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Chapter 315: Gathering of Personnel


Cyborg landed in the Batcave and scanned the people inside.

Who are you?

While speaking, he put his eyes on Vision and said warily, Cyborg has never met anyone who can compete with him on the Internet since his transformation.

Huan Vision smiled slightly and said, My name is Huan Vision, and I was entrusted by someone to come here to look for you!

The only people who came out to greet Cyborg were Vision and Scarlet Witch, while the others were still busy inside.

Cyborg's face was not pretty and he said: Who is looking for me? Bruce Wayne? Batman?

Almost, but he didn't ask me to find you!

Cyborg frowned and asked, Who is that?

You'll know in a minute. By the way, I'll show you something. You accept it!

After saying that, Vision directly transmitted the Justice League plot that Yang Bo gave him to Cyborg through the Internet.

Cyborg was stunned for a moment, let go of the firewall, and accepted the plot transmitted by Vision. It took four hours of plot, but Cyborg had finished watching it all in the blink of an eye. this what will happen in the future? Impossible! According to my calculations, how could Superman be killed by Batman!

Cyborg had an expression of disbelief on his face. Everyone in the DC universe who knew Clark would not believe that Superman would be killed by Batman.

Vision smiled and said: The future has changed. Now it's time to gather everyone to deal with Steppenwolf!

Cyborg was silent for a moment, then turned and walked outside. Vision asked, You want to leave?

I'm going to get the mother box!

Vision returned to the laboratory and saw Yang Bo who was standing by the enchanting table enchanting the mantra lasso. He walked up and said: Mr. Yang Bo, I have conveyed the information to Cyborg, and the other party went back to get the mother box!

Yang Bo nodded with satisfaction after hearing what Vision said: Okay, I'll trouble you this time!

Vision smiled and said: I haven't thanked you enough for letting me come back to this world again. If you need help with anything, you can always come to me!

Well, you can go back with Scarlet...wait for Vision to come over, and I'll tell you something!

Vision was a little confused, but still walked to Yang Bo: Is there anything else?

Yang Bo glanced at the Scarlet Witch standing aside, and then whispered something in Vision's ear.

After hearing Yang Bo's words, Vision's vibranium face turned a little red, and he said in the same gentlemanly manner: It's not that exaggerated, but you can try it!

Then he turned back to Hong Hong and said, My dear, go and wait for me. I still have something to do here!

Scarlet didn't doubt his presence, so she walked to the sofa and sat down. Upon seeing this, Yang Bo pulled Vision aside and waved to Thanos.

Then Yang Bo's exclamation came: Here I go, the wear and tear is so bad, this part is not made of vibranium, this guy Stark is really!

Time passed quickly, and Vision led Crimson and the two of them out of this world through the teleportation stone tablet and returned to their own world.

It's just that I don't know why Vision's waist is exuding a purple halo.

Yang Bo watched the two people leave and said to Thanos: You should go back too. Clark is enough for Steppenwolf. I will go back after watching the show!

Thanos nodded. His small garden had not yet been renovated: Sir, can you give me a small market? I want to put it in the small garden so that I can buy seeds!

Yang Tao was a little surprised. Thanos really wanted to change his job as a farmer? But this is not a problem. He took out the materials and directly made a small market and handed it to Thanos.

Thanos, you must not go to other planets to place blocks without my consent, do you understand?

Thanos nodded slightly. He and Yang Bo knew the assimilation ability of Minecraft when they went to the location of the Soul Stone before.

Seeing Thanos leaving, Yang Bo turned around and said to Diana with a smile: Beauty, what do you think of this upgraded lasso?

Diana took the enchanted mantra lasso, felt the stronger magic fluctuations coming from it, and felt waves in her heart.

You can actually strengthen the artifact!

Yang Bo shrugged his shoulders and said, Do you need to strengthen your weapons and shields?

Diana shook her head and said: No need for the time being, I feel that the current weapons are already very strong!

Yang Bo didn't force it. At this time, Cyborg came in with the package. He looked at Clark sitting on the sofa and asked with some confusion: Superman, are you not dead yet?

Clark, who was sitting drinking coffee, spit out the coffee with a pop, turned to stare at Cyborg and said, Is this how you usually greet people? Cyborg?

Cyborg also realized that he had made a mistake and understood what Vision meant by change.

So since Superman is still alive, does Steppenwolf still need to gather really many people? Cyborg thought about the power of Clark in the Justice League.

Suddenly I realized that the plot of Justice League can be said to be Superman and his five cheerleaders.

And now that Superman is not dead, Steppenwolf is a complete joke.

Clark stood up and said: This world needs you. With great power comes great responsibility. Cyborg, I am optimistic about you!

Then he glanced at the little fanboy Barry Allen next to him and smiled: Of course, the world needs you too, Barry!

Barry received Clark's affirmation, his face became excited and he stammered: Superman, I will definitely work hard!

Cyborg looked at Barry and felt as if he was being treated as a child. He glanced at the laboratory and said, Where's Batman?

Clark said: Going to find Neptune. You know it's not easy to get there!

But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound from outside. Batman and Aquaman walked in, but Aquaman's face was not good-looking, and he stared at Clark as soon as he came in.

Clark looked at Neptune's bitter and resentful look and was a little confused.

Bruce what's going on?

Bruce glanced at Neptune and said, Nothing, he was just educated by your clone!

My clone? Clark asked doubtfully, and then saw the mini-Superman standing on Bruce's shoulder! Suddenly enlightened, he said:

Bruce, you...

I never thought that one day I would take the blame.

Neptune stepped forward and said to Clark: When I get my Poseidon back, I will challenge your Superman!!

After saying that, he walked aside and sat down, no longer paying attention to the people in the room.

Clark showed the expression of a subway old man on his cell phone.

Yang Bo looked at the few people and smiled and said: Okay, now that everyone has arrived, let's go to Paradise Island to activate the mother box and wait for Steppenwolf to arrive!

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