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Chapter 313 Cyborg and The Flash

Diana looked at Bruce and Yang Bo and wondered if she had agreed too hastily!

Yang Bo asked: Bruce, how are Cyborg and The Flash? You haven't gone to find them yet, have you?

Bruce nodded and said: Cyborg's situation is a bit special. As long as he doesn't want to be exposed, it will be too troublesome for us to find him. We can only let him take the initiative to find us!

The Flash I've found his location!

Yang Bo nodded. He was still very relieved about Bruce. He thought of joining in the fun and said, Bruce, I'll go with you, and there will be someone to take care of you!

Bruce looked at Yang Bo and said expressionlessly: I always feel that if you follow me, things will become very troublesome!

Yang Bo suddenly turned red and said: Bruce, you are slandering! I have saved several people in the world, okay? When I have time, I will bring Thanos and you can ask yourself!

Bruce looked at Yang Bo without saying a word, his eyes full of disbelief.

Forget it, Bruce, go find Aquaman and The Flash, while Diana and I go find Cyborg!

Diana on the side said: Wait a minute, it seems you haven't asked my opinion yet!

Yang Bo looked back at Diana and said, Sorry, Ms. Diana, do you choose to be with me or me with you?

Diana: What difference does it make?

Yang Bo shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: Yes, this will make you feel that you have a choice!

Diana: ... At this moment, Diana wanted to take out her sword and kill the scoundrel Yang Bo directly.

Bruce, who was expressionless on the side, showed a rare smile.

Diana was just joking. There are still three people missing from the team, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash. You don't need to look for these three!

Just leave Aquaman and the Flash to Batman, and leave Cyborg to Tony!

Who is Tony? Diane asked with some confusion when hearing this name for the first time.

A philanthropist billionaire playboy, you'll be seeing him soon!

The three of them walked to the laboratory while they were talking. Diana saw Clark sitting on the sofa and was a little surprised and asked: Clark, why are you here?

Clark saw Diana standing up and walking to the edge of the barrier and jokingly said: Diana, long time no see!

How could I not participate in such a thing!

Diana thought for a moment, facing such a world-ending crisis, it was impossible for Clark not to get involved.

With you here, I feel more at ease!

Even as a member of the Amazon family, I felt filled with confidence after seeing Clark. This is the benefit of strength.

Tony, who was doing experiments on the side, heard the sound and turned around to see Diana. His eyes lit up, he stopped what he was doing and walked over.

My beautiful princess, it's nice to meet you. Is there any chance I can buy you a drink?

Diana smiled politely when she heard such a title, looked at Tony up and down and said, I think I know who the person Mr. Yang Bo mentioned just now is!

After hearing this, Tony turned to look at Yang Bo and said, Yang, you can't do this! Then he stretched out his hand and introduced himself: Tony, Tony Stark, nice to meet you!

Diana smiled, nodded, stretched out her hand and said, Diana Prince!

After the introduction, Tony said to Yang Bo: Yang, I searched for Cyborg's information just now. He has noticed us and should be looking for us now!

Yang Bo nodded. The current Cyborg has not completely transformed, mainly because his father has not yet sacrificed to heaven.

Thinking of this, Yang Bo couldn't help but want to complain. I don't know when it became popular for parents to offer sacrifices to the gods.

Tony, there's nothing wrong with your suit!

Tony said: No problem, my armor can turn off external signals. According to the plot, Cyborg does not have the ability to remotely invade equipment!

Yang Bo pondered for a moment and said, Wait a minute, I'll find someone! Suddenly he remembered a hero from the Marvel world.


It also has the ability to invade various devices, but it’s even stronger!

Although the universe where Tony lives has no possibility of Vision being born, the dead Vision in the parallel universe can still be used again!

Just go, Yang Bo returned to the Marvel world through the teleportation stone tablet, and found Thanos in the small garden who was working hard to farm.

However, within two days, a large area had been cleared here, and it seemed that it was done manually, without the help of the power of infinite stones.

Thanos, let me ask you something. The Infinity Stones have been destroyed. Can they be restored?

Thanos put down the watering bucket in his hand, nodded and said: Yes, as long as it can be restored again with the power of other Infinity Stones, the destruction of the Infinity Stones will only turn into atomic form and integrate into the universe.

It can still be condensed into infinite gems through external forces!

Okay, Thanos and I will go to the parallel universe and bring back the Infinity Stones and Vision!

Thanos didn't ask any questions, he stood up happily and walked to the teleportation stone tablet. He followed Yang Bo to teleport to the parallel Marvel universe, and then used the time gem to go to the small garden in this universe.

As soon as Yang Bo landed, he saw the cabin built by Thanos and a tombstone at the door, but there were a lot of scratches on it, but no words were left.

I feel like it's you lying inside!

Thanos nodded and touched the tombstone, with a smile on his face and said, Maybe I'm too harsh on Nebula!

When the Avengers came here, Nebula was the one who could bury Thanos. Thanos wanted to control the Infinity Stones to resurrect himself in this universe, but it was obvious that the power of the Infinity Stones could not do this, or this function was limited. Got it!

Yang Bo patted Thanos and said: It seems that gems can only resurrect people who were destroyed by snapping fingers, but not the dead!

Do you need me to call Orochimaru over? Resurrection?

Thanos shook his head gently and said: I originally wanted him to go to the adult world, take my place, and supervise those guys. Since he can't be resurrected, forget it!

He died for his ideals. Although it was wrong, I think he must be very happy!

Yang Bo looked at Thanos and felt a little moved in his heart. He was really lucky to have such employees. His subordinates have thought of all the things that his boss has not thought of yet.

Well, let's recover the gem first!

The wireless gloves worn by Thanos exuded a charming brilliance, and soon the entire sky was rendered into the color of gems.

After a while, Thanos's tomb opened, and the gauntlet inlaid with Infinity Stones popped out of the tomb.

Uh, Thanos, your tomb exploded!

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