Journey from Konoha Chapter 10


Chapter 10 Battle

After hearing Shisui's words, Kagami was silent for a long time, he didn't know what to say, and finally, only said one sentence A little cheesy.

"Brother Shisui, you are a great ninja."

Shisui shook the shaking ones head and pulled off the topic.

"No, it's far from that, you brat flattered me too much. Let's talk about something else, you know, actually, I've been following you since you were born. ."

Kagami looked towards Shisui in surprise.

“En? Brother Shisui, you said truthfully?”

“Of course it’s true.”

“Then why did Brother Shisui pay attention to me?”

Shisui said mysteriously.

"That's because, not long after you were born, your sama found me. Guess what, what did your sama do to me?"

Kagami frowns in confusion.

"father? I don't know."

Shisui put his hand on Kagami's forehead.

"Yu, Zhi, Bo, Jing, Ren!"

He said Kagami's name word by word.

"Do you know?"

Kagami still didn't know, and shook the shaking ones head.

"I don't know."

Shisui tapped Kagami's forehead with his finger, and tapped Kagami's forehead slightly.

"Aren't you going to learn about the history of Konoha? Don't you only know about the feud between Konoha and Uchiha in recent years?"

Kagami scratched the head, some sorry admits .


For Kagami, exterminating the clan is a matter of life, and the grievance between Uchiha and Konoha in recent years must be fiercely understood. , but other history, what is that? Does it matter to my life? off? Then I look at the fart.

Shisui retracted his hand and explained.

“During the Second Hokage period, there was a clansman named Uchiha Kagami, who transcended the clan concept and thought of the village wholeheartedly. Together with the current Third Hokage and Danzo-sama, he was the guardian of Second Hokage, He is the real great ninja, and he is also my ancestor. Takayuki sama wanted to name his son a great man like Lord Clan Leader, so he thought of my ancestor.

It is naturally impossible to take the name of a great person, so your sama came to seek my consent from the descendant of the ancestor, I did not refuse, but you and the ancestor are both Uchiha clansman, and the surname is the same Yes, if the name is the same, in the future speaking of which, you will not know who you are talking about. In order to avoid this, I added a word [person] after your name.

Now, you know me Why have you been following you since you were born? You bear the name of my ancestors! hahaha."

Kagami was surprised by this, he didn't expect that the name of his own There is such a story behind it.

"I'm just afraid, I've defiled the Daimyo of Shisui's ancestor."

Shisui patted Kagami's shoulders.

"So you have to work harder! Become-stronger soon!"

Kagami's eyes were firm.

"It will definitely be! Brother Shisui."

Shisui smiled and handed Kagami the grilled fish.

"Come, eat fish."

The two happily ate fish.

What Kagami didn't know was that Shisui's gentle smile had huge expectations for him.

[I think, you must be worthy of the name of the ancestors, Kagami, you are the hope of another Uchiha that I have seen after Itachi. ]

Konoha 55, Jan.

As final exams approach, training becomes more frequent.

Academy training grounds, this time, are Kagami and Sasuke's battle practice.

The two were facing each other, forming a sign of opposition. Iruka stood in the middle of the two, raising his hand high. Seeing that both of them were ready, Iruka's hand suddenly waved down.

"Okay, start now!!"

As Iruka's voice fell, it was Sasuke's running and shouting.

"Oh, Kagami, this time, I won't lose to you again!"

Kagami remains unmoved, looking Sasuke rushed towards him quickly, only faintly laughed.

"Since I'm playing against you, naturally I won't start off leniently, so, I will win!"

Kagami starts school in September, and starts in November , Kagami began to surrender to most of the battle training, that is, as long as it was a battle, Kagami surrendered without the slightest hesitation, not because Kagami felt that it was boring, really boring, and these peers , has been unable to allow Kagami to have even the slightest improvement.

Therefore, Kagami was lazy and played against these peers, and surrendered quickly.

This kind of indifferent attitude can be seen by everyone. Therefore, Kagami is an [extremely arrogant Uchiha] in the eyes of peers.

