The depressed Yang Bo returned to the Marvel world again, but he did not expect to see Clark in Tony's villa.

He asked in confusion: Clark, what are you doing here?

Clark walked up to Yang Bo and said, Um, I'm thinking of ways to upgrade Batman?

Upgrade Batman? How to upgrade Batman?

Clark's face looked a little strange and he looked around and said, Well, um... it's just about fighting crime!

Yang Bo could tell at a glance that Clark was not telling the truth: Fighting crime? Isn't Gotham enough? You actually took Batman to Marvel? By the way, why didn't you see Wayne?

Clark heard Yang Bo's words and quickly explained: No, no, it's not Wayne, it's this!

As he spoke, a black Bat motorcycle sped past Tony's villa at a very fast speed. It made a beautiful flick and stopped directly next to Clark. A faint wheel mark appeared on the lawn.

However, the Batmobile was only about one meter away. Mini-Batman raised his grapple gun, hit Clark on the shoulder, and flew up. The small motorcycle on the ground turned into a point of light and disappeared.

Damn it, Clark, take care of your damn Batman! Look at my baby, it's almost broken by him!!

Tony's furious voice came out from inside the villa. He was holding a Mini Iron Man in his hand, but the Mini Iron Man had marks of being hit all over his body!

Clark apologized quickly: Tony, I'm sorry!

Well, I didn't expect that you didn't upgrade Little Iron Man, and he was so weak!

Tony almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when he heard Clark's words.

Sorry, my baby is too weak! !

Then Tony saw Yang Bo standing aside and asked in surprise: Yang! So fast? Has Dormammu been solved?

That's it? You might as well have taken me along to see it yesterday!

yesterday? Yang Bo was stunned for a moment, then thought about it. He had seen Thanos die so many times in the dark dimension, and it was normal for one day to pass.

Yang Bo stared at Tony and said: Dormammu has not been solved yet!

I was killed!

As soon as these words came out, not only did Tony and Clark's expressions change, but Frank, who had just walked out of the door, also became equally serious.

Although everyone is unclear about Yang Bo's strength, they all understand one thing, that is, if Yang Bo can be killed, then everyone present and in the chat group can be killed by such power.

Frank said very seriously: Master, Dormammu is so powerful? It's impossible. Aren't you Thanos wearing a wireless glove? Where is Thanos?

Frank has watched Marvel's plots, and he didn't have any expectations for the performance of Dormammu in the movie universe, but in the end, Yang Bo was killed!

Yang Bo looked at the serious looks of several people and knew that these people had mistakenly thought that he had been killed by Dormammu.

I laughed in my heart, but didn't explain, and prepared to tease a few people.

He showed a serious expression: Well, Dormammu is much stronger than imagined!

Thanos and I entered the dark dimension and were instantly discovered by Dormammu and imprisoned on a dead planet. Thanos couldn't kill each other with the snap of his fingers!

I can only rely on the power of the Time Stone to keep repeating the moment I was killed by Thanos!

After many times, Dormammu adapted to the power of the Time Stone and controlled the dark power to directly kill Thanos and me!

Thanos, such a good guy, died like this!

As he spoke, Yang Bo pretended to lower his head, looking very sad.

The faces of several people became even more ugly, and there was an enemy that even the leader of the group, Yang Bo, could not do anything about.

At this time, Mini Batman suddenly made a voice and said: He is lying to you!

Yang Bo looked at the mini-Batman in surprise: I'll go, he can talk?

Clark said: I can only speak lines at the beginning, but I will be able to do so after I level up!

Group leader, are you lying?

Yang Bo shrugged his shoulders and smiled: No, I did die, but I was not killed by Dormammu!

I explained to a few people what happened in the dark dimension at that time, and they looked at Yang Bo with disdain.

Frank said: The group leader also said that if you didn't want to test it, the Titan creature you got would have been Dormammu's memorial day yesterday?

Yang Bo nodded lightly, took out the Skeleton Titan spawn egg he got from his backpack, flipped it up and down in his hand, and asked with a smile: Does anyone want to challenge it?

Several people shook their heads and said first that they couldn't beat it. Even if they killed this thing, it would be meaningless.

Yang Bo saw that no one had any thoughts of dying, so he reluctantly put the spawn egg back into his backpack.

Clark, how on earth do you upgrade mini-Batman?

Tony on the side also raised his ears. There was no way that his Iron Man could not defeat the flightless bat. This made the proud man unable to accept it.

Clark looked at Yang Bo's eager eyes and could only tell the truth: Well, mini Batman only needs to follow me to fight crime, and he can upgrade and become stronger by absorbing experience!

Yang Bo nodded. He didn't expect that this kind of mini hero could actually grow. His eyes were a little red, and he stared at the mini Iron Man and Batman, with sad tears flowing down the corners of his mouth.

Is the same thing with Mini-Superman? Is he also fighting crime?

Clark's face turned ugly, and he hesitated and didn't want to say anything.

Seeing this, Yang Bo raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said softly: Clark, if you don't want to say it, forget it. I'll just ask Batman. After all, he is the person involved!

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the teleportation stone tablet, as if he was going to Little Batman. Upon seeing this, Clark quickly stopped Yang Bo and said with a wry smile: Group leader, I say! But don't tell others!

Yang Bo turned around and said with bright eyes: It's okay, Clark, if you are in trouble, I will ask Batman the same thing.

Clark: ...

Believe me, you are a very bad group leader!

Clark whispered: Well, to upgrade the Mini-Superman, Batman needs to constantly give hope to the enemy when fighting crime, and finally win a crushing victory, so that he can gain experience!

Frank on the side suddenly understood and said subconsciously: Isn't this just showing off?

Yang Bo was stunned and laughed out loud. This was quite consistent with Clark's behavior. No wonder Mini Superman would be upgraded like this!

Haha, Clark fits your personality very well!

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