"Zoro, Limmo, Usopp, Nami, Sanji, I'm going to die!" Luffy said with a smile

on his face, "Tree root stab"

In an instant, countless tree roots broke out from under the execution table, directly crushing the execution table.

Lin Mo himself was lucky, no one noticed that he was so close to the execution table, and if he was a little farther away, he wouldn't be able to attack with his current ability, so he didn't dare to bet that the dragon would really make a move?

Luffy picked up a grass hat from the ground and put it on his head, and smiled at Lin Mo, "I thought I was going to be angry, Lin Mo, thank you

!" "Don't talk about this, let's get out of here now!" Lin Mo

said, Zoro put away his knife and said. Let's get out of here quickly, I'm afraid the navy will be coming soon

!" "Come on, catch the pirates" Countless navies have been killed around the square and surrounded this place

! Luffy was excited there, "It's spectacular! It's amazing! What's going on?"

Zoro said, "Don't get excited there, run away

now!" Sanji said, "If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to leave this island, and you won't be able to go to the great voyage!"

Luffy said, "That's not good!" immediately took the lead and ran out.

Lin Mo hurriedly caught up, at this time, Luffy would not be able to lead the way.

"The Straw Hat Boys and the gang ran and chased after

it" Lin Mo looked at the navy that surrounded him, and he was afraid that it would affect his speed, so it was best not to meet Smoker, so he had to speed up

!"Poisonous Jungle" Of course, Lin Mo would not kill the navy, so he didn't use the seeds with poison, he would only be paralyzed temporarily!

Luffy said, "The rain is too big, I can't tell the direction!"

Sanji's eyes suddenly turned into Peach Heart, "Who is that beautiful lady?"

Suddenly Dusty appeared in front, Lin Mo thought to himself, "It seems that he is running in the right direction, but now is not the time to waste time, I can't let him fight with Zoro." "

Tree Hair Entanglement" instantly tied up Dusty.

Dusty struggled, "What is this?Devil Fruit power?

" Sanji scolded Lin Mo, "You bastard actually did it to the lady!"

Lin Mo said speechlessly, "Now that we're in a hurry, I'm just controlling her, let's go" After saying that, Dusty tied his hands and feet and put them on the ground.

"Great, see the port," Zoro said,

Lin Mo thought to himself, it seems that he has avoided Smoker.

"White Fist"

attacked with a burst of white smoke.

"Tree Shield

" Lin Mo blocked Smoker's blow, but the "Tree Shield" was shattered in one fell swoop. And Lin Mo's arm was numb.

Sanji asked, "Who are

you?" Smoker ignored Sanji, "Another Devil Fruit Ability?" Straw Hat Boy, I said that if you don't beat me, you won't be able to go to the Great Voyage.

Lin Mo thought to himself, "I look down on people too much!" But just looking at the blow just now

, it's really not something I can handle now!" Luffy smiled and said, "You didn't say that I forgot about it" Smoker said, "You actually pretended to be garlic with me!"

Luffy said, "You go first, I'll deal with him

" Smoker said, "It's hard to say, I'm afraid you're going to end here"

Lin Mo said to Zoro and Sanjidao" Let's go sail first, I believe Luffy. "I added a few words in my heart, "The main thing is to believe in him and his father!" As

soon as Lin Mo ran to the shore, a hurricane struck, and he was directly lifted off and hit the wall!

Lin Mo got up and found that everyone was together.

Sanji looked at the Merry and said, "If you don't hurry, the Merry will be washed away."

Luffy said "Okay" and ran in the opposite direction.

Lin Mo knew that he was going to suffer as soon as he saw it, and after looking at the distance of the Merry, he could fly over and run quickly

!"Flower Wings" (why is it called Flower Wings, because wings made of petals are more beautiful than leaves!)

Lin Mo flew, but the others were unlucky, and were hit by a "rubber rocket" by Luffy and flew onto the sails.

Usopp got up and said, "Lin Mo, you're too cunning, get out of the way first!" Lin Mo said

, "I don't want to experience the feeling of being knocked away!"

The storm and the waves surged, lightning streaked across the sky, and a bright light in front of him illuminated the dark night sky.

"Look at that light," Nami excitedly pointed to a light.

Usopp asked, "Is it the lighthouse on the island?"

