After the smoke passed, Bucky appeared in front of everyone with two pirates, and he used the body of the pirates in front of him to resist the force of the explosion for him, and he was not harmed by the explosion. Saying "It's so vicious

" Nami looked at Bucky and said, "You actually use your own people as shields!"

Moki crawled out of the rubble and saw that it was Luffy, so he said to Bucky, "Captain Bucky, be careful, that Straw Hat Kid also ate the Devil Fruit and is a rubber man." At

this moment, the ruins began to shake, and a lion appeared from the ground, and a man wearing a blue and white checkered scarf appeared in the back of the lion. "This is the greatest disgrace we've ever faced, Captain.

Bucky looked at the man and said, "Oh, Kabaji, I'm speechless with rage.

Mochi said angrily, "Kabaji, what did you do to Niche" Kabaji said

lightly, "Is this sick cat?" I was afraid of soiling my clothes, so I used it as a shield!" and threw the lion aside.

"Niche!" Mochi

angrily rushed towards Kabaji when he saw his pet being bullied.

"You nasty fellow!"

Kabaji dodged Moki's attack with a dodge before kicking Moki away.

Moki yelled, "Get out of the

way," and Luffy said, "You're going to get out of the way!" and kicked Moki against the wall.

Lin Mo looked at the cracked wall and thought to himself, "Tsk, it must hurt!" "

Captain Bucky, leave the rest to me." Kabaji said to Bucky, he didn't pay any attention to the little devils on the other side now, and he had absolute confidence in his own strength. Because in this area of the East China Sea, they have not yet met a decent opponent.

Bucky glanced at Kabaji and said, "Okay, then let them see the acrobatic show!" Kabaji

smiled darkly, took out his unicycle, pedaled it, and flew down towards everyone.

Lin Mo kept his eyes on Kabaji, but he didn't see where he got the wheelbarrow!

Kabaji stepped on the wheelbarrow and rushed towards Luffy, "Chief of Staff, acrobatic Kabaji is on board, Captain Bucky's anger will be calmed by me

" At the moment when the knife was about to stab Luffy, Zoro blocked in front of him, "If the opponent uses a sword, I will deal with it, use

"Kabaji" Pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro, as a swordsman, can have a chance to hack you to death, this is a good opportunity for me to make a name for myself in the East China Sea!"

"Acrobatic Spitfire"

Zoro was affected by the sudden eruption of flames, and was kicked in the abdomen by Kabaji, but because he was not injured as in the original book, this kick did not have any effect on Zoro, but only made him take two steps back.

"Acrobatics, water vapor murders

" Lin Mo couldn't help but muttered as he watched Kabaji say the name of the move, "A clown, a beast trainer, a unicycle acrobat, you still don't call the Bucky Pirates, change the name to the Bucky Acrobatics

!" Zoro dodged this attack and said, "It's only this kind of acrobatic trick, you don't deserve to be called a swordsman!"

Kabaji said angrily, "You damn bastard!"

"Acrobatics, kamikaze top theater

", "Acrobatics, cornices and walls

", "Acrobatics, cool fireworks

", "Lone wheel hanging in the air",

at this time, Bucky wanted to sneak attack, but Luffy stepped on the separated palm, "Don't meddle in Zoro's battle!" Bucky

yelled in pain, "Bastard Straw Hat Boy!"

"Zoro dodged the volley" Say I'm fed up with your acrobatic tricks, and fighting you is simply an insult to the swordsman!

" Kabaji said angrily, "If you dare to insult me like this, then I will use my true swordsmanship to send you back to the West and die!"

Zoro made a three-knife starting move.

"Three Knife Streams: Ghost Slash"

The figures staggered, and Kabaji looked down at the wounds on his body, "Our Bucky Pirates have been defeated by a few little thieves!" After saying that, he fell to the ground and fainted.

Zoro put his knife into the sheath and said, "We're not little thieves, we're pirates!Luffy wrote down that it was you fighting as the captain!" Luffy said

, "Okay, then let's look at mine next!"

