After hearing Bai Ye's order, the golden-armored warriors immediately raised their guns and started shooting. As the gunshot rang out, bullets flew out of the gun barrel rapidly. They cut through the air with a harsh whistling sound, and shot straight at Deadpool, who had begun to heal himself.

The bullet collided with Deadpool's body, making a dull sound, followed by a violent explosion. Deadpool's body was hit by a bullet and exploded instantly, splattering with blood.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood. His body, which had just grown half full, was hit repeatedly and he retreated repeatedly, with an expression of pain and annoyance on his face.

However, even after suffering such serious injuries, Deadpool's self-healing ability still works. His body began to heal again in a very short period of time, and the wounds and damaged muscle tissue gradually returned to their original shape.

The firing sounds of the golden-armored warriors continued, and each bullet hit Deadpool's body accurately, triggering a rain of blood again.

But no matter how they shot, Deadpool was able to recover quickly and continued to struggle to stand up.

This scene made the observer feel palpitations. The purple electric current lingering in his body was slowly fading away, and the pain was also drifting into the distance. However, his lucky escape did not bring him any sense of security.

The observer was stunned and looked at Bai Ye in surprise. He originally thought that Bai Ye would ignore his reminder and continue to attack Deadpool with bullets. But to his surprise, Bai Ye already had a way to deal with Deadpool.

Bai Ye waved his hand, and the golden-armored warriors immediately stopped shooting. The smell of gunpowder and the whistling of bullets that filled the air disappeared instantly, replaced by a tense and quiet atmosphere.

"What weakness?" the observer asked cooperatively, his voice full of expectation and curiosity.

Deadpool's body was hit hard against the wall by this telepathic force, and his body made a huge noise the moment it touched the wall. His body was dented deeply into the wall, and fragments of masonry and cement flew everywhere.

Seeing that the guy was temporarily restrained, Bai Ye smiled. This time was enough for him to calculate Deadpool's self-healing speed. Currently, it seemed that Deadpool could still be suppressed by firepower to slow down his self-healing speed.

Over time, several relatively large-looking pieces of meat gradually moved closer together and began to regroup. His muscles and organs made strange stretching sounds as they reorganized.

However, he also knew that this was only a temporary solution. Deadpool heals very quickly, and if you don't sustain enough damage to him, he'll bounce back quickly.

Can't they see the threads connected to themselves?

"Don't even think about it."

His body began to buckle, and his broken knees trembled, unable to support his weight. Finally, he fell to his knees, put his hands on the ground, and tried to stand up.

The voice in his head was roaring and screaming, urging him to free these poor puppets.

"Keep shooting until he's kneeling on the ground and unable to stand up."

A way must be found to deal with him once and for all.

The golden armored warriors did not hesitate and immediately started a new round of shooting. They aimed at Deadpool's head and body, and continued to attack this strange-looking enemy with dense bullets.

"Yes, you are absolutely right. If they can't understand what we are doing, we will use practical actions to make them understand."

The observer sighed, pulled his blue cloak and stood up reluctantly. His body was shaking, and he obviously hadn't fully recovered yet.


Bai Ye did not answer immediately, but turned to look at Deadpool. He saw Deadpool's body shaking under the attack of bullets, but he would recover quickly after each attack.

The guy with several black and red rags hanging on his body opened his mouth and let out a shrill roar.

However, the golden-armored warriors didn't give him any chance. They continued shooting until Deadpool's body collapsed to the ground, a pile of rotting flesh writhing and trying to heal itself.

"I'm trying to free you from pain, why don't you understand?!"

Bai Ye squinted her eyes and gently touched the silver ring with her fingers. There was a dangerous light in his eyes, as if he was brewing some terrible plan.

Deadpool muttered as he jumped forward on one leg. When he finished the last word, he had grown another leg and turned into a running state.

Bai Ye said coldly, a powerful force of thought surged out of his fingers, sweeping towards Deadpool like an invisible storm.

He looked at Deadpool's monster-like vitality, which was like an unbeatable Xiao Qiang, and his heart was filled with shock and fear. This guy's power is beyond imagination. I'm afraid that the unknown man is telling the truth.

Deadpool's body trembled under the attack of bullets. He roared in pain and tried to stand up. However, the golden-armored warriors fired too intensively, leaving him unable to have any chance to breathe.

Deadpool's body, torn apart by the hail of bullets, was squirming on the ground, as if a strange force was driving him. His body was in pieces, with all his limbs and head missing, but the remaining parts of him were still squirming, trying to get closer.

Finally, Deadpool successfully reorganized his body. He stood up and stared at Bai Ye and the observer with eyes full of pain and hatred. Although his body was badly damaged, his vitality remained tenacious.

Although the observer does not know the details, his observation instinct is vaguely telling him that all this is true, and perhaps neither the Avengers nor other superheroes can properly solve this incident.

The bald man turned to look at Bai Ye and said rather helplessly: "My friend, didn't you hear what I said? Bullets can't kill him. I think you should have seen it too."

As the gunfire rang out, bullets pierced the air again and accurately hit Deadpool's body. This time, they didn't give him any chance to heal, but used firepower to suppress him until he couldn't move.

He took a deep breath and shouted to Bai Ye: "This is not an option. Bullets can't kill him. Deadpool will always heal on his own!"

"I know bullets can't kill him." Bai Ye said solemnly, "But I also know that a guy like this still has his weaknesses."


His voice was full of anger and resentment, making everyone present feel a palpitation in their hearts. Then, he rushed towards Bai Ye and the observer, trying to use his broken body to make a final counterattack.

Bai Ye turned around and said to the golden-armored warriors, his tone firm and cold.

Observers are right that a simple bullet attack cannot truly destroy Deadpool, but for now this is just to prevent him from getting up and sneaking away.

"The thing that mutants fear most, and a terrifying virus from another universe. I wanted to combine the two things."

"Let's see if he can handle it."

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