Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 301 Xiaozhi’s new partner

Time is like running water.

Yang Bo had returned to my world, said hello to Xiaoxue, and ran back. At this moment, he was sitting boredly in the nursery behind the laboratory, looking at the elves around him.

At this time Xiaozhi's voice came over.

Group leader, here I come!

Yang Bo turned around and saw that Xiaozhi was walking towards him quickly. On his left shoulder was Pikachu, and on his right shoulder was a white translucent elf.

Group leader, what happened? Why did you come here?

Yang Bo told Xiaozhi about the Kati dog, and Xiaozhi nodded. He did not expect that the elves would also suffer from overnutrition, but it was not unusual for the group leader to have anything happen to him.

Is there no problem now? Xiaozhi asked with some concern. He was also present when Yang Bo got the Kati dog.

Yang Bo nodded and said: It shouldn't be a big problem! Thinking about the battle behind Kati Dog, Kati Dog no longer looked so depressed.

By the way, Xiaozhi, I want to trouble you with something!

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment and asked: Group leader, what's going on? Just tell me!

Yang Bo said directly: I want you to take Kati Dog on a trip, and if possible, I even hope you can take him to participate in competitions!


Yang Bo turned to look at the elf running on the grass, and said: Kadi Dog should want to participate in the competition and fight against different elves, but I can't do it!

Xiaozhi showed an eager expression on his face and said: Group leader, it doesn't matter, I can teach you. You can take Katy Dog to the competition. I think Katy Dog wants to be on that stage with you more!

Yang Bo shook his head and said: My personality is not suitable for being a trainer. At first, I was too impulsive and wanted a pet, but I didn't care about what the Katy dog ​​needed!

Group leader, it's not too late! You can do it!

The main reason is that I'm afraid that the Katy dog ​​can't be beaten, so I can't help but do it myself!

Xiaozhi: ...

Don't worry if you leave it to me, group leader!

I will definitely become the champion of the competition!

Yang Bo nodded and suddenly asked: By the way, Xiaozhi, I wanted to ask you from the beginning, what kind of elf is this on your body? Is it a ghost type?

Although Yang Bo didn't know much about elves, he still knew what ordinary elves looked like, but he swore he had never seen such an elf.

Although it looks familiar.

You mean him? Xiaozhi said, taking off the elf on his shoulder and saying: This is bought in a group store, and it is my exclusive product. I have never seen it before. It was just an egg at first. , it’s only been two days since it hatched!”

After Yang Bo heard about the exclusive products, he became curious. He didn't expect that other people also had exclusive products.

What's his name? The little guy is very cute!

Stroking the other person's translucent body, everything else was pretty good and there was no cold feeling at all.

Xiaozhi said: I don't know what his original name was, but looking at his appearance, I named him Piao!

Yang Bo smiled and said: It seems that you are also a waste of names. However, I always feel that I have seen this little guy somewhere, and I can't remember it for a while.

At this time, a burst of music sounded on Ah Piao.

Yang Bo's face suddenly turned dark.


You are causing trouble in the chat group!

A lot of light appeared on Ah Piao's body, flashing continuously along with the music.

Xiaozhi was startled by the sudden situation and almost threw the Piao in his hand. He asked in panic: Group leader, what is going on? Do you know?

Yang Bo nodded with a dark face and said, It's okay, this little thing just evolved!

The music is still playing.

Slowly, the Piao in Xiaozhi's hand changed into another look.

A pink creature with four legs appeared on Xiaozhi's hand, and a pair of tentacles or ears were dangling in the wind.

A pair of small black eyes stared at Xiaozhi non-stop.

Xiaozhi was a little nervous: Group leader, this... what is this?

Before Yang Bo could speak, the creature in Xiaozhi's hand said directly: Xiaozhi, I am the Digimon Digomon. Please take good care of me in the future!

Please give me more advice! Xiaozhi replied subconsciously, and then said even more surprised: Can actually talk, just like Team Rocket's Meowth!

Is your name Digomon?

Digomon climbed directly onto Xiaozhi's shoulders, lay on it and said, No! Digomon is my kind. Didn't you name me Piao? I like it very much!

As he spoke, he rubbed his little face against Xiaozhi's cheek.

Xiaozhi looked at Yang Bo who was not talking to me and asked: Group leader, do you know his origin?

Yang Bo was in a bad mood at the moment. He was now wondering if the chat group was causing trouble and actually sent Digimon to the world of Pokemon.

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, he nodded and said, I know something!

The translucent ghost-like one before was called Plankton, and it belonged to its juvenile stage. The current Digomon is also in its juvenile stage. This is a creature from another world. Well! It can be considered a living thing!

They can grow up many times, just like elves, and they have high wisdom and great power!

Thinking of the angel beast behind him, Yang Bo suddenly felt a little envious.

Xiaozhi heard Yang Bo's explanation, turned to look at Digomon and said: Apiao, what skills do you have? Can you try it?

I'm just a baby now. I have no skills and can only bite people. I'm too weak now! After speaking, Digomon's mood became obviously depressed.

Xiaozhi quickly said comfortingly: It's okay, it's okay!

Yang Bo thought for a while and took out the dragon meat and said with a smile: Little guy, do you want to become stronger? Come and eat it to absorb more energy!

Digimon can evolve when they have plenty of energy, and degenerate when they are short of energy. This is very magical, and this is also different from elves.

When Digomon saw the food Yang Bo took out, his little dark eyes lit up.

Xiao Zhi, can I eat it?

Xiaozhi nodded, and Digomon happily rushed towards the dragon meat in Yang Bo's hand, and began to bite the dragon meat with an open mouth. The mouth was densely packed with teeth, which made people shudder.

Xiaozhi murmured: No wonder he only knows how to bite people. Most people can't stand this kind of teeth!

Despite his small body, Digomon was not slow at all in eating. After a while, dragon meat that was even bigger than his body was eaten directly into his stomach.

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