Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 105: God sees light and also sees darkness

Remember in a second【】

Near Forty-seventh Lane, Laobi Studio!

The high priest of Xiling Tianyu and the vice president of Tianyu Academy, Cheng Lixue, entered Linsiqi Lane under the **** of practitioners from the south gate of Haotian Road, and came to the Laobi Studio. Also saw the Daughter of Light.

Ning Que, who was counting the banknotes with Sangsang, was very upset when he saw the person coming. After he kept the banknotes, he said, "Master Tianyu, as I said before, Sangsang is my maid. She will only be with me for the rest of her life, she will not go to Xiling with you, let alone become a priest of light, the position of priest of light is not rare in our academy."

Although Wei Guangming accepted Sangsang as his disciple, it didn't mean that he would let Sangsang go back with the people from Xiling, nor did it mean that Sangsang had to take over the position of the priest of Guangming. If Sangsang didn't want to, Then no one can force Sangsang.

Cheng Lixue frowned and said: "Mr. Shisan, I think you should be clear about Sangsang's current status. She will no longer be your little maid in the future. She will go to Xiling to receive the respect of the world and become the great priest of light in Xiling. Tang's Master Zeng is more qualified than you to think about Sangsang's future."

Cheng Lixue had expected such a situation, but Cheng Lixue did not expect that Ning Que would refuse so decisively, but fortunately, Xiling found the biological father of the daughter of Guangming, and that university scholar would not refuse his daughter to become the future Guangming Dao Priest.

Hearing the news of her biological father, Sangsang looked puzzled and a little excited, and she said, "My father? Is it Master Zeng Jing?"

She thought of the great scholar who had met many times, and also thought of the wife of the great scholar Zeng whom she had met in the Princess Mansion. She now believed three-thirds that Zeng Jing and his wife were her biological parents, but since Zeng Jing and his wife They are her biological parents, why would they abandon her.

Looking at Sangsang with a disappointed expression, Ning Que hugged Sangsang into his arms, and said indifferently: "Sangsang doesn't have any parents, so don't try to deceive Sangsang with these clumsy tricks. She was picked up by me." My little maid, she has only me as a family member from beginning to end."

The adjudicating priest looked at Sangsang who was held in Ning Que's arms, and said, "Mr. Thirteen, even if you are the master's direct disciple, you don't make sense in this matter. You should know Sangsang's respect for the temple." importance, the temple will not allow the seat of the Great Priest of Light to hang vacant for too long."

It has been a long time since Guangming broke out of the secluded pavilion, and as the mandate of heaven, he can't continue to hang in the position of the great priest of Guangming.

After pondering for a long time, Ning Que said: "You said that Sangsang's biological parents are in Chang'an, so we have to wait until this matter is settled before talking about it. After all, the identity of Sangsang Guangming's daughter has not been made public. .”

This is also where his confidence lies. Although Sangsang is the successor of Wei Guangming, but in the world, the people who know the news are just the number of hands, so it is natural to delay it.

Cheng Lixue said: "Mr. Shisan, you are delaying time."

Ning Que replied, "I'm just delaying time, so what can Priest Cheng do?"

He is the master's direct disciple and the guardian of the Shocking God Formation. If he wants to delay Sangsang's time to go to Xiling, no one can stop him.

Cheng Lixue wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the high priest of Tianyu, Cheng Lixue looked at the high priest of Tianyu suspiciously, and was very puzzled.

"Since Mr. San insists on this, let's come here first today, and I will come back another day."

After the High Priest Tianyu said this, he got up and left, and walked out of the Old Pen Studio with Cheng Lixue. After sending away the practitioners at the south gate of Haotian Road, the High Priest Tianyu turned his attention to the Old Pen Studio. Want to see something clearly.


Above the South China Sea!

Standing on the prow of the flat boat, Chen took out the flip book from his bosom, opened a certain page, and then tore off a certain page. He said in a deep voice: "The light and the Darkness is one, seeing light should naturally see darkness, and the mystery is only upside down in it."

The page of the heavenly book that was torn off by Chen flew up into the blue sky automatically without wind, and crossed the barrier that countless practitioners could not cross in their entire lives, and came to the outskirts of the Kingdom of God, blocking someone's eyes.

What Tianyu sees is what Haotian thinks, so the high priest of Tianyu who saw the light just now should have seen endless darkness, so Tianyu saw both light and darkness in Chang'an City.


Old pen fast outside!

A few drops of blood tears flowed from the eye sockets of the High Priest of Heaven's Mandate, and the blood tears dripped on the ground along the wrinkles of the High Priest of Heaven's Mandate, and the High Priest of Heaven's Mandate was unable to open his eyes at this moment.

Cheng Lixue hurriedly stepped forward to help him, and he asked, "You are investigating the future again, but what did you see that caused you to suffer such a severe backlash?"

There is always a price to be paid for investigating the future, and for the great priest of Heavenly Mandate, such a price is ten years of life, and such backlash is not insignificant.

The high priest of Heavenly Mandate, whose eyes had temporarily lost their light, said after leaving Lin 47th Lane, "I saw the sky full of light on Taoshan Mountain, and I also saw Sangsang coming with the light."

Cheng Lixue asked: "Isn't this a good thing? But why are you still so worried?"

The great priest of Tianyu said with a solemn expression: "I not only saw the light, but at the same time I also saw countless darkness, and Sangsang that came with the darkness. Even now, I am not sure about Wei Guangming's choice." Whether it is right or wrong.”

He saw that the light is the guidance of Haotian Dao, and he saw the darkness is also the guidance of Haotian Dao, but which one is true and which one is false?

He seemed to understand why

^0^Remember in one second【】

Su Xuan prevented him from revealing Sangsang's identity to the public prematurely. If Wei Guangming really turned a deer into a horse and asked the temple to promote the underworld girl as the great priest of, the temple will definitely lose face.

Cheng Lixue was stunned, and he asked: "Then what should we do now? Should we leave or stay?"

It is very strange that light and darkness appear on one person at the same time, how can there be such a strange thing in this world? But such a thing happened right in front of his eyes, so he couldn't help but not believe it.

The great priest of Tianyu rubbed his eyes and said: "In a few days, you send someone to Laobizhai to teach Sangsang the magic of Xiling. If Sangsang is really a ghost girl, then after learning the God of Light, no, it is impossible. Don't show your feet."

Up to now, the only thing to do is to wait and see what happens. What is Sangsang's identity still needs a certain amount of time to observe, and he has enough time to confirm Sangsang's identity when he comes out this time.

Cheng Lixue sighed: "That's the only way."




Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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