Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 182: I am in the world, it is heaven!

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The big river is surging, like a nine-day Milky Way, pouring down!

Come to think of it, if you don't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning, it's probably like this.

It's just that the surging river of Sword Saint Liu Bai is not the water of the river, but the sword of the river.

Su Xuan, who had already walked out of the big tent, looked at the sword of the great river pouring from the sky. He didn't look at the mountains and mountains of his family's resentment. The sword comes up from the sky, cuts through the wind and snow without returning."

Not long ago, he gave a book to Liu Bai. He didn't expect Liu Bai to figure out his obsession and enter the sixth realm in just a few days. There are people who are better than Liu Bai.

Mo Shanshan looked at Fengxue who was cut off by a sword, and Haotian Shenhui who was cut off by a sword, she said: "The sword master is still a sword master, and this sword alone breaks the rules of Haotian, but why the big river It hasn't gone away yet."

The head teacher of the Xiling Temple, Xiong Chumo, is probably in the realm of apocalypse. Even with the help of Haotian, she doesn't think that Xiong Chumo can survive such a sword. He also couldn't defeat Liu Bai.

Su Xuan took Mo Shanshan's jade arm, and he said: "Sword Immortal's sword shocked the wind, snow, ghosts and gods, and naturally he can kill the head teacher, but Haotian has not lost his power after all, since he is in the world of Haotian , how can it break Haotian?"

After a long time, Su Xuan said melancholy: "So it's up to us to fight against the sky in the world!"

Mo Shanshan stared at Su Xuan closely, and she said, "I want to go too!"

Regardless of fighting against the sky, whether it is life or death, she will be with Su Xuan.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan tenderly, and after shaking his head, he said, "Stay here and wait for me to come back!"

Immediately afterwards, he disappeared beside Mo Shanshan. When he reappeared, he had already arrived on the big river, walking with the waves. How could he let his family Shanshan be in danger in such a dangerous battle?

Haotian, who was watching the Sword of the Great River scour his own rules playfully, looked at Su Xuan on the Sword of the Great River, and said with a sneer: "Su Xuan, disciple of Zhishou Guanshanmen, you are finally here, where is your wife? ? Why didn't you come to accompany you to die?"

For this person in front of her, she felt incomparably angry. In order to eat her master and launch Yong Ye, she made countless schemes, but all these schemes were smashed by this person in front of her. Now is the time of Su Xuan's death. up.

After hearing this, Su Xuan smiled slightly and said: "This is an old-fashioned story. Once upon a time, there was a gambler who owed money and was forced to practice cultivation. The old gambler's aptitude should be very good. The old gambler awakened a certain **** in the chaos."

"That old gambler is the first gambler of Zhishou Temple. That **** should know that Lord Haotian knows that you want to eat me, but I don't want to die. There is no reason, I just don't want to die."

In the world of Haotian, there are many people who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. For example, Wei Guangming, the former great priest of light, in order to save the common people, but in his opinion, it is very important to live, and it is very important to live with the one you love. It is very important to live happily with the one you love. He is just an ordinary practitioner, so in the face of such a disaster, he can only be alone.

Haotian's face was frosty, as if recalling some bad memories, after a while, she sneered and said: "But you are going to die after all, I am the sky, how can you fight against the sky as a human being?"

She looked into the distance under the blue sky, and said, "Where is the drunkard butcher, quickly capture Mo Shanshan!"

Ye Hongyu, who had long been hiding in the distance, stood up straighter. It turned out that Zhi Shou Guan had such a strong background, and it turned out that even that woman was awakened from the chaos by the patriarch. However, if her Junior Brother Su was really that simple, he would have died long ago.

Drunkard and butcher, she heard Su Xuan mention it when she was in the Banhu Pavilion, but now the temple master has not come here, and there is no danger of being a bookworm.

On the big river, Su Xuan said calmly: "You want to use my family as a threat, but the master of the temple has not arrived, do you think the master of the temple is returning to the temple? Don't forget that you are married to Ning Que, You have entered the bridal chamber, you have fallen deep into the world of mortals, and Ning Que has already arrived."

The alcoholic and the butcher do have some fighting power, but Guanzhu is not a vegetarian, and after knowing that Zhishouguan can change the sky, will the two people who are extremely afraid of death follow the Haotian they fear?

It didn't take long for the master of the academy and Ning Que to appear on the big river in front of Haotian. Ning Que looked at Haotian who was being washed away by the sword of the big river, and shouted: "Sangsang is you? I'll come I'm looking for you!"

Ning Que desperately wanted to break free from Mr. Da's right hand that was on his shoulder, but no matter how much Ning Que tried, he still couldn't break free from Mr. Da's shackles.

After slowly shaking his head at Ning Que, Li looked at Su Xuan, and said, "It's been a while, and I would like to thank Mr. Su for giving the academy such an opportunity to give my junior brother a chance to find Sangsang. "

Su Xuan snorted softly: "Mr. Big, you'd better hurry up. You must know that this is Haotian. Haotian has lived for countless years. It is not a simple matter to awaken one of Haotian's personalities. Zhishou had no choice but to cut Haotian away."

This is a very simple question, whether it is the life of Haotian who has eaten many people, or the life of everyone including him and his You can find a solution without thinking at all. .

After Li slowly nodded, he said to Ning Que: "Little brother, go! You are Haotian's destiny, and your Sangsang is right there. It's up to you whether you can save Sangsang."

After saluting respectfully, Ning Que said, "Thank you, senior brother!"

"I have a knife..."

Familiar ballads echoed in the allied army camp of the temple. Ning Que walked on the Sword of the Great River, walking towards Haotian step by step.

Haotian looked at several people, and said indifferently: "They are all here, since they are all here, then cut off this fate and return to heaven!"

An unimaginable aura appeared outside the military tent, and the Sword Saint Liu Bai dispersed between the rivers that had been maintained for a long time. Ning Que ran towards Haotian after his feet touched the ground.

But the aura of Haotian just appeared and then dissipated. Just when everyone was puzzled, someone looked up at Qingtian.

Under the blue sky, the sun and the moon cross the sky!

Su Xuan looked at the moon that suddenly appeared, and said: "The sky does not give birth to a master, and the ages are like a long night! You really know how to play, and you can make such a big movement after ascending to the sky, but is this really Master's? Or is it true?" Someone is calling for the Master who is far away in the Kingdom of God."

It was unexpected that the sun and the moon turned the sky, but what should be beheaded must be cut off after all, so how could the sun and the moon turn the sky not to be beheaded!

Zhishou doesn't allow it, and Sangsang has Haotian's cultivation level, so he doesn't allow it either!

"It's too bright, it needs to be darker!"

Su Xuan threw the crimson gourd in his hand under the blue sky, the mouth of the gourd opened, and countless turbulent streams gushed out from it, turning into a water curtain, blocking the brilliance of the sun and the moon.



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