Journey from Konoha Chapter 43


Chapter 43 sign

"Ah, this, don't worry about it."

Shisui's smile was gentle, As if nothing had happened, they were still at the familiar training stadium, as usual, and Shisui was still teaching him Ninjutsu.

"Kagami, come and fight with me once."

"Shisui brother, what are you talking about, now the most important thing is you"

Kagami He spoke anxiously.

But Shisui interrupted Kagami.

"Play against me, if you still think of me as the big brother, play with me one last time."

Kagami looked Shisui's serious face, he knew, he couldn't help it Refused, the night wind blew Kagami's face, under the moonlight, Kagami put on a fighting posture, the shadow was projected on the ground, and there was a slight trembling.

"Go all out."

Body Flicker Jutsu! Kagami instantly came to Shisui's side and punched Shisui.

But Shisui kicked Kagami first.

"It's too slow! I told you to attack with all your strength, do you look down on your big brother?"

Indeed, Kagami's speed was too slow just now, let alone Shisui, Even if you change Genin, you can counterattack.


Kagami looked Shisui's closed right eye, not knowing what to say.

"Attack with all your strength!"

Shisui spoke again seriously.

It was the first time Kagami saw Shisui reiterate the same thing twice in such a serious way, he bit his lip, and in desperation, Kagami could only do his best.

“Brother Shisui, Uchiha Kagami, join us!”

Body Flicker Jutsu!

This time, unlike the last slow Yoyo, this time, even Itachi's three-tomoe almost missed Kagami's silhouette!

Kagami's previous speed is actually a state of self-suppression, because if Kagami's speed is too fast, his own eyes may not be able to keep up with the speed of his own body, that is, he cannot see clearly. Objects, if this happens then , too fast can become a drag.

Therefore, Kagami has been suppressing his speed, but with the emergence of Sharingan, this speed has also been liberated, which is why, after Kagami opens a tomoe, he can make a momentary clone for the sake of.

Nowadays, Kagami's Sharingan has reached three-tomoe, the speed that was suppressed in the past has been completely liberated, and even 3-Tomoe Sharingan may not be able to capture Kagami's silhouette without paying attention.

"Very good! Now in front of you, Konoha's Shisui of the Body Flicker, come on!"

Shisui blocked Kagami's arm with his own.

"This should be your strength."

The next second, the second Kagami appeared on another side of Shisui, moved towards Shisui and attacked.

"Body Flicker Jutsu!"

Both Itachi and Shisui were shocked, didn't expect Kagami to have learned this move.

Shisui's smile got brighter, and if this happens then, he's even more at ease.

Shisui stepped back immediately, avoiding the pincer attack from Kagami and Shun clone.

I don't know why, in this battle, Shisui did not use instant clone, did not use Mangekyo, did not use Ninjutsu, and was in make concessions all the way, but even so, Kagami could only evenly match Shisui.

Itachi looked quietly by the side.

Three silhouettes, just beside the cliff, are fighting at a very fast speed, and their movements are very sharp. For anyone else, this is a wonderful duel, but itachi on the side, only I find this scene very sad.

Finally, with the passage of time, the battle has changed, Kagami punched Shisui's right face, this fist, Shisui was able to dodge, unfortunately, because of the lack of right eye , Shisui's field of view is also greatly reduced, so I didn't notice it in advance.

"Brother Shisui! I"

Kagami subconscious will apologize. Not long after Shisui had his right eye taken away, he must have been in pain when this fist went down.

"Don't apologize, this battle is yours to win."

Shisui didn't have a painful look on his face, only a relaxed look. Through this battle, Shisui's final not worried.

"Remember our promise? I told you before that when you defeat me, I will give you a gift."

Speaking, Shisui reached out and buckled Lowered his left eye and handed it to Kagami.

"At first I said I would give you my short blade, but you said, I have already said it, and the surprise is much less, and then I said, I will rethink a gift for you. You, No, this is the gift I thought of, this eye can perform Kotoamatsukami, this kind of Ninjutsu, a kind of Ninjutsu that can permanently change the will of others. It may not be very useful, but after all, it is a gift from the big brother, you can't dislike it. ."

Kagami kept shaking his head.