Lin Mo suddenly remembered the voice of the system in his mind, "There is a new mission, please check the "Open the mission system,

side quests", and find a truly complete navigation chart of the great voyage in Bucky's treasure house

The task rewards 10 points of strength"

Lin Mo looked at the task and thought, it seems that the nautical chart that Nami found is not complete or missing! But this task can add so much power!

Lin Mo looked at Luffy and said, "I'll go look at Nami and see if she has found a chart of the great route, this chart is very important to us!"

Luffy said, "Okay, I'm going to knock Bucky flying!"

Lin Mo found the entrance to the basement in front of a ruin, "I remember that Nami went to the treasure found in the basement in the original book, it seems that this is it" Thinking in his heart, he walked down and found in the basement the fat pirate who was knocked unconscious by Nami in the original book and fell to the ground!

This underground warehouse is not big, you can see the situation inside clearly at a glance, now there is no treasure here, there is only an empty treasure chest left, Lin Mo groped around the walls and ground for a while and found nothing, sure enough, this task is not easy to complete!

Lin Mo came to the fat pirate who was knocked unconscious, tied him up, it seems that he can only wake up this pirate, and ask him if it is possible to put the treasure.

"Hey, wake up" Lin Mo shook the fat pirate, and found that there was no reaction at all, so it seemed that he had to find water to try it, and when he came to the door of the warehouse, he found that it was all wine and no water at all, thinking that it would have the same effect as water, so he came to the fat pirate with a bottle of wine and poured it on his face.

The fat pirate's face twitched and he didn't react.

It seems that I have to use violence, don't blame me, and then stomped the fat pirate's thigh, and the fat pirate woke up screaming.

The fat pirate hadn't fully woken up yet, thinking that the person in front of him was still Nami, "You damn stinky woman."

Lin Mo said, "Hey, figure out the situation

and talk!" At this time, the fat pirate had already sobered up, and found a tattered black-haired man standing in front of him, and said, "You are from the Straw Hats, why did you tie me up?"

Lin Mo said, "Now I don't have time to talk to you, you just need to tell me if there is any other place for Bucky to put his treasure besides here?"

The only thing I know is this one place to put treasures

," Lin Mo said with a gloomy threat, "If you dare to lie to me, now I will let you say goodbye to your little brother!" After speaking, he aimed the knife in his hand at the bottom of the fat pirate's stroke.

The fat pirate was so frightened that he immediately shouted, "No, I really only know this one place!"

Lin Mo looked at the fat pirate's frightened expression, not like he was lying.

What should I do now and just give up?The mission says that if you find the navigation chart of the great route in Bucky's treasury, it should be in the treasury, if it is taken away by Nami, it is impossible to issue the mission, then there are only two possibilities,

one is that there is another treasury.

The second

is that the treasure map is still here!But this room is so big, I haven't found any secret compartments yet, and the only thing that can hide things is the treasure chest! But the treasure chest has been emptied by Nami

! The fat pirate looked at Lin Mo who was contemplative in front of him and didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that the little brother would not be able to keep saying goodbye to his happiness!

Lin Mo suddenly thought that when he used to watch TV, he often saw that the treasure chest would make a mezzanine to put important things, so would this treasure chest also have a mezzanine?

Turning his head to look at the fat pirate, "Do you have a key to open this?" The fat pirate

looked at the keyhole that Lin Mo pointed at and said, "I don't even know that there is this layer, how can there be a key!"

Lin Mo thought about what to do now, where to find the key.

Suddenly, Lin Mo thought that the user of the candle fruit could use the candle to make a key, would he be okay? Thinking about inserting his finger into the keyhole and trying to open the lock, he almost couldn't open it successfully, it seemed that his control ability was not enough

! Then use a knife to cut it! Thinking of this, Lin Mo stood up with the knife, and stabbed hard at the "bell" of the box, and his hands were numb.

"It's over, this mezzanine is made of iron!For the sake of the task, you can't give up like this, since this is the case, you can only take the treasure chest away, and then I'm trying to open it" I thought of it, so Lin Mo laboriously carried the treasure chest and walked out.

When the fat pirate saw Lin Mo leaving, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it seems that the little brother has been saved!

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