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As the sun goes down, the battle outside Qingxia begins again!

Under Ye Hongyu's gathering, the allied forces of the temple collided with the reinforcements led by Emperor Tang Li Zhongyi.

As a result, the sound of fighting resounded throughout the entire Qingxia. Facing the more than expected temple coalition forces and practitioners in the coalition forces, they fell into a bitter fight from the very beginning.

Although Tang's cavalry were not afraid of the allied forces of the temple, the topography of Qingxia did restrict the charge of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry that Tang was proud of.

So Emperor Tang Li Zhongyi fought and retreated under the protection of the disciples of the academy, and did not stop until he retreated to the territory of the Tang Kingdom outside the Qingxia.

Li Zhongyi looked at the majestic Qingxia, and said: "Let's start! Our ancestors had great foresight, and now it's time for Qingxia to play its final role."

At this moment, Qingxia is not only a canyon, but also a killing formation!

A killing formation capable of killing countless people.

Huang Yang, who came with Li Zhongyi, signaled to the practitioners at the Tianshu beside him to deliver the order, Huang Yang said earnestly, "Your Majesty, the survival of the Tang Kingdom depends on this time."

Li Zhongyi asked: "Why?"

Huang Yang's eyes seemed to be outside the Qingxia, and he said: "What does the collapse of the Qingxia mean to the Taoist sect who just defeated Haotian? If the Taoist sect really wants to destroy the Tang Dynasty, the Qingxia can't stop the Taoist sect. The Shocking God Formation is probably also very reluctant."

He came to Tang country from Xuankong for many years. It can be said that now is the most critical time for Tang country. It is really inappropriate to put Tang country's safety on the Taoist attitude, but unless the master returns to the human world, everything will be empty talk.

"But Tang Guo, never afraid of war, nor afraid of death!"

While the two were talking, it began to rain under the blue sky, and the pouring rain poured into the world like the Milky Way.

Beyond the Qingxia!

Chen stopped Ye Hongyu who wanted to rush into the Qingxia. Ye Hongyu was puzzled at first, and then widened his eyes in horror.

In this heavy rain, the Qingxia Gorge, which had stood for thousands of years, collapsed suddenly, and the ground veins of the Qingxia Gorge collapsed. There are many scenes that are hard to see on weekdays.

Ye Hongyu looked at the collapsing Qingxia, and said, "The people of Tang are so violent. The Qingxia collapsed. It's not easy to get through again."

For ordinary people, or ordinary practitioners, opening up the Qingxia is indeed an unbearable price, but looking at the temple master who has no intention of opening up the Qingxia, she already understands what the temple master is going to do, nothing more than It is a trick of breaking but not destroying, at least it should not be destroyed by Taoism.

After the collapse of the Qing Gorge, the mud mixed with chance had passed through Chen's ankles. Chen turned around and looked at Su Xuan and Su Xuan in the distant field, and then said: "It will take a long time, besides I have made an agreement with Su Xuan, ordinary people belong to ordinary people, practitioners belong to practitioners, and the Qingxia is blocked by the allied forces of the temple, but how can they stop me?"

"Everyone, are you willing to follow me and go to the God of Shocking Formation together?"

The drunkard said: "Just go, Haotian has been defeated by us, let alone a shocking array."

The butcher continued to sharpen his knife, and said, "Monastery Master, the pigs raised at home are about to give birth, and I have to go back to deliver the pigs."

He doesn't want to get involved in the dispute between the academy and the Taoist sect. He and the drunkard only live for themselves. Now the drunkard wants to follow the master to Chang'an, how can he stop him?

If the alcoholic really dies in another country, he will collect the body for the alcoholic.

"This excuse is really good!" Liu Bai laughed at himself in his heart, and then said to Chen: "My lord, I still have some slack in the back mountain of the academy, so I can't go to this matter."

Chen looked at the butcher, then at Liu Bai, and said: "Butcher, your reason is indeed a bit unique, but the master is gone, Ke Haoran is dead, and even Haotian is defeated. Are you still afraid? what?"

As for alcoholics and butchers, he has already seen through them. Such people will exist at any time, but in such a clear situation, the butcher still chooses to avoid them, which is indeed a bit too cautious.

The butcher was still sharpening his knife, and said: "That's a matter of your Taoism. If the alcoholic wants to go, then let him go. Anyway, the kingdom of God has fallen into the world and the sky is no longer there. It is only a layer of window paper away from the real world. If it weren't for I want to see if Daomen will pierce the window paper, I have left this world long ago."

Listening to the butcher's words, everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky above their heads. The blue sky was much darker and gradually turned into an indescribable color, and the sea of ​​clouds rolled in it.


After Chen said a few words indifferently, he and the alcoholic disappeared outside the Qingxia.

Knowing exactly why the Guanzhu was doing this trip to Ye Hongyu, he also led the allied forces of the temple back to Taoshan. The war was over, but a war that belonged only to the great practitioners had begun again.

Above the distant sky, there were thunder explosions from time to time. Without the barrier of the Kingdom of God, which protects the world of Haotian, it is naturally very weak.

In all parts of the world, there have been many abnormal celestial phenomena that have never been seen before, such as snow in summer, and the winter climate has returned to hot summer in an instant.

However, the southernmost and northernmost parts of the world were plunged into severe cold~www.wuxiamtl.com~ a brilliant splendor appeared, and above the northernmost hot sea, a void appeared in the weakest area of ​​Haotian World .

Beyond the void is the pitch-black underworld, and the remaining barren people happily celebrate the arrival of Hades, and only the practitioners among the barren people can perceive that the vitality of the world has decreased.

There are also many famous mountains that collapsed in an instant. The river bed of the Taotao River was suddenly raised a lot, and since then the river has diverted its course, but what makes people feel the most desperate is that after the fall of the Kingdom of God, the land was broken, and the raging seawater poured into it.

The whole world is in turmoil, and wars are constantly going on. At the turn of spring and autumn, the world has fallen into a long-term war.

However, many practitioners with surprisingly poor realms have indeed easily entered the realm they once dreamed of.

Buhuo entered Dongxuan, Dongxuan entered Zhiming, Zhiming entered the Sixth Realm, and Sixth Realm entered the Seventh Realm.

The whole world seems to usher in a prosperous age of practice, but for those practitioners below the sixth realm, no one of them has ever thought about what will happen once the vitality of the world is gone.

So the practitioners no longer cling to the power in the world, they eagerly want to get out of Haotian's world and go to see outside the world, but they dare not fly to the sky.

Because they know very well that even if Haotian is gone, Zhishou is still there, the temple master is still there, and the disciples of the Daomen Zhishouguan are still there. Before the Daomen breaks the barrier, they have to stay in Haotian honestly. day of the world.

However, practitioners in the world were also relieved and then even more happy when they got the news that Su Xuan was about to get married.

Because of leaving the homeland, the days of traveling far away are not far away.



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