"Brother Shisui, I don't want this gift, I don't want it, take it back, I want your short blade, I want your short blade, you've lost an eye, how can you? ”

Shisui smiled slightly, and then a crow flew over, ate the eye on Shisui's hand, and flew to Kagami's shoulder.

"That's why I told you not to dislike it. Even if you really dislike it, as a big brother, you will give me a gift and accept it well. This crow, I used to give it to me.

" You made a contract with it. It is the crow I raised. From now on, it will be your Summoned Beast. I didn't tell it before. I planned to wait for a while. After you come out of the shadows, I will start teaching You clone, and then I will tell you again, the Summoned Beast I gave you.

It's just that, now it seems, I don't have time to teach you clone. If you want to learn later, just Let Itachi teach you. By the way, what's the record between us?"

Kagami choked out.

"910 losses, 1 win, reverse, it happens to be your birthday, brother Shisui, October 19th, I remember it very clearly."

In the last semester of Academy Here, since Kagami uses Shadow Clone to go to school and the main body trains every day, the number of fights against Shisui has also risen sharply.

Shisui closed his eyes tightly, and with sense, came to Kagami and rubbed Kagami's head.

"Ah, so, I'm very happy, very happy to meet your younger brother. Kagami, remember? There are two agreements between us, the first is that after you beat me, I I will give you a gift, the second is, I will not let you start Sharingan, although I did the first agreement, but the second, I missed the appointment, if you want to hate, you can hate me, I It's an incompetent big brother, the so-called Shisui of the Body Flicker, in front of his younger brother, is just a useless ninja. But, promise me, even if you can't protect Uchiha, can't protect the village, you can't be right in the future. Uchiha and the village attack! Can you promise me?"

Shisui is afraid that Kagami will hate Danzo in the future and bring disaster to Konoha, this is not what Shisui wants to see, if Shisui still has time, he Will slowly guide Kagami, but Shisui has no time, he can only stop Kagami with a promise.

"No, no, how could I hate Brother Shisui"

Kagami was already sobbing, the more Shisui did, the more he realized, Shisui next what to do.

"Then you promise me."

Shisui smiled slightly, he must get Kagami's response, so he can feel at ease.

"I, I promise you, Brother Shisui, I won't attack Uchiha and village, never. Brother Shisui, please take your eyes back, I'm so afraid of you."

Shisui this time, smiling brightly, rubbed Kagami's head heavily.

"This is the last time, but you have to rub it well, haha."

At the end of the day, this person named Uchiha Shisui still cares about him The village, clan, best friend, younger brother.

Afterwards, Shisui walked to the edge of the cliff, facing Kagami and Itachi with his back to the cliff.

"The situation with Uchiha and the village, both of you are very smart, you must be able to see that the situation is very critical now, if I die, maybe the situation will change, if it does happen. If you want to change, then, you must seize this opportunity. I also keep the suicide note. In the end, it is very good to see the two of you! In the future, protect the village and Uchiha for me.”

Saying that, Shisui started to step back.

"Wait, Shisui!"

"Don't! Don't! Brother Shisui! No, Brother Shisui, you're the only family I have left, really don't leave me, I really don't have anything"

The first sentence is from Itachi, the second is from Kagami, all Kagami's weakness is revealed in this brief moment, he bears it I can't afford to lose someone important again.

Shisui looked Kagami, in a trance, he saw that day, Kagami fell in the snow, struggling to get up, he didn't know what to say to Kagami, thought countless languages, and finally , Shisui didn't say anything. He still laughed. In the end, Shisui still thinks that he should face Kagami with a smile. He wants to leave Kagami with the best side. He is the big brother after all, how can he cry in front of the younger brother?

"Kagami, it's not snowing today, it's not cold."

Kagami stretched out a hand towards Shisui, trying to grab Shisui, constantly shaking ones head.

"Cold, I'm really cold, brother Shisui, can you come here?"

Shisui smiled and shook the shaking ones head.

"Don't stop me, Kagami, Itachi. It's Shisui of the Body Flicker's greatest fortune to meet you, my most precious friend, my proudest young brother, and finally, I have a wish , can you help me?"

Kagami asked in a trembling voice.

"Brother Shisui, you said it."

