
A bolt from the blue struck Frank directly.

In an instant, Frank lay down in darkness. Yang Bo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly while watching this scene not far away.

I'll go, this punishment is still awesome!

After watching for a while, but Frank didn't have the effect of triggering the totem of immortality at all, Yang Bo's expression changed.

Here I go, Frank has used up all his immortality totems? It's impossible, I gave a lot before!

Yang Bo's figure flashed and he appeared next to Frank. When he saw that it didn't matter, he laughed out loud.

Frank was lying on the ground with a blackened face at this time, looking at him with his eyes open, without even the ability to speak.

Yang Bo stretched out his hand and poked Frank, and saw white arcs of electricity jumping on him.

Frank, bear with me and I'll help you treat him!

For safety reasons, Yang Bo took out the totem of immortality and placed it on Frank. He took out the red matter fist sword and stabbed it directly into Frank's body.

With a bang, the familiar little golden man appeared, and Frank's body recovered instantly.

Frank sat up, looked at Yang Bo and said, Group leader, you are right. When the lightning struck just now, I seemed to see my family!

Yang Bo: ...

Frank, why don't you open it?


Frank picked up the pickaxe that fell aside, stood up and waited for Yang Bo to take out a new cube.

Upon seeing this, Yang Bo took out the lucky cube without saying anything and placed it on the ground.

Frank, don't worry...

Before he finished speaking, Frank took advantage of Yang Bo to leave and quickly struck the lucky cube with a pickaxe!

Fireworks effects appeared, and a table appeared in place of the lucky cube with a large amount of delicious food on it.

Yang Bo looked at Frank and thought about his behavior just now and said: Frank, you want me to be punished together, right?

Frank was not a liar at all. He looked directly to the side and said, No way!

Group leader, I'm not that kind of person!

Glancing at Frank suspiciously, Yang Bo took out the cube again and placed it on the ground.

Come on, Frank!

The sunlight gradually disappeared and the sky darkened.

Frank was opening the cube on the ground with excitement at this time, for no other reason than the two illusory figures beside Yang Bo.

The Lucky Cube actually opened up Frank's family, just in a state of soul.

The figures beside Yang Bo are Frank's son and daughter.

Frank, why don't we stop for a moment?

When Frank heard this, he looked at Yang Bo, the excitement on his face not fading at all: Group leader, what happened?

Well, you've died at least dozens of times, so that's no problem!

Yang Bo was a little worried about Frank's situation. Unlike him when others opened the lucky cube, injuries and deaths were not digitized at all, they felt completely real.

Frank patted his strong body: No problem!

The effect of fireworks appeared again, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of Frank.

Frank's eyes were glazed over, and even a tough guy like him couldn't help but shed tears.

Frank's tall body fell to his knees and covered his face with his hands. He couldn't stop the tears. At this time, Frank, who was originally cold and ruthless, cried like a helpless child.

Frank's wife's soul, after seeing Frank, was stunned for a moment and recognized him instantly.


He reached out to Frank and wanted to hold him in his arms, but the translucent soul passed through Frank's body.

The two souls beside Yang Bo also floated towards the middle, and the Frank family was reunited at this moment.

At this moment, Yang Bo did not look at Frank in the middle, but stared at the corner of the abandoned factory.

A beautiful figure slowly walked towards him.

After she appeared, the surrounding space and time seemed to have stopped, and even Frank, who was crying beside him, stopped moving.

Yang Bo was completely unable to describe this beautiful figure in words.

The tall figure is wearing a pair of high heels, and black stockings wrap her slender legs.

That 36d's proud mind makes it obvious at a glance that she will be a good mother.

Wearing a pair of black glasses, he walked over with a proud expression.

Yang Bo felt alarm bells ringing in his heart. This woman matched everything he could imagine.

It was just too perfect to wake him up.

When he walked in front of Yang Bo, a chair appeared out of thin air. The woman sat on it and put one leg on the other.

The woman opened her mouth gently, her voice full of arrogance.

Why a boy?

The woman's words interrupted Yang Bo's plan to peek into the holy land. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a red face:

Can you read my thoughts?

The woman shook her head gently: No, but my image appears based on your ideas!


Yang Bo thought of a person in the Marvel world.

That is death, the abstract entity that symbolizes death, the embodiment of death, the master of the soul, the source, creator and controller of all life souls in the universe that were born when the Marvel multiverse was created.

Death has no concrete image at all, but appears differently to different observers.

Facing such a multiverse-level creation god, Yang Bo felt very uneasy.

Is something wrong?

Death chuckled and said: I feel that there are souls leaving my kingdom of death, so I came here to take a look!

I never thought I could find someone as interesting as you!

I can't see through you, but I can feel the power and weird rules contained in you!

Yang Bo breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the five creation gods in the Marvel world cannot stop the fundamental rules of my world.

Even if he is killed, he can return to my world and resurrect.

In that case...

Death looked at Yang Bo walking over and smiled: Don't think about it, there is nothing!

Yang Bo froze on the spot.

Okay, I'm just here to take a look. Don't change death at will. This is disrespectful to me!

Death stood up, stretched out his finger and shot a beam of light at Frank's family. When the light dissipated, the people who were originally in soul state regained their bodies.

This should be what you want to do. Goodbye! I hope to see you again in the kingdom of death!

After saying that, the figure of death disappeared on the spot, and the surrounding time and space began to flow again.

Frank's crying stopped and the family hugged each other.

Yang Bo also felt relieved when he saw this scene.

After a while, Frank came over with his family and bowed deeply to Yang Bo.

Group leader, thank you!

Yang Bo laughed and patted Frank on the shoulder: Okay, don't do this with me!

By the way, aren't you curious about how your family members have bodies?

Frank looked at Yang Bo and said: Although my body couldn't move just now, my soul is still awake under the protection of the chat group!

Group leader, you really need to improve your imagination!

Yang Bo's hand froze in mid-air.

I was wondering if I should send Frank to die!

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