Journey from Konoha Chapter 3


Chapter 3 chakra

After everyone was introduced, Iruka started the class, the first lesson of the first school, did not leave the Kagami Institute As expected, what Iruka was talking about was all very basic knowledge, mostly [why go to school], [what to learn after school] and so on. Kagami was too lazy to listen to these things, so he started to be in a daze.

Turning his head and looking towards the window, a big tree went straight into Kagami's eyes. Under the big tree, there was a swing. Presumably, that was the swing that Naruto was sitting on when Hokage first started. A feeling of loneliness, Kagami still remembers.

"Hey, that child."

"It's that child."

"It seems that he is the only one who failed."

"hmph, that's what he deserves."

"That kind of person would be bad for a Jonin."

"that child after all"

"Hey, I can't talk about it next."

At that time, the two women sneered with contempt, did Naruto hear it? What would Naruto think if he heard it?

Thinking of this, Kagami withdrew his gaze from the window, looked towards Naruto on the other side, and chuckled in his heart.

"Women's View."

Fourth-Kage sacrificed his life to protect the village, and Naruto sacrificed his life to become Jinchuriki and Konoha's trump card. Is it countless sentences full of contemptuous eyes and vicious words?

In this regard, Third-Kage did not really do it properly. In name, it was to protect Naruto from Fourth-Kage's enemies and those who coveted Nine-Tails to attack Naruto.

The reason is that there is justice. But in the end, in the final analysis, Third-Kage's incompetence, the first Ninja Village in the dignified Ninja World, did not have the confidence to protect a child?

In the First-Kage period, Mito was Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. First-Kage killed a lot of people in the Warring States Period, and there must be enemies, but who has the courage to come to Konoha to attack Mito? Who dares?

Second-Kage period is also the same, Third-Kage is also the same, Fourth-Kage is also the same, only after Fourth-Kage's death, Third-Kage re-emerged, but became more cautious, ask for everything Steady, in order to protect Naruto, the Son of Heroes will be despised, in order to protect Konoha, Uchiha Clan will be almost wiped out, in order to ensure that the Konoha political situation will not be turbulent, even if Danzo assassinates Third-Kage, Third-Kage will expose the matter as a warning. However, in order to protect Orochimaru, after Orochimaru was found to be doing human experiments, he still refused to do his best to let Orochimaru escape.

In the final analysis, Third-Kage, when he is in his prime, his strength is still there, and he is proficient in overwhelming majority Ninjutsu, known as Strongest Hokage. How much, not aiming to achieve the best possible result, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes.


In my heart sighed, Kagami no longer thinks about these things, this is not what he should think about now, Kagami's most urgent thing at present is to find a way in half a year or a year later. Survive the disaster of exterminating the clan.

Turning his head and continuing to look towards the window, the crisp chirping of birds can be heard from time to time. In the classroom, under the leadership of Iruka, the students are reading something in unison from time to time. The breeze blows into the classroom from outside the window. Gently brushed Kagami's cheek, it would be nice to go on like this quietly and peacefully.

Unfortunately this is not possible.

Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Clan, why Uchiha Clan?

"Uchiha Kagami, I heard that you are known as the genius of Uchiha Clan, why don't you answer Naruto student's question."

Iruka named Kagami.


Kagami lifts the head blankly, just now, he has been in a daze, not knowing what happened.

Iruka naturally knew that Kagami was in a daze, and because of this, Iruka named Kagami. He wanted to see if this so-called genius didn't want to listen to the class, or did he really know it, didn't want to. hear.

"Naruto, could you rephrase your question?"

Naruto replied, scratching his head.

"Oh, I just asked Iruka-sensei what is chakra."

Iruka looked towards Kagami and motioned for Kagami to answer.

Kagami pondered, stood up and replied.

“The chakra is a kind of energy needed to activate Ninjutsu, and this energy is usually produced by the combination of the spiritual energy of the ninja itself and the energy contained in the body.”

Naruto looked Kagami sluggishly. He didn't understand what Kagami was talking about. He just suddenly heard Iruka mention chakra. Driven by curiosity, he boldly stood up and asked, but, After getting the answer, Naruto said, what does this say?

Iruka nodded with satisfaction, motioned Kagami to sit down, and started talking.

The people in the class looked towards Kagami with different expressions.

"As expected of Uchiha's genius."

"Fortunately I didn't order me, I'm sorry."

"hmph, such a simple question , I will too."

Kagami ignored the brat's opinions towards him, and looked towards Iruka strangely. Did he make Iruka dissatisfied?

You know, chakra this thing, at this time when this group of brats just entered the school, there is no need to over-understand at all, look at the original work, the Academy has graduated, Naruto they still need Sakura to tell The principle of chakra, it can be seen that the principle of chakra, this thing, should be contacted by this group of brats a few years after the Academy.

As for now? Kagami was sure that no one in this classroom, except Iruka and him, completely understood his answer.

Those who say they can answer are all hyping.

So, why does the problem of chakra appear that should not appear? Why did he let him answer? I'm afraid, this Iruka-sensei wants to use this to see whether Kagami's old bottom is hollow or solid.

Kagami looked helpless. This is the bad part of the name of genius. Some people admire you, and naturally some people doubt you.


Kagami continued to look towards the window with a smack in the dark as if it was troublesome.

It's just that, looking at this time, the big trees are gone, and the crisp calls of the birds are gone. Instead, there is a starry sky and the unique silence of the starry sky.

Above the starry sky, there are several lines of large characters.

code name: TBD

Plane: Naruto

Identity: Uchiha Kagami

Plane Repression: Medium

mission : Escape the night of exterminating the clan and survive!

Say one thing, Itachi was born on June 9, 43 of Konoha Year, and died at the age of 13, then, Uchiha Clan Downfall is the time of Konoha, June 9, 1956, a little later, when the protagonist is located It was September 1954 of Konoha, in fact, it was less than two years away. However, the protagonist here made a wrong prediction and predicted that it would be Konoha 55 exterminating the clan.

This setting doesn't make much sense, just want to show that protagonist impossible remembers all time points without mistakes, maybe in the future, protagonist will remember the time of a certain thing wrong Not sure.

(end of this chapter)

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