It was just dawn, and under the gray-blue sky, in the hazy morning mist, Bai Ye stood quietly beside the camp, with a firm and far-reaching gaze. He raised his hand to signal, and the soldiers quickly and orderly extinguished the bonfires one by one, leaving only the rising smoke slowly drifting away in the morning air.

"Get ready to go." Although Bai Ye's voice was low, it carried unquestionable majesty.

The soldiers packed up their gear quickly. No one spoke, only the sound of uniform steps and the slight sound of the collision of equipment echoed in the early morning silence. Bai Ye took the lead, followed closely by the soldiers. The group walked through the desolate ruins and set foot on a road that seemed to have been abandoned for decades.

The morning fog has not completely dissipated, and the air is filled with the smell of moisture and earth. The sun shines through the clouds and dapples the ruins, adding a pale light to this dead place. There was silence all around, with only the occasional chirping of birds and the rustling of the grass in the breeze, which seemed to tell the story of past glory and decline.

The road seemed unusually wide, big enough for four cars to go parallel. The asphalt on the road has peeled off in patches, revealing dark gravel and dirt underneath. The weeds growing tenaciously in the cracks sway in the wind, as if telling passers-by about the vicissitudes of time. The trees on both sides of the road have sparse branches and leaves, and their trunks are covered with traces of time. Some branches are even broken and drooping, touching the ground.

Bai Ye led the soldiers and walked slowly along this road. Although their steps were firm, every step seemed extremely heavy. The gravel and soil underfoot made a "rustling" sound from time to time, breaking the silent morning. Everyone's face was full of solemnity and solemnity, and their eyes were fixed forward, for fear of missing any trace of danger.

Among the ruins on both sides of the road, you can occasionally see some broken walls. They stand there quietly, as if telling stories of the past. Some buildings still retain their intact structures, but the mottled marks on the walls and dilapidated windows reveal the ruthlessness of time. Occasionally, a window swayed gently in the wind and made a "squeaking" sound, as if someone was whispering.

Bai Ye's eyes wandered around, and his heart was full of vigilance. He knew that in this desolate ruins, danger could come at any time. He must always keep a clear head and keen observation skills to ensure the safety of the team.

The soldiers followed Bai Ye's footsteps closely, their nerves tense and their weapons clenched, ready to deal with possible emergencies at any time. Although their faces did not show the slightest fear, their hearts were filled with tension and uneasiness.

There are some abandoned vehicles on the road from time to time. They lie quietly on the side of the road, their bodies are rusty and their tires are already shriveled. Some vehicles had broken windows and empty interiors, apparently having been ransacked. When soldiers pass by these vehicles, they will subconsciously speed up their pace for fear of triggering some mechanism or trap.

As we proceed further, the scene in the ruins becomes more and more desolate. There were even huge cracks in some places, as if they were torn apart by some force. The cracks are bottomless and seem to lead to another world. Every time the soldiers passed these places, they would speed up their pace unconsciously for fear of falling into the endless darkness.

In this desolate ruins, time seems to have lost its meaning. Bai Ye and the soldiers didn't know how long they had been walking, nor how far they had to go before they could get out of the ruins. They can only rely on intuition and experience to move forward step by step.

Suddenly, a breeze blew by, bringing up a cloud of dust. Bai Ye immediately raised his arms alertly, signaling the team to stop advancing. The soldiers quickly prepared for battle and looked around warily.

I saw a plume of smoke rising in the distance, as if something was approaching. Bai Ye frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart. He knew that in these ruins, anything unknown could bring danger.

As the smoke gradually approached, the group finally saw its true face. It turned out to be a group of wild animals walking through the ruins, looking for food and habitat. After seeing Bai Ye and the others, these animals immediately ran away and disappeared into the depths of the ruins.

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief and motioned for the team to move on. He knew that although he was safe for the time being, danger was everywhere in this ruins. They must remain vigilant at all times to ensure their own safety.

