Bai Ye stood in the night, his figure almost blending into the surrounding shadows. He stared quietly into the distance, his deep eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. Beside him, the soldiers were already ready for battle. They held their weapons tightly and looked serious and determined.

Suddenly, a low roar came from the distant wilderness, breaking the silence of the night. Bai Ye frowned slightly, he knew that those radioactive creatures had appeared. He quickly glanced at the soldiers around him and saw that they were all ready to fire.

Those tall radioactive creatures seemed like nightmares crawling out of the abyss of hell. They emerged slowly from the dark wilderness, and each step was accompanied by slight vibrations on the ground. They are unusually tall, and some can be as tall as towering old trees, making them intimidating. Their skin shows a strange color, as if it is made of a mixture of various toxic substances. Sometimes it shines with a faint blue light, and sometimes it looks like it has been burned by fire, glowing with red heat waves.

The body structures of these creatures are abnormally distorted, as if their original forms have been distorted by strong radiation. Their limbs are long and thick, the muscle texture is clearly visible, and every muscle seems to contain powerful power. Their claws are sharp and sharp, as if they can easily tear through any obstacle in front of them.

Their heads are even more chilling. On the huge heads, the positions of the eyes are replaced by two holes emitting red light. The red light seems to be the flame of their souls, jumping in the darkness, flashing evil light. Their mouths were split open, revealing sharp fangs, and viscous liquid dripped from their mouths, emitting a disgusting stench.

When these radiant creatures emerged from the dark wilderness, their silhouettes loomed in the moonlight, like a group of ghosts from another world. Although their steps are heavy, they carry an indescribable grace, as if they are dancing a dance of death that belongs only to them.

As they get closer and closer, the strong radiation atmosphere becomes heavier and heavier, making it almost impossible to breathe. Their bodies exude a strange energy fluctuation, which makes the surrounding air seem to become distorted, forming ripples visible to the naked eye.

When they came completely out of the darkness and stood in the moonlight, their shapes became more clearly visible. Those tall bodies seemed like towering mountain peaks, making it impossible to ignore their existence. Their skin exudes a strange luster under the moonlight, as if shrouded in a layer of mysterious power.

The appearance of these radioactive creatures made the entire wilderness seem to become dead. They stood there, staring quietly ahead, as if waiting for something. The soldiers were shocked by the appearance of these monsters. Their eyes widened and they nervously clenched their weapons.

Bai Ye stood at the front, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. He knew that these radioactive creatures were the biggest challenge of their mission. He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. He knew that only calmness could allow him to make correct judgments and lead the soldiers to defeat these monsters.

As these radioactive creatures approached, the soldiers began to feel a strong sense of unease. They knew that this battle would be extremely difficult, but they were also prepared and determined to fight these monsters to the end.

In this way, in a tense and solemn atmosphere, the two sides began the final confrontation. The tall radioactive creatures stood there silently, while the soldiers clutched their weapons, ready to fire at any moment. At this moment, it was as if time had frozen, with only the breathing and heartbeats of both parties echoing in the air.

Suddenly, a radioactive creature let out a low roar, breaking the brief calm. It suddenly took a step forward, its huge body seemed to crush the entire wilderness. The soldiers immediately clenched their weapons nervously, preparing for the coming battle.

Bai Ye stared at the monster closely, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes. He knew that this battle would be extremely brutal, but he also believed that as long as they united as one, they would be able to defeat these monsters.

Following the movements of this monster, other radioactive creatures also began to move slowly. They seemed to be a group of awakened giant beasts, ready to start a bloody killing in this wilderness. The soldiers are already prepared. They know that this battle is inevitable and they can only fight to the end with all their strength.

Just like that, in this wilderness shrouded in darkness, a fierce battle is about to break out. And those tall radiation creatures are about to show their true power and terror.

Bai Ye looked at these monsters without any fear in his heart. He gave the order coldly: "Fire!"

Following his order, the soldiers pulled the triggers one after another. For a time, gunshots and explosions occurred one after another, and the firelight drew dazzling arcs in the darkness. Those radioactive creatures fell one after another under the attack of fire, but their number seemed endless, and new monsters kept pouring out from the darkness.

Bai Ye observed the battle calmly, knowing that this battle would not be easy. He constantly adjusted his tactics and directed the soldiers to fight back. In this brutal battle, every soldier showed tenacious fighting spirit and excellent fighting skills.

"Pay attention to cover, don't let them get close!" Bai Ye shouted loudly.

The soldiers immediately followed his instructions, using terrain and obstacles for cover while firing continuously at the enemy. For a time, the entire battlefield was shrouded in fire and smoke.

However, despite the soldiers' efforts to resist, the radioactive creatures seemed to become more and more courageous. There seems to be an endless supply of them, and their bodies seem to be extremely resistant to bullets. Some monsters are able to continue fighting even after being hit by bullets.

Bai Ye looked at the battle situation in front of him and couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart. He knew that this battle had exceeded their expectations and that they might not be able to completely destroy these monsters. However, he cannot give up, he must lead the soldiers to persevere.

"Don't give up! We will definitely win!" Bai Ye loudly encouraged morale.

The soldiers heard his words, and determination flashed in their eyes. They know that the only thing they can do now is to fight to the end.

In this brutal battle, time seemed to slow down extremely slowly. Every second is full of a battle of life and death, and every breath seems to be a brush with death. The soldiers' faces were stained with sweat and dust, and their clothes were stained red with blood. However, they still stood firm and did not retreat at all.