However, Kagami doesn't matter. In the whole class, Kagami will not surrender only when facing Sasuke, because, Sasuke, it is quite interesting.

The rear attack, the moment Sasuke approached Kagami, Kagami finally moved, although it was backward, but Kagami's speed was too fast, Sasuke's fist hadn't waved, but Kagami was moving forward Approaching Sasuke with one step, kicking Sasuke's foot up with one foot, grabbing Sasuke's hand and pressing Sasuke to the ground.

It's all over!

Although Sasuke is still interested in Interesting, it is only Interesting. From September to January, in this period of time, Kagami's opponent after school is Shisui!

The Shisui of the Body Flicker that is owned by Ninja World!

Although Kagami gets a bloody nose and swollen face every time, his record so far is 301 losses and 0 wins.

But, despite this, Kagami's current capabilities are beyond the reach of this group of peers.

In other words, how Shisui beats Kagami, Kagami has the confidence to beat this group of brats.

Iruka also unsurprisingly, formulately announced the results.

"end here! Kagami wins."

Then, under the auspices of Iruka, Sasuke reluctantly formed the Unison Sign with Kagami.

Kagami looked Sasuke puffed up, very unconvinced face, said with a smile.

"You're still so unconvinced."

Sasuke sighed.

"Kagami, you are too strong, can't you let me?"

Kagami said resolutely.

"No, Sasuke, I either refuse to fight you in the name of surrender, or I have to win. Someone has set a requirement for me, that is, in the face of peers, as long as I do it, We must win!"

Sasuke said helplessly.

"Ah, it's Big Brother Shisui."

Kagami laughed, apparently tacitly agreeing.

After Kagami and Sasuke finished Unison Sign, Iruka then announced.

"Next game, Uchiha Kagami vs Uzumaki Naruto!"

Kagami immediately raised his hand.

"I voted"

Iruka interrupted Kagami's words in anticipation of Kagami's reaction.

"Today, surrender is not allowed!"

Kagami scratched his head and said helplessly.


After a while, the blond youngster walked in front of Kagami, formed a sign of opposition, and said with a firm gaze.

"Stop looking down on people! I will definitely let you fight against me voluntarily!"

Now, among peers, facing Kagami's surrender is a shame, Because they knew that Kagami felt that it was too weak, so they wouldn't fight them. On the contrary, everyone in this group of peers hoped to be eligible for Kagami's [Voluntary Battle].

Although they think Kagami is an [extremely arrogant Uchiha] and don't want to make too many friends, but no one can deny that this Uchiha clansman is too strong and desperate, peers only dare to think [ To the extent that Kagami volunteered to fight, so far, no one dared to think about [defeating Kagami].

Kagami looked the stubborn that he knew so well in the eyes of the blond youngster, raising a little interest.

In the eyes of others, Naruto's stubborn is just a manifestation of dissatisfaction, but Kagami is different, he is very clear that the stubborn has been supporting the youngster in front of him, and has passed through one after another. In the end, he became one of the two strongest people in this world.

"I wish you could do it."

With Iruka's "start now", Naruto charges, Naruto lifts the fist, Naruto throws a punch!

Naruto lost.

Kagami pressed Naruto to the ground.

"In the future, maybe one day, I need to deal with you as a strong enemy, but not now, Naruto, keep working hard."

Sasuke aside, and A group of the same, puzzled looked Kagami.

Everyone in the same class as Kagami knows a strange phenomenon, that is, this [extremely arrogant Uchiha], I don't know why, seems to be very optimistic about Uzumaki Naruto's lowest ranking, from time to time. Encourage this kid.

Sasuke at first was also strange, thinking that Naruto was a hidden expert, and then went to Naruto to fight, the result, very easy to win.

After countless victories, Sasuke has determined that Naruto is the real lowest ranking! Without any trace of moisture!

He doesn't understand why this strong and outrageous friend is optimistic about this lowest ranking in the unfathomable mystery.

(end of this chapter)

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