"You give me enough to stop!" Luffy roared and pressed Usopp to the board.

Luffy is actually more painful than Usopp, as the captain of the ship, for the safety of the crew, the Merry is no longer able to sail, and only as the captain can he make a decision whether to abandon the Merry.

He saw the Merry as a companion, and made him give the order to abandon his companion, and the pain was already too much for him to bear.

After hearing Usopp's mocking words, he finally couldn't help but burst out and said, "Do you think you're the only one in pain? Everyone is in the same mood!" Usopp can't listen to other people's words now, and stubbornly said, "If that's the case, you won't have made the decision to change ships!"

At this time, Luffy finally lost his mind and was entangled by Usopp, and said

angrily" Well, since you're so dissatisfied with what I'm doing, you'll ...... from this ship right away"

Before Luffy could finish his words, he was kicked out by Sanji next to him.

Sanji yelled angrily, "Bastard, what did you just want to say? Calm down for me, don't talk nonsense."

After Luffy withstood Sanji's attack, he also calmed down, sat up and said, "I'm sorry, I accidentally ...... just now"

Usopp interrupted Luffy, his expression became unusually calm, and said, "No, it's okay, Luffy, that's your truth! You can abandon those useless companions and move forward, since you want to abandon the Merry, then even I will abandon it! You don't need weak companions, do you? Luffy!".

Saying this, Usopp stood up with difficulty, looked at Luffy and said, "You're going to be the man of One Piece, and I don't need such a big goal!" After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the cabin.

Sanji looked at Usopp, who turned around and walked out

of the cabin, and said, "Hey, where are you going?" Usopp came to the door of the cabin and said, "Where to go is my freedom, I'm going to leave your group!" and then walked off the ship without looking back.

Nami and a few others who walked out of the cabin looked at Usopp's back and loudly dissuaded Usopp.

Chopper understood the seriousness of the matter, and cried

and said, "Don't go, Usopp! Come back!" After walking some distance, Usopp stopped, turned to face the Merry, and said, "Luffy! I can't do anything with you anymore, and I'm going to get you in trouble until the end! This ship does belong to you as the captain, so fight with me, Monchi... D. Luffy!Fight me!"

The crowd's pupils shrank when they heard this, and they looked at Usopp in disbelief.

Usopp said with a determined expression, "I'll be back here at ten o'clock tonight, and then we'll have a duel with the Merry as a bet, and I'll fight until you get the Merry." And then our fate ends here!" At

this time, Lin Mo stood next to the station of the sea train, hesitating whether to rush back to the water capital now.

Suddenly, you're prompted with a new mission.

Open the Quest Panel Quest

Return to the Water City

by 12 o'clock tonight (This is a continuous quest, and you can start the next quest after this quest is completed.)

Task reward

: Visual nerve connection (can be visually connected to the seed clone)

200 random attribute points, 5000


, Lin Mo thought, "Do you have a continuous mission?" Then you have to go back, I don't know what the next task will be? "

Ten o'clock in the evening.

Nami and the others on the Merry looked at Luffy on the shore with mixed feelings.

Luffy asks the others to stay on the ship and never interfere, and he arrives in the open space in front of the Merry to wait for Usopp to arrive.

Soon after, a bandaged Usopp appeared from a distance.

Luffy looked at Usopp and said, "Since you didn't back down, you're still here!Don't regret it no matter what you are beaten, this is the duel you crave

!" Usopp looked unusually determined at this time, and said, "Of course, go all out! I'll let you know it!"

And just as Luffy was about to make a move, Usopp used Flashshell, because Luffy was not prepared, and his vision was suddenly affected.

"Killer Rotten Egg Star" fell as Usopp's words fell, and one egg after another fell on Luffy.

The eggs shattered, and a foul smell came out.

Luffy angrily said, "It's so stinky! The egg is broken!, you bastard, be serious for me

!" However, Usopp said, "Do you think this is stupid, I'm serious about fighting

, Luffy!" Just as Luffy was about to speak, Usopp attacked again, and a projectile filled with paprika flew directly into Luffy's mouth.

Luffy suddenly shouted, "It's so spicy!"

Usopp said, "You should be careful not to fall to the ground, because you already have thistles all over your feet."

Luffy looked at the ground, and sure enough, it was already sprinkled with thistles.

Usopp said with a firm expression, "Listen Luffy, I must defeat you and get the Merry!" "

Kill: Shuriken Meteor Swarm"

Suddenly, countless darts scattered towards Luffy.

Luffy had to rest while dodging darts and not being caught by the thistles on the ground, so Luffy had several wounds on his body.

Suddenly a large amount of smoke appeared, and Luffy looked around and noticed that a shell next to him was spewing a large amount of gas.

Usopp said, "It's a smoke, you don't notice it because of rotten eggs, do you? The

"Flame Star"

suddenly sounded a violent explosion, and the air waves that rushed into the sky made the sea water begin to become turbulent.

After the explosion, Usopp looked at where Luffy was with a solemn expression and said, "You can't die at this point, I know very well, Luffy!

At this time, Luffy walked out of the smoke and dust, and he didn't want to fight like this anymore.

Luffy was about to end the fight, so he suppressed the distractions in his heart and rushed towards Usopp, his arms long behind him.

"Rubber rocket launchers!" Hands

struck at Usopp.

However, this time Usopp did not dodge, but took out the shock shell and absorbed Luffy's attack. said, "I'll take your impact!"

and then Usopp directly put the impact on Luffy's body.

The huge impact of "Shock Bei"

for a moment only shook Luffy back, and it didn't seem to cause him any damage.

Luffy looked at Usopp in front of him, and his arm stretched out again.

"Rubber bullet!" the

punch slammed into Usopp's abdomen.

Usopp fell to the ground after being hit, but he was not completely unconscious, and he still had the slightest hint of consciousness.

Luffy looked at Usopp who fell to the ground and said loudly, "Idiot, how can you beat me!" The

battle is over!Luffy picked up the straw hat that had just fallen on the ground and put it on his head, turned his back to Usopp and said, "Merry will be at your disposal, we will get a new ship and continue sailing!"

Goodbye, Usopp!I've been so happy!"

The sound made Usopp's body relax instantly, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

After seeing Usopp defeated, Chopper picked up his backpack and prepared to treat Usopp.

Sanji hurriedly stopped

Chopper and said, "Chopper, don't go!" At this time, Chopper's eyes were full of tears, and he asked Sanji, "Why? He was covered in bruises, and now he is beaten like this!

!" Sanji grabbed Chopper tightly and said, "They are not arguing or playing games!"

Chopper struggled and said, "So what, I'm a doctor, at least let me treat him."

Sanji pressed Chopper hard and said, "Think about how miserable it is to be defeated in a duel and have to be sympathized with by the enemy, and how painful it is for the loser to be inadvertently


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