Just when the battle was entering a fierce stage, a strong earthquake suddenly struck. The entire battlefield was shaking, and the soldiers had to temporarily stop shooting and cling to the fixtures around them to prevent falling. The radioactive creatures seemed to be frightened by the sudden earthquake and temporarily stopped attacking.

Bai Ye seized this opportunity and quickly observed the surrounding situation. He found that the earthquake seemed to have hurt some monsters, and their movements became much slower. This is a rare opportunity!

"Quick! Counterattack now!" Bai Ye shouted loudly.

The soldiers immediately resumed their fighting state. They targeted the injured monsters and started a new round of attacks. Under the attack of firepower, the already injured monsters fell down one after another, and the situation on the battlefield gradually began to develop in a favorable direction.

Under the moonlight, the soldiers' fingers were firmly on the triggers, and their eyes were firm and determined. Following Bai Ye's order, the sound of gunshots instantly tore through the silence of the night. The soldiers opened fire one after another, and dense bullets poured out like a torrential rain, shooting towards the tall radioactive creatures.

Every bullet carried the determination and courage of the soldiers. They drew shining trajectories in the air, and then hit the monsters hard. When the bullet made contact with the skin of the radiated creature, it made a dull impact sound, like the collision of metal and rock. The skin of those monsters was extremely hard, and the moment the bullet hit them, sparks flew out, like twinkling stars in the night sky.

However, despite the toughness of these monsters' skin, the soldiers' bullets are not without effect. With round after round of shooting, scars began to appear on the bodies of those monsters. Some bullets penetrated their skin and penetrated deep into their muscles, causing fatal injuries. A strange liquid flows from these wounds, and they shine with a faint blue light, as if telling the immortality of these monsters.

When the bullet hit the vital part of the monster, they roared in pain. These sounds echoed in the night sky, making people shudder. Some monsters' huge bodies began to sway under the impact of bullets, as if they would fall down at any time. Other monsters struggled hard, trying to continue fighting, but their movements had become slow and clumsy.

The soldiers did not give these monsters any chance to breathe. They continued to fire, and rounds of bullets poured into the monsters like a tide. Under this intensive firepower, more and more wounds began to appear on the monsters' bodies, and their vitality was gradually draining away.

Finally, with a deafening explosion, a monster's huge body collapsed. Its eyes lost their light, and the fangs in their mouths also lost their former sharpness. The soldiers looked at the fallen monster and felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in their hearts. They know that this is just the beginning, and they will continue to work hard until all the monsters are eliminated.

As time passed, more and more monsters fell under the firepower of the soldiers. Their bodies were covered with scars, and the strange liquid flowing out had dyed the surrounding land red. And those monsters that were still alive were becoming weaker and weaker under the constant shooting of the soldiers.

In this fierce battle, the soldiers' bullets became the most deadly weapons. They continuously penetrate the monster's body, causing fatal damage. The soldiers relied on their firm will and excellent shooting skills to knock down these monsters one by one.

When the last monster fell under the fire of the soldiers, the entire battlefield fell into a brief silence. The soldiers sat on the ground exhausted, breathing heavily. They looked at the monsters lying on the ground, and felt an indescribable joy in their hearts. They know that victory in this battle is hard-won, but they also know that this is just the beginning of their face against radioactive creatures.

In this battle, the soldiers' bullets became their most solid backing. They not only knocked down those monsters, but also shattered the fear in the hearts of the soldiers. They know that as long as they unite as one and face it bravely, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and challenges.

As dawn approaches, soldiers begin to clear up the battlefield and prepare to return to base. They looked at the monsters lying on the ground with awe and vigilance in their hearts. They know that there is still a long road ahead and they must remain vigilant to ensure their safety.

And this battle will become a memory they will never forget. They know that they were once here, using bullets and courage to write a legend of their own.

After a fierce battle, all the radioactive creatures were finally eliminated. The soldiers sat on the ground exhausted, breathing heavily. Bai Ye looked at the battlefield in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of complicated emotions in his heart. He knew that victory in this battle was hard-won, and they paid a huge price to gain this moment of peace.

However, he also knew that this battle was just the beginning. There are more challenges and difficulties waiting for them to face in the future. However, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are ahead, he will lead the soldiers to persevere until the last moment.

The night gradually faded away, and the sky began to turn white. Bai Ye stood up and looked at the soldiers who were still breathing. Their faces were full of fatigue and vicissitudes, but their eyes shone with determination. He knew that these soldiers were real warriors and they would go through this difficult journey together.

"Clean up the battlefield and prepare to return to base." Bai Ye said.

The soldiers silently began to clean up the battlefield, collecting the corpses and weapons of the monsters. Although they were exhausted, their movements were extremely fast and deft.

Bai Ye looked at their busy figures, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knows that these soldiers are his strongest backing and they will face future challenges together.

As the sun rose, they finally embarked on the journey back to base.

In the dim light of dawn, the soldiers began to evacuate the wilderness that had just experienced a fierce battle in an orderly manner. The air was filled with gunpowder smoke and the strange smell left by an indescribable radiation creature, making people feel an indescribable depression. However, the soldiers' faces were full of determination and courage. They knew that although the battle was over, the journey home had just begun.

Huge military trucks slowly drove into the battlefield, their tires leaving deep imprints on the muddy ground. The soldiers began to pack their equipment and carefully put their guns and ammunition into the weapon boxes in the vehicle to ensure that they would not fall due to bumps on the way back.

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