In this way, the group continued to walk through the desolate ruins. Although their steps were heavy, their faith became stronger. They know that only by moving forward can they find their future and hope.

In the ruins on both sides of the road, you can see some scattered items from time to time, perhaps relics of former residents. These items reflected a faint light in the sunlight, adding an inexplicable sadness to the ruins. The soldiers occasionally stopped to pick up these items and looked at them carefully, trying to find some traces of the past.

As the day progresses and the sun rises higher, the sunlight becomes more intense. The temperature in the ruins also began to rise, and a dull atmosphere filled the air. Sweat was streaming down the faces of Bai Ye and the soldiers, but they had no time to care about it and could only continue moving forward.

In this desolate ruins, time seems to slow down extremely slowly. Every minute, every second seems so long. But Bai Ye and the soldiers did not complain or flinch at all. They knew that only by persisting could they get out of this ruins and welcome a new life.

In this way, the group walked through the desolate ruins for a whole day.

The trees on both sides of the road are dilapidated and barren, the asphalt on the road has long been cracked, and the gaps are filled with weeds. The soldiers led by Bai Ye were on this deserted road.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid barking tore through the tranquility of the morning, followed by more noisy dog ​​barks, one after another, as if they were surrounded from all directions. Bai Ye immediately raised his arms alertly, signaling the team to stop advancing.

"Get ready to fight!" His order was concise and powerful. The soldiers immediately entered a fighting state, clenching the weapons in their hands and looking around with vigilant eyes.

Among the desolate ruins, a group of rotting radioactive wild dogs slowly appeared. Their appearance was chilling, as if they were evil spirits crawling out of hell.

The bodies of these wild dogs have been twisted and deformed, and their fur is mottled and fallen off, revealing the rotten muscles and bones underneath. Their skin was an eerie gray and covered with cracks and pustules, as if it had been riddled with radiation. Foul-smelling liquid constantly flows out of the pustules, mixing with the dust on the ground to form disgusting mud.

The eyes of wild dogs are the most terrifying part of their bodies. Their eyeballs were cloudy and bloodshot, as if they had been burned by flames, emitting a strange light. There is no vitality in these eyes, only endless ferocity and cruelty. They stared closely at Bai Ye and the soldiers, as if they wanted to devour these uninvited guests.

These wild dogs have unusually slender limbs, protruding bones, and atrophied muscles, yet they exude a strange sense of strength. As they ran, their limbs contracted and expanded rapidly and forcefully, bringing with them patches of dust and the smell of carrion. Their claws are sharp and curved, as if they can easily tear through any obstacle in their way.

The jagged, dirt-covered fangs were exposed in the mouths of these wild dogs. Saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths and made a "sizzling" sound when falling on the ground. When they open their mouths, they can smell a disgusting rancid smell, which is the trace left by radiation and disease in their bodies.

These rotten, radioactive wild dogs wander through the ruins, sometimes barking, sometimes roaring. Their cries are full of wildness and madness, making people shudder. They seem to be the guardians of this ruins. Anyone who dares to step into this forbidden land will become the target of their hunting.

When these wild dogs rushed towards Bai Ye and the soldiers, their speed was extremely fast, as if a black storm was sweeping over them. The carrion on their bodies shook constantly as they ran, making a creepy sound. Their eyes flashed with fierce light, and the saliva dripping from their mouths drew disgusting arcs in the air.

These rotten radioactive wild dogs are undoubtedly the most terrifying creatures in this ruins. Their appearance is disgusting, and their behavior is even more ferocious. However, facing such an enemy, Bai Ye and the soldiers did not flinch at all. They clenched the weapons in their hands and prepared for the upcoming battle.

As the pack of wild dogs approached, a suffocating rancid smell filled the air. The stench of these wild dogs and the smell of radiation are intertwined, as if forming an invisible poisonous mist, making people feel nauseous and dizzy involuntarily. However, Bai Ye and the soldiers did not care about this. Their eyes were firm and cold, ready to face this life and death battle.

