Lin Mo looked at Colonel Mouse and said, "I'm in a good mood now, I don't want you to die here now, just roll down with your men!" After speaking, he threw a group of sailors and Colonel Mouse out of the paradise.

"I will take revenge, you will remember me. Colonel Rat shouted outside.

Lin Mo smiled evilly, you don't have a chance!"

"Host, did you kill Colonel Mouse?"

"How is it possible, I used some poison on Colonel Rat just now. I guess it can last two days, I just said I don't want him to die here, but I didn't say I won't let him die,"

the whole island fell into a revelry, and Nami and Lin Mo came to Bermel's grave.

Lin Mo laughed and said, "This is not considered to be a parent, Nami" Nami

said, "I'm not your girlfriend, but if you take out 10 Bailey now, I can think about it."

"A billion Baileys don't have it, but I'm going to give you a good thing, you'll like it." As he spoke, he took out a small box and handed it to Nami

, who was curious

, "What is this?" Lin Mo said, "Skin care scar cream!"

Nami said unhappily, "Does this mean that my skin is

not good?" Lin Mo said, "I haven't touched it again, how do I know if it's good or not."

Nami's face instantly changed and said gloomily, "What did you say?"

Lin Mo hurriedly said, "Tattoos can also be regarded as scars."

Nami was instantly happy so that the tattoo on her arm could be removed. Then he thought of Nuo Qigao and said, "Then do you still have it?"

Lin Mo "It's not there now, what's the matter, you should have enough of so much!"

Nami said, "I want to get rid of the tattoo for Nuo Qigao too." Can you still get it?

" Lin Mo said, "These are enough for you to use together, and I will find a way to get you some in the future if I need

to!" "Nami, do you really want to be a pirate?" Nami

knew it was Nokigao and said "Yes, I want to fulfill my dream and draw a chart of the world!"

Sanji looked at Nokigao with shiny eyes, "Miss Nokigao, why don't you have a tattoo, you are so charming!" Nokigao

smiled and said, "It was Nami who smeared it on me, I don't know what kind of ointment it is, and the tattoo will disappear soon after using it, I thought it was a skin care product, I think the tattoo is also very good." Suddenly

, Luffy came running over, "Sanji, did you put anything on top of the cantaloupe you just ate?"

Zoro also walked over with one in his hand, looked at Luffy with enough barbecue for 5 servings, and said, "Hey, Luffy, what are you doing with so much meat in both hands!"

"Sanji" put ham meat on it. "

Luffy" I

don't know

what you got there "Sanji" Lin Mo, "Luffy, do you want to eat this?" Luffy

looked at what Lin Mo was holding in his hand, "Yes, where did you get it?"

Lin Mo pointed to Usopp, who was still talking about the story of his battle with the strongest cadre of the Evil Dragon Pirates, "next to him."

Lin Mo looked at Sauron, "You only drink wine, not meat?" Sauron

said, "I'm full, I want to drink now."

Sanji said, "I'm full, too." After saying that, he said with a perverted look on his face, "It's time to talk", and ran to a group of beauties to offer his courtesy.

Open the character panel

Lin Mo

Fruit Ability: Mu Mu Fruit (Unawakened)

Physical Strength 290 Strength


Speed 150

Mental Power 215

Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering Primary Progress 30%

Armed Color Domineering Unawakened (Awakening Progress 32%)

Overlord color domineering unawakened (awakening progress 17 percent)

It's really good to give so many attribute points this time!

Today is the day to refresh the mystery gift pack, see if there are any surprises

Soul Nourishing Pill 1 (After taking it, the soul is strengthened, and it can defend against attacks against the soul.) 5000 points

seawater filter design drawing 1 (after the production is completed, the seawater can be filtered into fresh water, and the drawings automatically adapt to the current world's technology

) 5000 points Shuttle tree seeds 100 (resistant to cold and drought, the root system is very developed, growing in the desert A shuttle tree can fix 10 square meters of desert desert, also known as the "king of desert vegetation") 500 points

Lin Mo thought about the Soul Nourishing Pill to defend against soul attacks, he remembered that Charlotte Lingling, one of the aunts of the Four Emperors, seemed to be able to control the soul, because it should be considered a soul attack, in that case, this must be exchanged.

The seawater filter blueprint is not very useful, but if there is an accident at sea, it is better to say that the fresh water is a problem, so change it. It's just that the points are a bit too much!

