Barry said, "That's right, but even if all of us go to the island, you're the only ones who can defeat CP9, and I've learned your strength along the way, so you wait here for five minutes, and then rush to the island from the main gate on the rocketeer."

With the help of drawings drawn from memory, Barry clearly showed the entire layout of the island of Justice, surrounded by the sea and surrounded by a fence adjacent to the island.

There is only a gate at the middle entrance, and after entering through the gate, there is a waterfall, and then you can reach the Justice Tower after passing the naval station.

The Frankie family looked at the map and said, "Let's go ahead and find a way to open the main gate and the front gate of the main island, so that the train can rush in! No matter how many of us fall, I hope you will keep rushing forward, don't worry, we only have about 60 people, and the enemy may have two or three thousand." Big Brother Straw Hat, you must try to avoid unnecessary battles and concentrate on dealing with CP9.

Luffy said with a firm expression, "Well, I know, I'll definitely take them down."

At this time, the voice of Granny Coco Luo came from the car horn, "Look! There is the gate of justice! It has never been fully opened, and it is only a little open when transporting criminals through, and on the other side of the door it is similar to a windless belt, and it is full of large sea kings' nests, and ordinary ships cannot pass through, so just like Miss Pirate said, if you want to snatch back the captured people, that gate is the line of life and death, okay, there is no time for you to rub it in, let's go

!". Just as everyone was getting ready, Chopper noticed that Luffy was gone, and asked Nami and the others, "Where is Luffy, where did he go?"

and Nami said, "It was right next to me just now."

At this time, the people of the Frankie family noticed that Luffy stretched out his arms, bounced himself out, and shouted, "That's Big Brother Straw Hat!" At this time,

the others also found that Luffy had reached the fence on the periphery of Justice Island.

The Frankie family said, "That guy didn't understand our battle plan at all

!" Nami said helplessly, "It's been in vain after discussing it for so long

!" Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and said, "He just said he knows, what the hell does he know

!" The masked Usopp said, "It's impossible to ask him to wait five minutes!"

Zoro nodded and said, "Yes!".

Then the rest of the boatmen and the people of the Frankie family also immediately took action, even if Luffy rushed in advance, they still had to go according to the plan, after all, in addition to Luffy, there were other people in the Straw Hats who needed their cover.

The navy and government people on the island instantly spotted Luffy who landed above the gate

, "Hmm, who is that

!" "It's an intruder, on the flagpole, shoot at him!"

Luffy immediately rushed inside after discovering that someone had been spotted shooting at him.

The phone in Spandam's office rang, "This is the main entrance!Calling the sir!" Spandam asked, "What's


Spendam said, "Gather all the soldiers of the main island at once, and be sure to catch the invaders."

Spendham hung up angrily, and the three people opposite him, one with a pigtail and a mustache, one was tall, with makeup painted on his face like a face, and the last one had a round body and a round head, and his legs were extremely short and looked like a ball, and the main feature was that there was a zipper on his mouth.

These three are none other than the other members of CP9, Gabra, the Lion, and the Owl.

Gabra, who had a mustache, said, "It's just an intruder, there's no need to worry. "

On the other side, the main gate was attacked by the Frankie family, and the navy began to ask for support," the main gate called again......! The main entrance is being attacked. "

Janiss, what is the situation, how many are the enemy, hey, answer!" the navy who received the call tried to ask for the number of people, but received no response.

Looking at the first door that was opened, the Frankie family shouted, "The door has been opened, rush!"

Just as everyone rushed to the second door, the two giants rolled out of the door and looked at everyone with laughter.

Cassie, who was armed with a big axe, said, "I haven't slept enough, hurry up and get rid of them, I want to go back to sleep!" Oimmo answered with a mace, "Yes, I haven't slept enough!"


Frankie family looked at the giant in front of them, this was simply not an enemy they could fight, and their desire to open a way for the Straw Hats had now turned into despair.

Then the boatmen and his party also arrived and fought with the giant, just then the roar of the Rocketeer rang out, and everyone's eyes were attracted to it, only to see the Rocketeer flying in the air, straight towards Casey's face.

The front of the Rocketeer and Casey's face were intimately touched, and the face was a little deformed when it was hit.

On the other side, Spandam received a notification that the gang had all entered the main island, and CP9 and several people came to Spandam's office with Lin Mo, disguised as Robin.

Lin Mo looked at the handcuffs of Hailou Shi in his hand, fortunately, Hailou Shi only made him lose his strength, and did not invalidate his ability, he was still like Robin, otherwise the task would not be completed.

Spandam looked at the people who had just come back, as long as CP9 was still in his hands, those people would not be worried, not to mention that he still had the golden phone bug lent to him by the pheasant, it was a big deal to launch the demon slaying order, he didn't believe that these guys couldn't even deal with the demon slaying order! Spandam looked at

Frankie coldly, and said, "Cady Flam, it's been a long time, if I knew that you weren't dead and the blueprints were still on you, I wouldn't have the trouble I have today!" With your past crimes, I can easily force you out. With

that, he kicked the bound Frankie to the ground and stepped on his head.

Spandam looked at Frankie at his feet and said, "Compared to you, but your senior brother is very difficult to deal with, relying on his own ability to unify the shipbuilding factories of the entire Seven Waters Capital, forming a large company, trying his best to deal with the world government with this deep hatred, his company has contracted almost all the construction of warships, and has become an indispensable partner of the world government, so I have nothing to do with him." Now

Frankie finally understands the good intentions of the iceberg, he is still too bad, whether it was before or now, there is no way to compare with him.

As if feeling that everything was under control, Spandam continued, "Now there is a bunch of people out there who want to take care of you, but now they should be all gone, and they are no different from garbage in front of the ten thousand soldiers on Justice Island. I'm going to the big prison, so take them all with you!"

In order to let Robin know more about this group of scum, he opened his mouth and said to Spandam, "This is different from our agreement, I help you on the condition that they leave safely!"

Lucie, who was sitting next to him, said, "Let everyone in the Straw Hats except Nicole Robin set sail safely from the Water City."

Spandam said, "Do you hear me? Now they haven't set sail safely from the Water City

, and they're here!" Frankie, who was lying next to him, understood, and said angrily, "What a group of incorrigible scum, and they really don't talk about any faith!"

After hearing this, Spandam swelled up with anger in his heart, and after kicking Frankie a few times, he was still angry and slapped Lin Mo with his hand, knocking him to the ground and kicking him a few times.

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