The Merry traveled for another three days.

Lin Mo stood at the stern of the boat and began to practice the See-Smell Domineering again, because the See-Smell-See-Lust Domineering was about to break through to the intermediate level, so he only did this kind of exercise for the past three days.

At this time, Sanji rushed out with a plate of food that exuded an attractive fragrance, "Miss Nami, I made a potato pie, please taste it!" At this time

, Nami was leaning on the chaise longue and basking in the sun leisurely, took the food in Sanji's hand, tasted it with a fork, and said, "Well, it's delicious!"

Lin Mo said to Sanji. Sanji, the coconut variety I brought down from Sky Island is ripe today and can be planted with another variety, do you have any fruit you want?"

Sanji was not only interested in beautiful women, but also the ingredients, and immediately said, "Can those apples from Longchain Island be grown? That taste is very special, suitable for apple pie."

Lin Mo thought for a while and said, "The apples seem to be like that because of geological reasons, I'll give it a try, I don't know if it tastes like that."

Sanji said: "Lin Mo, you can shorten the growth period by ten times now! It's just that our space is limited, otherwise we can eat all the fruits and vegetables fresh."

Lin Mo thought in his heart, "There will be a place soon, this time I must let Frankie build a bigger Ten Thousand Miles of Sunshine, so that he can plant the seeds of the 10,000-year-old thorn tree, it can grow naturally to two seeds, repeat it a few more times, and he will be able to have more special seed clones in the future."

At this point, Robin stepped out of the cabin, the first time she had stepped out of the cabin in three days.

Chopper immediately ran over when he found Robin coming out, and asked, "Robin, how are you feeling? Are you still cold?" Robin

smiled softly and said to Chopper, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Famous Doctor!" Chopper

immediately smiled and said, "Even if you praise me for being a famous doctor, I won't be happy, you bastard!" and when he spoke, he was already dancing excitedly, looking very happy.

Anyone can see it, maybe this guy is so happy that he can't even figure out who he is.

When Sanji found Robin out, he immediately walked over and asked, "Miss Robin, do you have an appetite now?" I'll make you something to warm up

!" Robin thought for a moment and said, "Give me a cup of coffee

!" Sanji smiled and said, "Okay! Please wait a moment!" After saying that, he immediately walked into the cabin.

After bringing Robin coffee again, Sanji plucked the coconut and went back to the kitchen.

More than ten minutes later, Sanji walked out with a freshly made coconut pie. Saying to everyone, "The coconut pie is ready, who wants to eat it?"

Lin Mo stopped and said to Zoron, "Take a break." It's been a long time since I've tasted food made with coconuts from Sky Island, and we work out after eating. Zoro

put down the oversized barbell in his hand and said, "Okay, it just so happens that I'm hungry too."

While everyone was happily eating food by the edge of the ship, Zoro was attracted by the dark shadow in the distance, and after seeing it clearly, he said to Luffy in surprise, "There's a frog over there...... In freestyle!

" Luffy said, "Really?" Chopper

said, "Is that the frog you talked about earlier?"

Usopp leaned against the railing on the edge of the boat and said, "Do you really take that idiot general's words seriously, it must be Zoro you are wrong!"

Usopp found that everyone was looking in the direction that Zoro said in surprise, and no one responded to him.

So Usopp also looked back and said in surprise, "The frog is really freeswimming!"

Luffy, who found out about this, called everyone and began to paddle after confirming that it was a frog that could swim freestyle.

Zoro suddenly said, "Although I don't know what's going on, there is always a feeling that I can't do it if I don't chase it!" Lin

Mo thought to himself, "Zolon's intuition is really accurate, wouldn't it be a lot less if he didn't chase it."

Nami said, "Why are we chasing

this frog!" Luffy said, "We must catch it and make it a roasted whole frog!"

Everyone was speechless, it turned out that Luffy thought this frog was delicious.

Nami looked ahead and said puzzledly, "How can there be a lighthouse in a place like this?"

Luffy shouted at Nami, "Did you find the island?" Nami

shook her head and said, "No, it's just a lighthouse."

Luffy hurriedly said, "Where is the frog, tell me the direction?"

Because of Luffy's willfulness, Nami had to reposition the course again, so she said angrily, "No, don't chase it."

Robin then said, "The frog is heading to the lighthouse?"

Sanji also said at this time, "If the frog is a frog, it should be good to wrap it in flour and fry it!"

Nami found out at this time that she agreed to chase the frog, and she had no choice but to guide the course.

Lin Mo was about to upgrade because he saw and heard the color, so he always turned on to perceive the surrounding environment, and found that there was an object in front of the road that was speeding towards this side, and immediately guessed that it was the sea train coming this way.

Lin Mo hurriedly said, "Stop, there's danger ahead!"

Everyone immediately stopped paddling, and just as the Merry slowed down, a huge whistle sounded from a distance, and everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

I saw a fast-approaching train appear in front of everyone.

Sanji was surprised and said, "What is this?" Nami said

anxiously, "It's still too fast, turn around quickly."

Lin Mo said, "Don't worry. Then he took out the Jet Shell and installed it in the bow of the ship, and the Merry quickly stopped under the thrust of the Jet Shell.

Usopp was astonished, and said, "How can there be such a large piece of iron at sea, how can it float on the sea without sinking?"

The sea train passed in front of the ship that passed the Merry, and struck the freestyle frog.

The frog stopped facing the sea train and raised its two front paws as if to stop the speeding train.

The next moment, the frog was hit by a high-speed sea train and flew away.

Everyone looked at the departing sea train, and they were all surprised that the strange ship was actually smoking, and it was so fast!

At this time, the Merry happened to stop by the lighthouse.

There was a place under the lighthouse that looked like a platform, and out came a little girl with green hair tied in two pigtails and a rabbit, and shouted loudly at the house next to her, "Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law has pirates!!"

and then immediately walked out an old woman with a stationmaster's hat on her head, she held a wine bottle in her hand, her body looked a little fat, and her face was full of wrinkles.

The old woman was drunk, and said, "Really

, Zimeone!, bring the phone bug!" Sauron said, "There may be trouble, and then we have to call for reinforcements!"

Zimeone immediately ran into the house, and soon came out with a phone bug, and the old woman reached out to take the phone worm that Zimony brought, picked up the microphone and said, "Hey......! What am I trying to say? I forgot!" and hung up the phone.


Luffy jumped off the boat, he took out a coconut and gave it to them, and the dazed stationmaster and the little girl let down their guard and greeted everyone.

The little girl took a bite of the coconut pie and said, "It's delicious! My name is Zimoni, this is the kitten Kunbei, and she is Granny Cocoro." Granny

Coco Luo smiled and said, "This is good, I can just serve as a drink!" Lin

Mo looked at the kitten Kunbei, is this sure it

is not a rabbit?Coco Luo Granny looked at Luffy drunkenly and said, "I am the commander of this station, you are not train robbers, right?" Luffy said

, "My name is Luffy, and I am the man who wants to become the king of the pirates." "

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