"That's the "guiding lamp", and the entrance to the great voyage is at the end of that light.

Usopp trembled, "Then we don't have to go in this rainstorm

," Sanji brought a wooden barrel and said with a smile, "Okay! To celebrate our imminent voyage, let's have a launching ceremony."

After speaking, he put one leg on the barrel, "I'm here to find ALL BLUE!" Luffy put his leg on it and said, "I'm here to be the King of the Pirates!" Zoro also put his leg on the barrel and said, "I'm going to be a great swordsman

!" Nami also put her leg on it with a smile on her face: "I'm here to draw a map of the world!"

Usopp trembled and put his leg on

it and said, "I

...... I...... In order to become a brave warrior at sea!"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo, their eyes full of anticipation.

Lin Mo put his leg up and said, "I don't have any purpose, if I want to set one, let's be free!" "

Hehehehe, let's go!

Leaving Rogue Town, it's already close to the Great Voyage.

Lin Mo thought in his heart that among the four seas, the East China Sea was the weakest, and when he entered the great route, he would encounter an unprecedented enemy.

He can only do what he wants to do if he becomes stronger.

Open the character panel

Lin Mo

Fruit Ability: Mu Mu Fruit (Unawakened)

Physical Strength 510

Strength 680

Speed 450

Mental Power 655

Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering Primary Progress 40%

Armed Color Domineering Unawakened (Awakening Progress 50%)

Overlord color domineering has not awakened (awakening progress 32 percent)

It seems that he has to find a way to strengthen the training of speed and physical strength, and he can't even take a blow from Smoker

! Lin Mo took back the "flower wings" on the sail This is the way Lin Mo thought of exercising, which can increase the speed of the voyage, and can also exercise control, without inciting only increasing the wind area, it can last for 20 minutes, and if it is incited, it can only last for 3 minutes! Physical strength is a short board!

It was only after the storm subsided that the group relaxed, Usopp focused on maintaining the Merry, and Nami studying the seamanship.

Sanji researches new dishes every day.

Luffy sat on the bow of the Merry when he was fine, looking forward to entering the great voyage early.

The Merry was moving slowly towards the Great Voyage.

On the route of the Merry, in a huge warship, a little girl with yellow hair was chasing by a group of navies, and suddenly found that because of the storm, an escape ship fell into the sea, so she risked her life to jump to the little captain and escaped away at night.

"Hey, how long will it take for Nami to get to the Great Voyage?" Luffy asked excitedly.

"We've only been from Rogue for two days, and it's been a few days before the Great Voyage arrives, so you're waiting!" Nami said.

Usopp was looking at the lookout with a telescope, when he seemed to have found something, and said to a few people, "I found a large flock of birds in front of you, and there is something on the sea, I can't see clearly, it may be a boat."

Sanji leaned against the railing of the boat and said, "I often have seabirds gathered above the big fish, so Luffy will catch it for lunch!"

When he heard the word lunch, Luffy came to his senses!, "Look at my rubber ...... Harpoon.

Luffy's arms lengthened and flew towards where the birds were circling.

"Caught!" Luffy said with a smile, he already felt that he had grasped the target, and the next moment Luffy's arm began to contract.

Sanji looked at the arm that was shrinking and had a sense of crisis, and said, "Hey, Luffy, how are you going to put it down?"

Lin Mo was taking a bath just now because he was sweating from exercise, and when he heard their conversation just after washing, he guessed that he might have met Abisi, so he hurried out, trying to catch Ablis to prevent Zoro from falling into the sea, but he was still a step too late

! Luffy's series of operations accurately knocked the sleeping Zoro into the sea!

Lin Mo looked at everything that happened and said helplessly, "When there is no danger, Luffy is the biggest danger, it is estimated that now Zoro wants to kill Luffy!" and Luffy said

without the slightest apology, "Sorry, Zoro." Then

Lin Mo and Usopp scooped up Sauron together.

"Bastard Luffy, I'll kill you one day sooner or later!" Zoro said angrily.

On the other side, the crowd had already surrounded the unconscious little girl.

Sanji said, "It's not a fish.

Nami said, "It's a little girl."

Luffy said curiously, "Is it a fish-man, what about her webpers?"

Usopp looked at Luffy and said, "Hey, Luffy, where does he look like a fish-man

!" Nami said, "Let's carry her into the room!"

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