Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 140: Meeting with Qishan again

Outside the residence of Zhishou Temple, the disciples of Mochiyuan entered the residence of Zhishou Temple step by step under the arrangement of the Taoist who was ordered to come. It is not so much the residence of Zhishou Temple as it is the residence arranged by Lanke Temple for him.

After all the disciples of Mochiyuan entered the residence of Zhishouguan, Mo Shanshan said earnestly: "Qi Nian really needs to give an explanation, and use the stolen green pears as a gift, this matter can't just go away like this."

For a woman, the evening ceremony is only once in a lifetime, and it is a good thing for someone to congratulate you with a gift, but that master Qi Nian wants to use her evening ceremony to stir up the storm in the world, which she will never accept anyway. The matter, so both Su Xuan and she need an explanation.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan, and said with relief: "Don't worry, I will definitely seek an explanation for this matter. The Buddhist sect has been targeting the two of us since the wasteland, and now you and I are about to hold a dark ceremony, and the Buddhist sect wants to use this to make trouble again." , is indeed too much."

The ancient rites once said that those who are inattentive to the rites will combine the two surnames, and the ancestral temple will be served at the top, and the ancestral temple will be used at the bottom, so the gentleman attaches great importance to it.

Now that Fozong wants to mess up his faint ceremony, he naturally doesn't mind, and exposes the secret that Fozong has concealed from the world for many years. The pool of water in the Haotian world can only be fished if it is messed up!

"Mr. Su and Master Mo Shan meet again. The teacher invites you two to go up the mountain to have a talk."

Guan Hai, who came in a hurry from the end of the road, looked at the two standing outside the gate of Zhishou Guan's residence, and said very respectfully.

Ever since returning from Chang'an and telling the teacher about Pluto's daughter, the teacher has been frowning, and then Qingli was stolen by Qi Nian, which made the teacher's condition worse.

Su Xuan looked at Guan Hai with his hands clasped together, and said, "Ning Que, the thirteenth teacher of the academy, is about to bring the daughter of Hades to Lanke. I wonder if Master Qishan has made a choice?"

He really hates the Buddhist sect, but he respects Master Qishan very much. Probably no one would disrespect him. Master Qishan who has been suffering from the root of the disease for years.

Guan Hai, who was leading the way, said after a moment of silence, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, but the teacher didn't make a choice, but anyway, the green pear is no longer on the pear tree in front of the teacher's cave, and the teacher can no longer make a choice." choose."

He could see that the teacher was angry after Qingli was stolen by Master Qi Nian, and he also knew that the teacher had gone astray all his life. He could vaguely guess what choice the teacher wanted to make, but such a choice, for the dead It's not a good thing for Ke.

After listening to Guan Hai's answer, Su Xuan said, "Perhaps this is the reason why Master Qishan invited me up the mountain."

The year before last, he had a conversation with Master Qishan when he passed Lanke with the master of the mountain, and now it is time to complete that unfinished conversation.

In the evening, the setting sun was like blood, casting a layer of afterglow on the towering Buddha statues in Lanke Temple. The old monk guarding the mess by the Tiger Leap Stream watched several people leave.

If it was an ordinary person, the old monk would naturally introduce the rules of Lan Ke, but the old monk knew that facing a great practitioner who had already stood at the sixth level, except Master Qishan, no one could talk about the rules of Lan Ke in front of him.


One Buddha's call resounded in Huyuejian, and then many Buddha's calls resounded in Lanke Temple, as if mourning that Lanke's rules were ignored.

In this way, after walking through many mountain paths, the stone Buddha on the top of Washan became taller and taller, and the cave reed of Master Qishan was already in sight.

Revisiting the old place, Su Xuan looked at the Buddha statue, still feeling deep disgust, the Buddha is the Buddha, the Buddha is the Buddha, the Buddha is the Buddha, but the Buddha is not the Buddha.

In terms of compassion, even the first lecturer who is known as the Buddha in the world is not as good as the old man in the cave who is already in his dying years.

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Stepping into Master Qishan's cave again, Su Xuan looked at Master Qishan who was looking at the pear tree with melancholy, and said, "Master Qishan, we met again, but your health seems to be a little bit unwell."

He could feel that the death energy had sprouted in Master Qishan, except for some spirits that could prolong his life, there was no other way to do it, but facing Qingli right in front of him, he was able to turn a blind eye to it, which showed his Buddha heart firm.

Mo Shanshan also saluted and said, "I have met Master Qishan!"

Master Qishan withdrew his gaze, looked at Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan who had come all the way, and said: "Mr. Su is really lucky, I vaguely guessed that your good deeds are coming, and now it seems that it is indeed the case, but the old monk is really fine. Congratulations are given."

He was completely covered with nothing but a few Buddhist scriptures. Even the last green pear on the tree was stolen by Qi Nian and used to plot against this Mr. Su in front of him. Fortunately, Qi Nian's plot did not succeed, otherwise The world will once again make waves.

Su Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "Why would I care about a little congratulatory gift, Master Qishan's auspicious words are already the best congratulatory gift."

Master Qishan placed the chess piece behind the chessboard left by the Buddha, and said: "Mr. Su can handle the stupid things that Qi Nian did by Don't worry about my opinion, after all, Xuankong has long since rotted, and they have long since forgotten it. What is Buddha, what is compassion!"

Su Xuan, who was sitting opposite Master Qishan, said calmly: "That's a matter of the future, the most important thing now is the daughter of Pluto, Qi Nian has already been trapped in that inn by me, and Qu Ni has also sent someone to Xuankong to invite her." For the first lecture, Ning Que, the Thirteenth Master of the Academy, will be here soon, Master Qishan, what choice will you make?"

It is true that the choice of Master Qishan is quite important in this game. After all, Master Qishan is admired by the world, so the choice of Master Qishan can naturally affect many people.

Master Qishan looked at the pears that had lost all their leaves the night before, and said: "My name is Qishan, and I am honored as Master Qishan by the world. Since the beginning of my practice, my path has been different from others. I have been walking on the wrong path in the eyes of the world all my life. So my choice is naturally different from the world's."

He chose to believe in the Master's choice, since the Master wanted him to give green pears to the daughter of Hades, then he gave the green pears to the daughter of Hades.

Su Xuan looked at the inn where Qi Nian was trapped, and said: "But can Qingli really cure the daughter of Hades? Or without Qingli, would the daughter of Hades really die? As the daughter of Hades, in the sky How can Pluto, who is competing with Haotian, let his daughter die?"

He didn't want that green pear to fall into Sangsang's hands. Green pears can indeed suppress the cold disease in Sangsang's body, but the cold disease in Sangsang's body is just a disease created by Haotian. Calculating, if Sangsang awakens her divinity, how can she still have a cold disease?


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