Usopp asked, "Our ship suddenly appeared in front of us, and then it came in, like an illusion!" Lin

Mo said, "Is it because of the dense fog that forms the effect of mirror reflection?" "

I think it should be, I have read in books before, because of the temperature difference between cold sea water and warm sea water, there are sometimes hallucinations at sea, and it should be the case just now." Nami

said, looking at the sudden rainstorm, Usopp asked, "Is this also a hallucination?"

Nami said, "What the hell is going on in this sea!

Lin Mo said, "I'll go to the rope of the dragon master, and the rope is difficult to withstand such weather."

Lin Mo quickly came to the stern, and the ten fingernails of the "Ten Fingers Entangled" quickly turned into trees, tightly fixing the board boat and the Merry together.

"It was as if the storm was going to push us back. Luffy

said, and then Usopp said to Nami, "Nami, there's a group of lights there, it seems to be an island." Nami

took the binoculars and looked closely and realized that it was really an island. "Everyone, let's move in the direction of the light. Finally

, with the efforts of everyone, we successfully passed this strong storm.

Nami looked at the scene in front of her and said, "It turns out that this island is surrounded by stormy seas, and it seems that no one can get close, so this is probably the reason why it has not been discovered."

Luffy said, "I feel like this island is like a castle floating on the sea. "

Look, that doesn't look like a dragon, but there's a thousand-year-old dragon living here," Usopp said happily.

Several people soon landed on the island.

Sanji looked at the ruins in front of him and said, "I really don't know how long it has been since there have been people living here, it's completely deserted

" Abi

"Dragon Master, we have arrived at the island where the dragon's lair is located, you hurry up"

The millennium dragon looked at the surrounding environment.

Luffy asked, "What's the matter?"

Abyss said disappointedly, "Master Long said that he doesn't know either, so it's hard to know if this is not a lost island."

Usopp was momentarily unsettled, "We finally passed through the stormy sea!"

and at this time, Luffy pointed upwards and said, "The top of the mountain there, that location must be able to see the whole

island" Nami said, "It's useless to think about it here, let's go and see!" Lin

Mo now recalls this plot, and feels that the dragon's lair seems to be not on this island, it may be in vain!

After discovering the murals on the mountain, Long Ye remembered that the dragon's lair was on Warship Island.

Usopp said, "Really, what have we worked so hard to come here for?"

said Abyss, "for something that might sink to the bottom of the sea, and let you run for nothing."

Lin Mo said, "That's not necessarily, let's go back to Warship Island, maybe there will be a surprise!"

Zoro suddenly looked up at Shangdang, pulled out a small section of the knife in his hand, and said, "There is a murderous aura, there are people on it." The

scythe-headed man appeared in front of everyone and said, "With more of your explanations, I have found the location of the dragon bone and the dragon's lair, since the dragon's lair has sunk to the bottom of the sea, I will take the thousand-year-old dragon with me."

Lin Mo looked at the person in front of him, didn't he remember fighting with this guy on a small boat, how did he appear here, wouldn't the things he had worked so hard to prepare be useless!

Lin Mo said, "This guy is a sickle fruit ability, and he is a troublesome guy. Sauron

said, "Leave this guy to me, and you go back to the ship first."

Usopp said, "It's too high here, there's no road, how do

you go?" Luffy, "Let's go to the dragon master's boat first, I have a way!" Lin

Mo suddenly had a bad feeling, Luffy violently pushed the dragon master's board boat out, the board boat kept falling down, Luffy shouted, "Lin Mo looks at you!".

Lin Mo's head is full of black lines, this is the way you said, rely on me! Long Ye is so heavy! This is going to kill me!"Flower Wings

" Lin Mo said, "Luffy quickly smashed the tree in front of me, I can't control it and I'm going to hit it!" Luffy said, "

Look at me."

"Rubber Mess Fight

" Usopp trembled and grabbed the dragon master and said, "It's a shame that we can be safe every time!" Nami said

, "We haven't been safe yet, you idiot

!" Luffy laughed and said, "It's so much easier to go back!"

Lin Mo complained in his heart that you were relaxed, but I was tired to death. Forcefully said: "I can't hold on, I'm going to land, Dalian caught it."

