The thunderclouds in the sky dissipated, Lin Mo immediately used the "Flower Wings" to fly, and finally when Anilu was about to fall into the sea of clouds, Lin Mo grabbed his body with the Hailou Stone, and the short knife stabbed directly into the heart, and at the same time trapped Anilu with the seed clone and threw it into the sea of clouds together with the Hailou Stone.

After doing all this, Lin Mo returned to the island, his physical strength was now very little, leaning on the tree and thinking, "I tried my best, and I was seriously injured for this, in the end, I easily solved Anilu by picking up leaks, I knew that it would be nice to be able to watch the play on the side by myself so easily! It seems that you can't be too presumptuous at any time!"

After all was over,

the inhabitants of Angel Island and the Sandians began to rush towards Apayado.

At this time, Chopper looked at Webber who fell to the ground and said, "A lot of bones are broken, you need to treat it quickly." After

a while, Luffy and Nami ran towards the crowd shouting with a large bag of food.

Nami noticed that there was one person missing, and said, "Why didn't you see Lin Mo?"

Lin Mo also walked out of the woods at this time, and the clothes on his body were bloodstained. Because he didn't have a tree when he ran just now, the wound that hadn't fully healed was cracked, and now he didn't have the physical strength to maintain the tree, so he looked much more embarrassed than

everyone else! Lin Mo said to everyone, "I'm here, come over and help me bandage it!"

Nami remembered that Lin Mo hadn't been so embarrassed before, and asked, "Lin Mo, what are you doing?"

Lin Mo said. I removed some of the gold from Anilu's ark and hid it on the shore, but it took a lot of effort!"

Nami said, "Where?

Lin Mo said, "Don't worry, I've already hidden, and I can't run there." Let's eat something and take a break!"

Lin Mo's system just now told him that the system had repaired a little data, and the storage space had expanded countless times, so he removed a lot of the golden gears of the Ark Proverbs and filled the storage space, but unfortunately, even if it was expanded countless times, it was still not big enough, so he only filled one-tenth of the gold of the Proverbs, but unfortunately he couldn't take the Proverbs with him.

In order to make the Sunshine better in the future, he took out a little bit for Nami, and as for the others in the space, don't think about it, and Proverbs was also hidden by him, in case you can find a way to return it with money in the future.

After coming to Apayado, the residents of Angel Island and the Sandians celebrated for three days, and Luffy and the others also ate and drank for three days.

On the fourth day, the golden bell was discovered, and everyone went to salvage it.

At this time, Robin and Lin Mo also came to the main text of history.

Lin Mo asked the system to rub the historical text, and the three tasks of the empty island were finally completed.

Robin looked at the text of history and said, "Ancient weapon with the name of God, Poseidon! where he is......" Robin stopped at this point.

At this time, the people on the side also began to talk about why ancient weapons were recorded.

Lin Mo pointed to the words on the bell tower at this time and said, "There are still some words here."

Robin looked at the place where Lin Mo was pointing and read, "I'm here, leading this text to the last place." Pirates, Gore M. D. Roger.

Robin quickly figured out what Roger meant, that is, all the historical texts and steles must be connected and interpreted in order to become an article that fills in the blank history.

Robin looked at the elders of the Sandians and said, "You are the guardians of this stone tablet, now that your mission has been completed, someone has interpreted the text of history." The

Sandian elder said, "Our mission is accomplished, that is, we don't need to fight anymore!, it's great, the last wish of the ancestors has finally been fulfilled!"

Lin Mo said, "Since Robin, you have finished reading the text of history, then we should also go

!" At this time, the elder of the Sandians said, "You want gold, then you can take this

broken beam!" Lin Mo looked at the huge broken beam, it would be good if he found a way to bring it down, but it was impossible for the current Merry to do it.

After Nami took the golden gear that Lin Mo had hidden, she remembered that she had seen in the belly of the giant python, there were a lot of gold inlaid with gems, which was even more valuable!

