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Chapter 310 Batman’s Dream

In the dark Bat Cave, the lights on the cave walls emit a faint white light.

The figures of Yang Bo and others teleported here.

Tony looked at the surrounding environment and said: I don't know why, as soon as I appeared in the cave, I felt a dull pain in my chest!

Yang Bobai gave Tony a stunned look and said, I think you miss the days when you were rubbing your armor with bare hands in the cave!

Doctor Ethan is really powerful. He can save you with just a battery!

Tony rarely refuted, but nodded in agreement with Yang Bo's statement.

Ethan is not only good at surgery, but his scientific research power cannot be underestimated. I have set up a medical research and development company specifically for Ethan, which is completely controlled by Ethan. Now Ethan is developing various drugs to save civilians injured in the war!

Yang Bo looked at the serious Tony and thought: 'A pharmaceutical company with a safe? ’ Pressed it down.

He believed in Dr. Ethan's character. He was definitely not the kind of person who didn't make good medicines, but only made good products.

A metal door inside the Batcave slowly opened with a sound.

DC's strongest logistician, Batman's butler Ah Fu, stood behind the door with a smile on his face, looking at the few people.

Welcome everyone, the young master has gone out to work, I have informed him!

Ah Fu stood aside and said very gentlemanly: Guests, please follow me!

After hearing this, Yang Bo and others followed Afu and Afu and walked inside.

At this time Clark said: Forber, where did Bruce go?

Forbes looked back at Clark and said with a smile: Mr. Clark, I'm not sure where the young master has gone. It's very possible that he took little Clark with him to find someone to talk about the good life in prison!

Clark: ...

Is it so curly? Steppenwolf is almost here, and Bruce is actually out fighting criminals.

Soon a few people arrived at a reception room, and Ah Fu asked: Would you like anything to drink? The young master may need a little time!

Yang Bo said: I'll just have a cup of coffee, it's full of sugar! I can't stand hardship!

Ah Fu smiled politely after hearing this, nodded slightly, and then looked at the others.

Tony has been looking at Ah Fu since he came here, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes. When he saw Ah Fu's eyes turning, he said: I want a cup of coffee too! Thank you!

Mr. Clark, are you still the same?

Clark nodded: Thank you!

Ah Fu said to several people: Please wait a moment! After saying that, he turned around and left his heart.

Tony looked at Ah Fu's leaving figure and said, Seeing him reminds me that our family used to have such an excellent housekeeper!

Yang Bo knew clearly that Tony was talking about Jarvis, the man hiding behind Tony.

Clark, what time is it now?

Clark naturally knew what Yang Bo was asking, so he thought about it and said jokingly: Maybe it's time for me to die!

Yang Bo: ...

Dormammu did not dare to come over when the Ancient One was alive, and the Mother Box did not dare to summon Steppenwolf when Superman was alive.

Clark continued: According to the plot, I should be buried now! Then he shrugged helplessly.

Tony asked doubtfully: Buried? What do you mean?

Yang Bo explained: Normally, he would be dead at this time!

Tony was shocked and looked at Clark in astonishment. Tony was completely aware of Superman's strength. When fighting Clark, his armor looked like paper.

You know, even if Thanos doesn't have gems, it will take a lot of effort to dismantle his armor.

What kind of enemy could kill you? Clark!


Pfft! Sorry, I really didn't think of it!

Thinking of the little Batman who had always been by Clark's side, it was not difficult for Tony to imagine what the real Batman looked like, with no special abilities and only the use of some ordinary weapons.

Such an ordinary person could actually kill Clark, not even him!

Thinking of this, Tony couldn't help laughing. Even a genius like him couldn't deal with Clark. How did Batman do it?

Clark, Yang is not kidding, were you really killed by Batman?

Clark nodded indifferently and said: Yes, according to normal circumstances, I was killed by Batman!

Tony's expression became serious, he looked at Yang Bo and said, I'm really looking forward to seeing Batman now! I want to see what an ordinary person is like, who can actually do such a thing!

Yang Bo smiled and said: You will be able to see him soon!

While talking, Ah Fu came over with a tray and handed the drinks to several people.

Please enjoy!

Yang Bo picked up the coffee and took a sip.

The door to the reception room opened, and Batman came back from outside. Yang Bo saw Bruce's dark armor with a mini-Superman standing on it.

Bruce you're back!

Yang Bo smiled and said hello, Bruce nodded and took off the mask on his face.


Bruce's expression was a little complicated. He sat on a chair nearby. Yang Bo saw this and asked, What's wrong? You look like you have something on your mind!

Bruce looked at Yang Bo, hesitated and said, I've been having a dream lately!

What dream?

I dreamed of the end of the world!

Bruce's words made Yang Bo feel helpless. He didn't expect that Bruce still dreamed of Clark's darkened world.

Yang Bo quickly said comfortingly: Don't worry, Bruce's dream is just a dream, not real!

Bruce's eyes were still very complicated and he said: Actually, I don't believe it either. Someone actually controls the whole world for such a reason!

Yang Bo smiled: With me, Louise will never die, and Clark will never turn black!

Ahem! Clark coughed twice and said: Yang, Louise and my mother were sent to that country in the east by me. I have discovered that only that country is safe!

Yang Bo's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, and he looked at Clark in disbelief.

Clark, you actually discovered the blind spot!!

Regardless of the Marvel or DC universe, as long as you don't cause trouble, China is much safer than abroad, and the air is full of safety.

Bruce suddenly said at this time: Lois is Clark's girlfriend? What does this have to do with her?

This time it was Yang Bo's turn to be a little confused and said: Bruce, didn't you dream about Louise dying? A dream about Clark going dark and killing many heroes?

Bruce was silent for a moment and said, It seems there is something I don't know about!

But it wasn't Clark I was dreaming about, it was you Yang!

Yang Bo was shocked, pointed at himself and said: Me? Impossible, how could I destroy the world!

Tell me what you dreamed about, Bruce!

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