Lin Mo grabbed the dragon master and galloped on the ground like this, which is much more exciting than flying in the sky himself, but his heart can't bear it after a few more times!

Nami suddenly shouted, "The cliff ahead is the cliff we walked on when we came up, how can you do

it?" Luffy asked, "Is Lin Mo flying once?"

Lin Mo said, "No, I have reached the limit of my physical strength now." In

the end, he arrived safely with Luffy's protagonist aura.

Usopp said, "Our luck is really unbelievable!" Lin

Mo was thrown into the sea, almost thought that he was hanging, fortunately there is Sanji, no wonder Luffy is dangerous when there is no danger

! It was a very simple thing that almost killed him

!But then he found that Zoro was much better, the enemy did not cause damage to Zoro, Luffy almost fell Zoro to death!

Lin Mo saw a small boat not far away, which should be the boat that the sickle head was riding in when he came, and gave him the prepared gift normally.

Man-eating seaweed (one-time plant)

attacks within a range of 10×10 meters, pulls all living objects into the deep sea (mature), can be controlled by mental power,

attacks Lin Mo, throws it over, wraps around the bottom of the dinghy.

When the Merry was about to enter the stormy sea, Lin Mo found that the sickle head was chasing after him.

Lin Mo saw that the boat was already far away from the shore, and immediately controlled the man-eating seaweed attack, and sure enough, the sickle head dodged the attack, but because the boat sank, he also fell into the sea. I silently said in my heart, "I'm sorry, I can solve you without fighting, of course I choose this way! Don't blame me for being insidious, if you want to blame this thing, I got it at this time!" Everyone

was preparing to enter the stormy sea, no one said anything about the small boat behind, and the Merry quickly sailed away from this stormy sea area because of the storm, which was much easier than when she came! Soon after sailing out of the stormy sea,

she found that she was being chased by the navy.

Usopp said, "The navy has already found us, but they can't catch up with us!"

Nami said, "We don't have time to fight the navy now, Lin Mo, you should hurry up and help the Merry speed up now."

Lin Mo leaned on the railing of the boat and said, "No, I flew with the dragon master for a while just

now, and I lost my physical strength, and now I don't have any strength at all!" Luffy smiled and said, "Hurry up and exercise, when can I let the Merry fly

!" Lin Mo said, "That's impossible! I don't have that kind of physical strength!"

Sanji looked at the front and said, "It seems that things are not good! Hearing

this, everyone looked forward at countless warships, and surrounded the Merry with iron locks across the river.

Zoro was surprised, "How many warships are there in the navy?"

At this time, Usopp was unusually confident, and said, "Jump on their ship, kill them, and then cut the iron locks, this is the only way

" Abyss heard Usopp say this, looked at him with adoring eyes, and said, "It's amazing! Can you do it?"

Abyss instantly turned back to contempt and said, "I know!" and

Sauron said, "That's a good note!".

Lin Mo said, "Don't count me, I don't have the strength now"

And at this moment, the warship has already begun to bombard

! The Merry kept dodging under Nami's control, but fortunately, the Merry had a small target and was flexible, and all the shells hit the Merry, and the Merry was miraculously unscathed!

Although there was no accident with the sickle head, Luffy split the main ship of the Navy with one kick.

As soon as he returned to Warship Island, many black spots appeared in the sky in the distance, and the black dots approached rapidly

, and a thousand-year-old dragon appeared, and there were thousands of them! The dragon lord roared excitedly, and suddenly the dragons echoed, and the thousand dragons roared, and the nearby sea areas were filled with this terrifying dragon roar, and even the sea was rolling up!

Usopp said in shock, "How can there be such a thousand-year-old dragon?"

Eventually, the dragon's lair appeared in front of everyone in a shocking way, and the sea trembled, and an island floated up from the sea.

The crowd looked at the island that suddenly appeared.

Lin Mo said, "This should be the thousand-year-old dragon's lair."

"Look at those dragons, they should all be the corpses of thousand-year-old dragons. Nami pointed to the stones.

Then the group landed on the island.

"Master Long, we're here!" said Abisi, looking at the Lord Long in front of her.

But then, what she heard in Long Ye's heart was unacceptable, because Long Ye came here not to cure but to sleep, and the dragon's lair itself was the cemetery of the thousand-year-old dragon.

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