After Luffy and the others came out of the snake's belly, they found that Robin had returned with Lin Mo and the people from the island.

Although Lin Mo had already said that he had obtained a lot of gold from Anilu, the island Sandia and the inhabitants of the island still insisted on carrying the gold to the city and trying to find a way to take it away with the Straw Hats.

After seeing the two of them, Luffy shouted, "Robin, Lin Mo, we have grabbed a lot of gold, and we are about to escape!"

Lin Mo was speechless in an instant, "Luffy's magical brain circuit, Lin Mo can't keep up, and the little thing he picked up from the snake's stomach can also be called to grab a lot of gold! It's not as big as a few golden gears! Nami must have taken a fancy to those gems that made Luffy come

!" Sanji instantly said angrily, "Everyone came back with them!".

Usopp was even more brainy and said, "Look, those people won't be carrying a cannon."

Luffy shouted, "Get on the boat, we're going to have it!" Some

of the residents of this time and space island noticed Luffy and a few people carrying baggage, and said, "They are all carrying luggage, are they leaving?"

Someone immediately shouted, "You guys wait

!" Robin smiled and said, "It seems that you don't need this gift!" Lin

Mo thought to himself. In the future, when you use gold, you must find a way to come to the empty island, and the Golden Merry on the Proverbs can take away at most 10%.

Lin Mo and Robin quickly caught up with everyone.

The end of the cloud.

From the boat, Conise shouted to the crowd, "Everyone, now you can see the end of the clouds."

Usopp came to the bow of the boat and said, "Is it here so soon?"

Luffy now lying listlessly on his stateroom and said, "Are we going down?".

Sanji said, "I'm going down now, and I'm a little reluctant!" Zoro

said, "I'm going to say goodbye to Shirakukai!"

Chopper leaned on the edge of the boat and looked at the sea of clouds and said, "Although the sky island is terrifying, it's also very happy here."

Nami said a little sadly, "I really don't want to be separated from them, I wonder if we can come to Sky Island again?"

Usopp said, "I don't know about this, maybe I'll have a chance to see Coness and them."

Nami said in frustration, "There is still so much gold, why can't I take it with me

!" Usopp was instantly unsettled, "You're thinking about that gold now

!" At this time, Conyce and his daughter had stopped and shouted to everyone, "We can only send it here, you take care!"

Nami shouted, "Thank you for sending us."

Sanji looked at Conis's eyes and shouted, "Conis, take care!"

Paigaya said, "Everyone, put away the sails and hold on to the hull."

Usopp said, "Hurry up and do what Uncle says, this is a seven-kilometer ramp, and the speed must be fast."

Luffy said, "We're going to start a new adventure!We're back in the blue ocean!

" Connice shouted, "Everyone is in the whereabouts now, be careful!"

When everyone heard this, everyone opened their mouths wide and looked down in unison, and the Merry was already in the air, and was about to fall, and everyone hugged the Merry in surprise.

Suddenly, a huge octopus grabbed the hull of the ship, and the Merry's descent slowed down.

Luffy smiled and said, "Octopus Balloon, what do you mean, friend

!" Usopp lay on the deck and said in fear, "I thought I had arrived in that world!"

At this time, a melodious bell rang in the sky.

The Merry was still floating in the air.

Luffy looked at the gold in front of him and said, "We're finally going to be a big deal, what are we going

to buy?" Usopp said, "Let's buy a new cannon

!" Sanji said, "I want a refrigerator with a lock

!" Chopper said, "I want to buy books!"

Lin Mo said at this time, "You guys better think about it, we may have to change ships."

Usopp was instantly unhappy and said, "Merry, it has been traveling with us so far, I won't consider changing ships, it's our important partner! How could you abandon it

!" Luffy also nodded and said, "No matter what, I'm going to find a way to repair

Merry!" Lin Mo said, "I'm telling you this now, I want you to be mentally prepared, the keel of the Merry has been broken, even if it is forcibly repaired, it won't last long." Let's cherish the time we spend with the Merry again!"

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