can't stop it? It would only make Xu Xiao scheming. It is really interesting to count a fairy in the sky, but it is not interesting to count a fairy who can easily defeat Deng Tai'a.

Xu Xiao chuckled, with a strange expression on his face, he said: "It's just a thunderstorm, let's continue playing chess, if it really delays the autumn harvest, I'll go to the capital to ask for food, those adults won't watch us starve Death, after all, without our Beiliang, those princes of Kungun have to face Beimang."

Li Yishan nodded and said: "That's true, but you still have to be careful, I'm worried that someone will take advantage of this thunder and pour dirty water on me, Beiliang."

On weekdays, there is no reason for the Liyang Qin Tianjian to find some reason to throw dirty water, let alone such a good reason now.

And just when Li Yishan was about to close the window, thunder from the sky fell on Beiliang like rain, and thunder fell from every secret spy's location in the Fushui room in Beiliang.

People in the world always shout that my life is up to me, but when the power of heaven and earth falls to my side, I can only run wildly for my life.

In just a moment, dozens of secret spies were all baptized by the thunder. Among them, the Fushuifang spies were killed or injured, only the women who were taken into captivity survived as meat hostages.

And in Huaiyang Pass where the Northern Liang Duhu Mansion resides, it is even more messy. There are faint cries of unjust souls in Huaiyang Pass, and a bottomless ravine appears along the central axis of Bad Yang Pass.

The sky thunder smashed into the city and fell into Beiliang Dufu. Chu Lushan, who was drinking human milk and processing official documents, was very unhappy when he heard the thunder in his ears.

He smashed the jade cup full of human milk on the ground. Seeing this, the guards at the side went out directly, intending to punish the woman cruelly. How dare the guardian drink it to make him unhappy? up.

But before the guard walked out, hundreds of thunders fell here, and the guard turned into dust just now.

Chu Lushan, who felt that things were not going well, turned over and was about to leave, but even if he was flexible, Chu Lushan was still a fat man weighing more than three hundred catties. How could he escape the power of heaven and earth? Chu Lushan's face was scorched black when he was hit by the sky thunder. Life or death is unknown.

At this point, a talisman, after a flash of light, the Beiliang Capital Protector Chu Lushan disappeared in Huaiyang Pass, and no one knew where he went.

Xu Shi went to the house of the enemy who wiped out all the weeds, and Xu Shi went to the survivors of the Shu Kingdom who killed the subjugated daughter of the Shu Kingdom.

As for those ordinary people, it was nothing but worrying for However, the thunder that came and went quickly still made the people of Beiliang feel heartbroken.


Longhu Mountain, beside the bottomless pool!

Zhao Huangchao, who was fishing, felt the vision of heaven and earth, and his heart trembled. This method is really worthy of a fairy from the sky. He has long been displeased with Xu Manzi. He didn't expect that the fairy would make a move first. I don't know why the immortal shot.

Zhao Kai, who had been standing aside, asked, "Did something happen, senior?"

Zhao Huangchao took back the book that he intended to hand to Zhao Kai, and he said: "The Immortal has made a move, and the phenomena of thousands of miles of heaven have also changed. Although I can't see it clearly, I can still guess that the Immortal is furious, so in Killing Xu Fengnian in Xiangfan City is the best choice."

After hearing this, Zhao Kai said: "My master is really powerful! Now let's see how my brother-in-law lives."

Although he didn't know how Beiliang provoked his master, but the immortal who defeated Deng Tai'a made a choice, those allies who wanted to come to Beiliang would definitely be terrified.

After Zhao Huangchao listened, he asked, "The Immortal accepts you as an apprentice?"

Zhao Kai smiled and said: "My master gave me a book of Daoism, he didn't recognize me as a disciple, but my master wife recognized me as a disciple."

As he spoke, Zhao Kai married off the wooden box that Jin Jia was carrying, held it in his hand and shook it.

Zhao Huangchao said solemnly: "The talisman of the fairy family, your luck is really good. To be your brother-in-law, Xu Fengnian must be unlucky for eight lifetimes."

In his opinion, Zhao Kai did have some chances, and his luck was good, but after all, he was just the moon in the mirror, a flower in the water.

But looking at it now, this Zhao Kai can be regarded as extremely peaceful.



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