"Fire!" Bai Ye gave the order, and flames spurted out from the muzzles of the soldiers' guns. However, these radiated wild dogs were extremely tenacious. Although one fell down in the hail of bullets, many wild dogs still rushed towards the soldiers crazily.

"Keep the formation, don't panic!" Bai Ye commanded loudly, "Pay attention to protect yourself and try to aim at their heads!"

The soldiers cooperated closely and faced the charging pack of wild dogs. They were not afraid and steadily pulled the trigger. For a moment, the sound of gunshots, barking dogs and the screams of wild dogs were intertwined, making the scene extremely chaotic.

During this battle, these rotten, irradiated wild dogs displayed astonishing strength and resilience. Their fangs and claws were swung in battle, making a harsh metallic clang. Despite the fierce firepower of the soldiers, these wild dogs seemed to be unaware of the pain and continued to charge crazily. Their eyes flashed with fierce light, as if they wanted to destroy all obstacles blocking their progress.

Bai Ye's eyes were calm as he shuttled back and forth among the team, giving guidance and encouragement to the soldiers from time to time. Whenever a soldier's firepower was slightly weak, he would quickly add a few more shots to ensure that the defense line was not breached.

"Pay attention to changing the magazine!" Bai Ye reminded loudly.

The soldiers are well trained to execute orders and remain calm and efficient even in the heat of battle. They covered each other, ensuring a constant barrage of fire.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and the last radioactive wild dog fell into a pool of blood. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax their vigilance. They still maintained their battle formation to prevent other accidents from happening.

Bai Ye looked around the battlefield, and after confirming that it was safe, he ordered the soldiers to clean up the battlefield and move on. Although their steps were a little tired, their eyes were more determined. On this abandoned road full of unknowns, they know that only unity and bravery can go further.

However, just as they regrouped and prepared to move on, suddenly, a more intense dog barking sounded again. Bai Ye and the soldiers quickly raised their weapons, only to see another wave of radioactive wild dogs running wildly from the ruins further away, more numerous and more ferocious than the previous wave.

"Prepare for battle! They are not as strong as you think, kill them!" Bai Ye ordered loudly, while he quickly analyzed the battlefield situation and commanded the soldiers to occupy advantageous terrain.

This time the dogs were even crazier, and they kept charging in the rain of bullets, as if they did not feel pain. Under Bai Ye's command, the soldiers shot in an orderly manner to minimize unnecessary ammunition consumption.

During the battle, a soldier was accidentally knocked down by a wild dog. Bai Ye rushed forward and shot the wild dog to death, while helping the soldier up and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

The soldier shook his head, indicating that he could continue to fight. Bai Ye patted him on the shoulder and encouraged: "Good job, keep going!"

The battle entered a white-hot stage again, with gunshots and dog barking one after another. Bai Ye and the soldiers worked closely together, showing amazing combat effectiveness and team spirit. As time went on, the number of wild dogs gradually decreased until the last wild dog fell, and the battlefield returned to calm again.

Bai Ye looked at the dead dogs on the ground, took a deep breath, and then turned to the soldiers and said, "Everyone has worked hard, but our mission is not yet completed. We must keep moving forward." Although the soldiers were exhausted, they still cheered up and prepared to move forward after hearing Bai Ye's words. They knew that on this challenging abandoned road, only by moving forward can they find hope for survival. Bai Ye raised his arm again and signaled the team to set off. The soldiers followed closely behind him and embarked on a new journey. Although their footsteps were heavy, their hearts were full of firm beliefs and courage. On this unknown road, they will continue to move forward until they find the light that belongs to them. During the journey, Bai Ye kept observing the surrounding environment and looking for possible dangers. He knew that in this ruin, unknown challenges could be encountered at any time. But he also believed that as long as they were united, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

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