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Chapter 320 Fulu Little King Kong

Listening to Xiao Jingang's words, Yang Bo complained: Can you turn off the reverb? It's quite charming. You don't want me to turn into Brother Jie!

Little King Kong coughed twice, changed his voice and said, Outsider, what is your purpose of coming here?

Yang Bo shrugged his shoulders and said, Well, I just want to come and see Nezha. Judging from your appearance, you already know about me, right?

Little King Kong nodded and said, Yes, we discovered you when Nezha himself left the timeline, and Nezha's world has been isolated!

After hearing this, Yang Bo asked doubtfully: Since he was isolated, why was he integrated into this world? And Nezha's condition is not right, he should be like King Kong Barbie!

Xiao Jingang took a deep look at Yang Bo and said, It's Time Chicken's fault. He accidentally restored my quarantined files!

This time we must deduct all his wages!

Yang Bo smiled and waved his hand, and said: Okay, okay, I am clean in the unit, so what's the impact if my salary is completely deducted? I can deduct the year-end bonus and dividends!

Little King Kong: ...

By the way, nothing happened when I came here this time. I was just worried that something would happen to Nezha, so I came here just to have a look. Nothing happened, so I went back. To be honest, I don't know if it was the influence of the world. After I came I always want to say something!

Nezha, don't worry. As one of the protagonists, he won't have any problems. Even ordinary people will be reincarnated after death. There is no real disappearance, unless...

Yang Bo asked curiously: Unless what?

Unless you get into your head!

Nodding, Yang Bo knew what a mind hole was, which turned everything into nothingness, as if the character didn't exist at all.

Sure enough, funny comics really can't talk about combat power. This guy, River God, has died several times, and even the Olympic rings can appear on his head, so there is no problem.

Yang Bo feels that he can't kill anyone in this world now, unless he has a code-killing weapon, or at best he will be reincarnated.

Since Nezha was not in danger, Yang Bo was not so worried. He looked at Little King Kong and asked: By the way, Little King Kong, let me ask you something! What is the name of that young man?

Hearing Yang Bo's question, Little King Kong was stunned for a moment and said: I don't know, maybe it's the god who created this world, maybe it's a bad name!

But the name is just a code name. He can also be called Young Man!

Is it so casual?

Yang Bo feels that this world is really hopeless!

Okay, little King Kong, I'm leaving first. I've been in this world for a long time and I'm afraid of being assimilated!

Fulu Xiaojiang said: Well, before you come next time, please come to my office and report it. This is the address!

Yang Bo nodded. After all, this is Nezha's world, and Xiao Jingang is the manager of the world, so he still has to give him face.

Then he took the message handed over by Xiao Jingang and opened it to read: Xiaoshi Bus Station, take bus No. 38, transfer to the No. 2 subway station, and get off at the terminal station and you will be there!


He took out the teleportation stone tablet, threw it to Little King Kong and said, Find a suitable place and put it up! When the time comes, come over and I will teleport here through this!

After speaking, Yang Bo teleported away directly. He didn't want to stay a moment longer among the hundreds of thousands of cold jokes. He was really afraid that he would be assimilated into a complainer.

Yang Bo did not return to my world, but went directly to the world of Liaozhai to see how Fahai was doing.

As soon as Yang Bo appeared, he discovered that the environment around the teleportation stele had changed drastically. The originally desolate and inhabited wilderness had turned into a glorious temple.

Yang Bo flew into the sky and looked down. The bustling temple came into view, and he said with some surprise:

What's going on? Are you in the wrong place? That's not right! It's indeed a Liao Zhai. Where did Fahai hire the construction team? Did they build it so fast?

There are many ordinary people below who come to offer incense and pay homage, which makes it very lively.

Just when Yang Bo wanted to contact Fahai through the chat group, a voice came from below.

Amitabha, where did the donor come from?

Yang Bo subconsciously said: The poor monk comes from the Eastern Tang Dynasty... Before he finished speaking, he reacted and looked in the direction of the voice.

A white figure flew up sitting on a lotus platform. Yang Bo took a closer look and saw that it was the Guanyin Bodhisattva who fought against the Supreme Treasure at the beginning of Westward Journey.

This Guanyin Bodhisattva fits the image of Guanyin in Yang Bo's heart. At first glance, it gives people a feeling of compassion. Holding the jade purification bottle in one hand, he flew into the air and looked at Yang Bo.

Then Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Yang Bo, frowned and took out a portrait, compared it, and said respectfully: Guanyin has met Yang Bo, the donor!

Yang Bo squinted his eyes, watched Guanyin Bodhisattva's movements and said, Guanyin Bodhisattva, can you let me see the portrait in your hand?

Guanyin was stunned for a moment and hid the portrait behind her back as if by accident and said: Amitabha, has Master Yang come to look for me, Buddha Tathagata?

Guanyin skipped the topic, which made Yang Bo want to see the painting in Guanyin's hand even more, but it seemed that Guanyin would never show him the painting if he didn't do it.

Yang Bo thought secretly: Go to Tathagata and Fahai first. I don't believe there is no chance!

He nodded to Guanyin Bodhisattva: I came to see Tathagata and Fahai. Aren't they both here?

Guanyin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Yang Bo didn't ask about the painting. He was still worried about what he would do if Yang Bo used force. Based on the fact that the other party was acquainted with Tathagata Buddha, Yang Bo's strength should not be underestimated.

Buddha is going to heaven to check on the disappearance of gods and Buddhas, and Master Fahai is traveling around the world to eliminate demons from the world!

Thank you, Guanyin Bodhisattva, let's talk next time!

Yang Bo waved goodbye to Guanyin and flew into the distance.

Open a chat group.

Group leader Yang Bo: Fa Hai, how are you doing lately? I'll come over to see you!

Fahai: Amitabha, this poor monk is in a town. The place is filled with evil spirit. There must be a big evil spirit coming out. Where are you now, leader?

Group leader Yang Bo: Wait... let me see!

Okay, I don't know where it is at all. Forget it, you get rid of the demon first, and I'll go around myself first. It's true that the world hasn't turned around yet!

Fa Hai: After that poor monk solves the problems here, he will go to Daleiyin Temple to wait for you!

Yang Bo closed the chat group and flew into the distance. He looked at the towns below without stopping. This place was too close to Tathagata's Great Thunder Sound Temple. According to this Tathagata's temper, he would never let monsters cross the boundary. !

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