Shisui smiled slightly and fell backwards.

"Thank you for taking care of my two most important people, one is Uchiha Kagami and the other is Uchiha Itachi."

Shisui fell, and the silhouette disappeared under the cliff , No one saw that when Shisui fell off the cliff, two tears flowed from his eyes, how can you cry in front of the younger brother? Now that Kagami can't see him, he can cry.

[Kagami, Itachi, I really, really want to live happily with you, I can't bear to part with you, but village needs my death, Uchiha needs my death, you guys The eyes of the two also need my death, Shisui of the Body Flicker, death is very meaningful, I am satisfied, really satisfied, then, I will leave it to you, my best friend and most proud of me Younger brother 】

Itachi froze on the edge of the cliff, and Shisui who slowly disappeared under the dazed look.

Kagami went crazy and jumped right away.


Crucial moment, Itachi grabbed Kagami's left hand.

"Let go of me!!!"

Kagami angrily roared towards Itachi.

Itachi shook his head.

"Kagami, it's useless. You jump down and die."

Kagami's body trembled uncontrollably.

"In November last year, I lost my companion, in December, I lost my parents, and in January this year, are you going to make me lose my only surviving eldest brother? That is the only thing I can rely on. "

Itachi's eyes were full of unbearable, and he looked away slightly, unable to bear to look at Kagami.

Kagami didn't care about this, he took out the short blade he was carrying, Itachi grabbed his left hand, and then cut off his left hand!


A kunai blocked Kagami's short blade waving to his left hand.

Itachi pulled Kagami up with a forceful force, cursing loudly.

"Do you think Shisui jumped off a cliff because he wanted you to die with him? Did he give you his last eyes for you to die with him? You idiot!"


After a scolding, Kagami woke up.

It didn't snow today, but it was extremely cold, and Kagami lost consciousness. There is not a trace of blood here, but Kagami and Itachi's eyes are so scarlet.

Itachi is a pattern composed of three blades, and Kagami, the center of the pupil is a hollow, a circle wraps the hollow, on the left and right sides of the circle, there are two sharps extending to the edge of the pupil The horn is connected to the circle. Below the circle, there is also a sharp horn connected to the edge of the pupil. There are three sharp horns in total, and around the sharp horn, every empty space has a barb similar to Obito Mangekyo, but , this barb is relatively thin.

Both of them turned on the Mangekyo Sharingan. These eyes brought not only power, but also nightmares.

Kagami froze for a while, then looked towards Itachi.

"Is there a way to the bottom of this cliff?"

"You will"

Itachi looked Kagami and he realized something.

After much peril, Kagami and Itachi come to the bottom of the cliff, where there is a river.

Kagami stepped into the river with a dull face, 3-Tomoe Sharingan kept turning, as if looking for something.

It was night time and the river was cold, but Kagami didn't care.

How can this kind of river be colder than the snow a few days ago, and how can it be colder than the wind just above the cliff?

Gradually, the hands and feet were frozen purple, but Kagami still desperately moved towards the downstream of the river.

"Where? Where? Brother Shisui"

【Help me help me】

No one noticed, this sluggish child , his heart kept begging for help, he collapsed, completely desperate, he could no longer feel a ray of light, he had nothing, he was so hopeful, so wished that Shisui would appear beside him again, rubbing him head and asked him, how was the training today?

【Save my brother Shisui】

second day early in the morning.

Kagami finally found Shisui's corpse on the shore somewhere, and he smiled from his heart for the first time, and he smiled very contentedly.

Kagami walked over, carried Shisui on his back, and whispered to Shisui.

"Brother Shisui, let's go home."

That day, Shisui went home with Kagami on his back, and today, it's Kagami's turn to go home with Shisui on his back.

Going home

Hello friends! The meaning of sign here can be understood as [road sign]. This is a Hokage op. When this op was played, Naruto lost Jiraiya and Sasuke lost Itachi. I think, Shisui is for Kagami, and Itachi is for Sasuke. , Jiraiya is the same for Naruto.

With the end of this chapter, this tragic plot is officially over, and the next chapter is about to leave Konoha. Thank you friends for sticking to it. I also know that this section is rather depressing. Thank you so much!

(end of this chapter)

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