The last seed is useless, but when you meet Princess Weiwei in the future, you can help her expand the area of the royal city a little, and you should be able to get a lot of favor from Princess Weiwei.

Dock Zoro looked at Usopp with a box of goods, and said, "How many more boxes of goods," Usopp said, "

There must be ten more boxes."

Lin Mo looked at Shanzhi and said, "You're almost ready, aren't you?" You're a chef, do you have anything else you need?"

The villagers have prepared a lot of food, and our boat can't fit it, so I've already selected it. "

Usopp" didn't stay for a few days, but it was really an island full of memories

!" Johnny and Joseph stood on the shore and said to everyone, "Thank you for taking care of the big brothers during this time, we should also be bounty hunters again! Although we say goodbye here, we look forward to meeting again in the future!

Zoro smiled and said

, "Take care" Johnny and Joseph said, "Take care, big brothers, too!"

Usopp said, "Then let's go too."

Sanji asked

, "Where's Nami?" When everyone was confused, Nami quickly ran towards the Merry, shouting, "Let's get on the boat, everyone, I'm here!" Nami

stole the villagers' wallets and jumped onto the Merry.

Nami stood at the bow of the boat and waved, "Goodbye, everyone, I'm leaving!" "

Just let me eat an orange." Luffy looked at Sanji Dao Sanji who was blocking him

and said, "No, no one can touch Nami's orange orchard!"

Luffy said, "Isn't it Lin Mo, and it will soon be able to grow new ones."

Sanji said, "That's not going to work either.

Nami shouted, "Luffy, here's your wanted warrant."

"Really, show me?" Luffy took the wanted notice and looked at the number on it and said in surprise, "30 million Bailey

" Usopp pointed to himself in the photo and said, "Look, the whole world has seen my heroic appearance! Maybe it will be very popular

!" "Sanji heard that Usopp hurriedly came over to see, "I actually got this long nose, where are you, I didn't see you at all!" Usopp

pointed to his own meaning on the photo and said, "Look"

Sanji said angrily, "It's just the back of the head, what's so to be proud

of!" Usopp said encouragingly, "When the captain becomes a big man, we will have it, you can also work hard!"

Then Sanji Usopp and Luffy were there to celebrate, and Nami also had a headache next to him and said, "You don't understand the seriousness of the matter at all!".

Lin Mo stood in the flowers full of tentacles, closed his eyes and dodged the attack of the tentacles with what he saw and heard, and thought in his heart, "Robin's flower fruit can grow petals on others, why is his own wood and wood fruit so wasteful, it is difficult for Robin's fruit to awaken, it's not right! It seems that I should ask Robin for advice when he gets on the boat!"

Sanji's eyes turned into a heart shape, and he came to Nami with a plate and said, "Miss Nami, I have a special dessert for you to taste." The

voyage for several days in a row was calm, which made Luffy bored, and looked at Nami and asked, "Nami, how long do we have a great route?" Nami

opened the map and said, "Come here, everyone, we are approaching the great route, and from this map, it seems that the great route can only be accessed from the Upside Down Mountain." Zoro

said, "Can't you just go through the sea

?" Sanji said, "No, I heard the old man say that ships can only enter from there?"

Usopp asked

, "Why?" Sanji took a puff of cigarette, "Because it's dangerous

," Usopp said anxiously, "So why is it dangerous?"

Sanji said anxiously, "That's all the old man said,

Luffy" Let's go in from the front!That seems

to be fun!"Nami"It's a headache to be a captain like you

!" Luffy said, "Meat, I'm going to eat meat now, there's no more

on the ship!" Nami pointed to an island on the map and said, "Then let's go to this island to resupply supplies! There's a famous town on this island, Rogue Town!"

Luffy asked, "Famous?Is it because of the meat?"

Zoro said. Aliases, towns that begin and end!, I remember hearing that.

Lin Mo said, "This is the hometown of One Piece!" Nami said, "Yes, One Piece

Gore · The place where D. Luo was born is also the place where he was executed, so it's called

the town where the beginning and the end begin!How about Luffy, do you want to see it?" Luffy said, "I want to see the man who got the ONE PIECE, the town where the man who got everything in this world was born and died

!" "Go! Target Rogue Town! The town where the beginning and the end begin!"

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