Lin Mo opened the door and walked into Kalifa's room, and after seeing the scene in front of him, Nami spurted out a nosebleed directly

, and Nami turned around and found that it was Robin, and shouted happily, "Robin...... No, you're not Robin, who are you?" Just after Nami shouted, she felt that it was not right, how could Robin be like this.

Lin Mo is also stunned now, he is still a virgin in two lives, although he has a fiancée, but Wei Wei is still young, and he can't do it.

After Califa found out that it was Robin, she was also relieved, it didn't matter if they were all women, but then she found out that it was wrong, because Lin Mo's eyes were full of desire, obviously the eyes of a man looking at a woman, and she also showed a surprised expression, out of instinct, she couldn't help but sit back in the bathtub and block her body with bubbles.

But Kalifa now regrets why she really put water in the bathtub, she is now a capable person, isn't it good to use her ability to create a clean bubble?, now her whole body is soaked in water, but she can't use any strength.

Lin Mo reacted at this time, came to the bathtub and stretched out his right hand to press Kalifa's shoulder, and the tip of his left index finger turned into a needle and pierced her heart.

"Seed parasitism

" Kalifa felt a slight tingling in her heart, and immediately said, "Why are you here? You shouldn't be Nicole Robin, right?"

When Lin Mo withdrew his left hand, he felt the soft touch that the whole hand couldn't grasp, and said, "You will know who I am later, now your life is in my hands, you will listen to my orders in the future, will you know?"

After saying that, Lin Mo activated his ability slightly, and Kalifa felt a pain in his heart.

Lin Mo said, "I don't want you to suffer, this is just to let you know that I am not lying, Spandam is also my person now, you take this phone bug to him, and I will tell you what to do next."

Lin Mo knew that Kalifa would not really do things for him now, but in the future, with the fruit of the immortal tree, this fruit that can increase people's lifespan and maintain their appearance, he didn't believe that Kalifa could withstand this temptation.

Lin Mo turned to Nami's side and said, "Let's go find someone else, you will know everything later."

Lin Mo thought, "It's a pity that the time and place are not suitable, otherwise I must say goodbye to the virgin."

Kalifa watched the two of them walk out of the room and quickly put on their clothes, now her heart was very entangled, whether she would be listening to this person in the future.

Chopper dodged the attack in an embarrassed way, with mottled blood stains on his body, looking a little miserable.

During the run, Chopper's body changed again, his legs and body became slender, his arms were abnormally bulging, and he avoided the hair he was grabbing and turned to attack.

"Carved Hoof Cross"

did not dodge, but chose to take Chopper's attack hard.

"Iron Steel

" and "Boom

" hoofed prints on Chopper's body, just making him move the slightest, and the gap in strength is huge!

"Finger Gun"

took the long staff in his hand and stabbed straight at Chopper's chest.

The powerful force of the "fur strengthening"

instantly knocked Chopper flying, and the corners of his mouth overflowed uncontrollably.

He looked at Chopper and said in a strange tone, "Yo yo yo yo yo, the lion's teeth have never shown mercy to any prey.

Chopper looked at the invincible in front of him, and immediately took out another blue wave ball, this is the second blue wave ball, Chopper swallowed it without hesitation, Lin Mo provided him with a lot of rare herbs, and now eating the second one should be able to control the change of form.

The long white hair that he had taken seemed to have life, and as he writhed, it turned into ten fingers.

"Lion Finger Gun

," Chopper said with a firm expression, "This is my strongest attack, and I will not back down for the sake of my partner." "

Carved Hoof, Sakura Blowing Snow

" "Boom!" The

hoof prints that fluttered like cherry blossoms instantly scattered the attacking hair and imprinted directly on the chest of the sucker.


powerful force broke through the defense of the iron block, pushed him a few steps, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and said, "Well done, I saw such beautiful cherry blossoms, I couldn't bear it." Die!"

as the words fell, his white hair began to fly rapidly, instantly sweeping Chopper up.

He raised his staff and aimed it at Chopper's heart, but Chopper struggled with all his might, but to no avail.

"Finger Gun · Q "

Suddenly, a figure instantly blocked in front of Chopper, and his pitch-black left hand blocked the attack.

The right hand of the "finger gun"

turned black as ink and stabbed into the heart.


in front of this pitch-black finger, the iron could not be defended, and the fingers easily pierced into the body of the taker, and he only felt a sharp pain in his heart, and he completely lost consciousness.

Lin Mo looked at the dead one, the armed color is really easy to use, just now after seeing Kalifa's body, I don't know how the final one percent of the awakening progress was completed, at that time, Lin Mo was thinking, if he had an academic exchange between men and women with Kalifa, would he awaken a more advanced armed color.

Chopper said in surprise after seeing the person who came, "Robin, you are out!" Since

the task has not been completed, Lin Mo has to continue to disguise Robin's appearance, although Nami knows that he is not Robin, but the system does not prompt the task to fail, indicating that as long as he does not admit it, the task will not fail if he changes back to Lin Mo's appearance.

Lin Mo just nodded and said, "Let's go, let's go find someone else now."

Nami and the three of them came to Sanji's side, and looking at Sanji, who had become smooth, Lin Mo said, "Just wash it with water."

Nami directly used the weather stick to make it rain Now, Sanji was just about to speak, but Lin Mo stopped him and said, "What is there to say about escaping from here!"

Zoro and Usopp looked at Robin who suddenly appeared with a stunned expression, not understanding what was going on. Chopper immediately took out the key and helped Zoro and Usopp open the cuffed hands.


Lin Mo appeared in front of Gabra instantly, and although Gabra at this time was also very puzzled about why Robin appeared here and mastered Shaving, he still immediately attacked.

"Finger Spear"

Lin Mo dodged the attack, his right hand was covered with armed color domineering, and he knocked it away with a heavy punch.

Looking at Gabra, who fell to the ground and fainted, Lin Mo felt a little puzzled, was he too strong or was the current CP9 too weak?

At this time, although Zoro was a little strange why Robin suddenly became so strong, he still opened his mouth and said, "He is my opponent, Robin, you better not interfere."

Lin Mo heard Zoro's voice and nodded back to Chopper's length.

Kaku said, "In that case, let the old man see how you are different from just now!" Zoro

put on his turban and said, "The giraffe's neck must be considered a weak point, right?"

"Erdaoliu Denglou"

slashed at Kaku from the bottom up, and the blade wind rolled up and made a piercing sound, and Zoro's three generations of Onitoru and Yukigo collided with Kaku's twin knives, and the long neck that twisted violently slapped towards Zoro.

Zoro dodged the attack with the shock of the collision of the two blades, and took the peace in his mouth after standing still.

Kaku kicked his legs together

, and the Arashi Foot from the "Arashi Foot Line" slashed at Zoro on the ground, and Zoro directly shattered Arashi's foot with three knives.

Zoro clenched the knife in his hand and leaned down like a cheetah rushing towards Kaku, his body taking off and spinning at great speed.

"Three Blades, Leopard Qinyu"

Kaku's legs trampled in the air, and after raising his body, he did a somersault "Arashiko, chaos!"

He swung his two feet in the air at high speed to make a wide range of slashes, and the Lanjiao and Zolong's slash collided together, making a huge roar, and the smoke and dust dispersed, and Zoro stood on the shattered ground facing Kaku.

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