Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 151: Mountain Lord's Worry

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On the Attic Mountain not far from the ruins of the inn, Ye Hongyu was quite puzzled about the development of the situation, while Mo Shanshan looked worriedly at the carriage under the guard of the priest in black, with worry written all over his heart.

A few days ago, Su Xuan told her that Haotian wanted to awaken in the human world, except for finding a master, he would only wake up when Sang Sang was dying, and then mobilized to cleanse the eternal night in the world.

Regardless of whether Sangsang is awakened or finds his master, there will be a battle that will be written in the annals of history, but if in this battle, once the human world loses to Haotian, then the human world It is inevitable to face Yong Ye.

Although Su Xuan was extremely calm, she could still see the deep worry under Su Xuan's calm. After staying with Su Xuan for a long time, she can naturally see that Su Xuan, who has a little drunkenness on his face, is still using peach blossom wine to cover up the worries deep in his heart.

Mo Shanshan went to the window and snatched the wine jar from Su Xuan's hand. She looked into Su Xuan's eyes and said, "I'm very worried about you now. I think we should go fishing in Atami instead of in Wasan Watch the battle."

She knew very well how terrible the impact of the upcoming battle would be. He didn't want Su Xuan to go back, so he had no choice but to persuade him to leave.

"Pluto invades, eternal night descends!"

Su Xuan laughed at himself, and then waved his sleeves. After leaving a sound barrier, he held Mo Shanshan in his arms, and said: "Before I came to Washan, I would definitely go fishing with you in Rehai, but fate The gears have been turned, the Buddha is about to move on the chessboard, for you I must stay in Mount Va, waiting for the arrival of Haotian or Pluto."

"Don't worry, I won't stand up foolishly and have a nonsense duel with Haotian, who has countless eternal nights. We still have seven volumes of heavenly books."

These are two different results, but no matter what the result is, the final choice is in the hands of the master, and the master will inevitably make the most correct choice. After all, the sky does not give birth to a master, and the eternity is as lonely as the long night.

If you find the seven dragon balls, you can summon the dragon to make a wish; and if you find all the seven volumes of heavenly books, you can naturally change the blue sky above your head, but changing the sky and the earth is too unimaginable, and naturally it is not an easy task.

Thinking about it carefully, he and the master are actually the same kind of people, they are both weeds ostentatiously on the wall, they will hesitate when faced with a choice, but once the choice is confirmed, they will no longer hesitate.

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan said sullenly, "If you want to fight Haotian, don't leave me behind."

While fiddling with Mo Shanshan's blue hair, Su Xuan said: "When the sky falls, there will naturally be a tall man to hold it up. The previous master was as tall as the sky, but the current master is even taller than the sky. How could he not be able to resist Haotian?" Woolen cloth?"

There are different opinions on how tall the master is, but from the moment Sangsang and Ning Que got married, the master was taller than the sky, and when the apprentice married Haotian, the master was naturally taller than Haotian many.

At this time, Mo Shanshan looked at the middle-aged scholar who suddenly appeared on the street, and said, "Mr. College has arrived, I'm afraid Ning Que is going to destroy the two talismans, but I don't know whether Mr. Da can destroy the Buddha's relic. "

The Master of the Academy and Su Xuan belong to the same six realms. Although it will take a little time to break through the fish cage and bird in the pond, it can still be broken, so the only variable now is the Buddhist gatha.

Su Xuan shook his head and said: "Qi Nian will not just sit and wait for death, a person like Qi Nian will definitely eat green pears, arouse the spirit of the Buddha hidden in the Buddha's gatha, and then conduct a crazy test on Sang Sang, and then the only thing left in Master Qi Shan's hand Green pears are sent here by Guanhai."

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan asked suspiciously: "Master Qishan still has the last green pear? It's a little unexpected, but it's also reasonable, but why did Guan Hai send the green pear so late?"

There is no doubt that Sangsang will eat the green pears, so she can't figure out why it is so late again.

Su Xuan looked at the talisman that kept dangling in the ruins of the inn, and said: "The first lecture hall is in Lanke. As a Buddha in this world, it is natural to fulfill the Buddha's last wish, so the first lecture hall has blocked Guanhai."

Although the first lecturer is very hypocritical, at least this hypocritical first lecturer, facing the daughter of Pluto, that is, the matter of being reborn in the world, happily danced around.

And the final result will naturally not be so good, after all, even if the blue sky changes in the future, you must know that before this, this is Haotian's world, and offending Haotian in Haotian's world is an unsolvable problem. After all, not everyone is a master.

Mo Shanshan sighed and said: "The first lecture is for practitioners of the six realms, and the master of the Academy is also a practitioner. In the battle between the six realms, we should retreat for a while."

Su Xuan said with a smile: "The first lecturer will not take action. Once the first lecturer is taken, he can only follow the temple master and his old man to float in the South China Sea."

Thinking of this, he felt very interesting. If the two meet each other, should they suffer or laugh?

Mo Shanshan's brows widened when she heard the She looked out of the window at the disappearing talisman, and said, "My talisman is scattered."

After all, her cultivation is still a little weak. In the situation where Haotian is going down to the human world, she has to enter the sixth realm, and only after entering the sixth realm can she face the future crises with Su Xuan.

And outside the barrier that cut off the sound, Ye Hongyu looked at the window of the attic, the two of us who were so affectionate, it was hard to understand that at this moment, they still had the heart to talk about love.

Ye Hongyu looked at the two people who were still hugging each other, and said with a hasty smile, "One is a disciple of Taoism Zhishouguan, and the other is a bookworm who is one of the three idiots in the world. How can you be like the idiots in the world now?"

"Ye Hongyu, what are you talking about?"

Mo Shanshan listened to the complaints outside the sound barrier, and said with a little sullenness: "How dare you say it again."

Only then did Ye Hongyu understand that the barrier Su Xuan had set up was to block the voices of the two of them. She said with a gloomy face, "I didn't say anything, so naturally I don't need to say it again."

Seeing the two people who were bickering, Su Xuan quietly took out another jar of peach blossom wine, ready to drink it, but Mo Shanshan took it away before he could drink it.

Mo Shanshan ignored Ye Hongyu, she stared at Su Xuan and said, "Although peach blossom wine is good, you should not be greedy. You have drunk a lot recently, it is better to drink less."

Compared to Su Xuan's drinking to suppress his inner unrest, she would rather Su Xuan show his unrest on his face.

After hearing this, Su Xuan nodded slightly and said, "Okay!"


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