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Chapter 293 Weight Loss and Black Mist

Looking at the darkening sky outside the window, Yang Bo and Wang Cheng walked into a coffee shop.

Yang Bo walked to the place where he ordered food and saw the strange fat pig-like thing standing inside. He was shocked!

Looking at the opponent's body that is more than two meters tall and weighs over five hundred kilograms, it gives people a visual impact.

The fat on the belly can be considered very layered.

‘One floor, two floors, three floors… Damn it, this guy will never find a girlfriend! ’

The obviously wide apron looked like a close-fitting bellyband when worn on the other party.

Yang Bo couldn't help but laugh as he thought about the scene of the bullet impact.

Looking up at the fat man's face, the fat man also smiled, but the smile was full of evil intentions.

Hey, human?

The fat man laughed strangely and whispered, What do you want?

Have a cup of coffee! What do you want to drink, Wang Cheng?

Wang Cheng looked at the menu and said, Me too!

The fat man looked at Yang Bo and said angrily: I don't have any ordinary coffee. Would you like some blood lemonade?

Yang Bo frowned and looked at the waiter on the side who was holding a normal cup of coffee and placing it in front of a customer.

Weird can also eat normal food, but normal food is not as delicious to Weird as humans!

Yang Bo pointed at the menu above the fat man and said with a serious expression: Do you think I'm blind? The menu above you clearly says coffee, and what the man brought just now is ordinary coffee!

When the fat man heard what Yang Bo said, he turned around and brought out a cup of coffee, placed it in front of Yang Bo, looked at Yang Bo condescendingly and said: Ten thousand ghost coins for a cup of coffee! No refund!

Damn it, is your coffee powder made of gold? Or is the water made of divine water?

This is a weird world. Wherever there is coffee, it's all imported coffee. Whether you want to drink it or not, the price is the same!

Isn't this robbery?

Hey, there's no way to get money so quickly from robbery. Hurry up and get the ten thousand ghost coins, otherwise you can use them as raw materials here! As he said that, he took out a kitchen knife full of gaps on his back waist, which was full of unknown things. of black condensation.

When Yang Bo saw the kitchen knife that the other party took out, the corner of his mouth twitched, thinking to himself: 'If you get hit by this kitchen knife, you'll get tetanus even if you don't die! ’

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the fat on the fat man's belly, and pulled him out from behind the counter with all his strength.

It fell hard to the ground, and the coffee placed on the counter jumped up due to the huge vibration.

The fat man didn't expect that he would be pulled out by this thin human being with one hand, and he was thrown to pieces for a while.

Soon Weiwei's powerful physique was revealed, and after a while Fatty woke up with a feeling of dizziness.

He began to struggle continuously, and a lot of ghost energy emerged from his body. Without stopping, he swung the kitchen knife and chopped at Yang Bo's head.

Yang Bo took out his red matter fist sword and was stunned for a moment.

‘I didn’t expect this function? ’

The moment I took out the fist sword, I suddenly realized that after the fist sword left my world, it had other functions.

Yang Bo looked at the fat man who was still resisting and smiled: You're lucky, I'll let you try out your new abilities today!

Although the fat man could not break free from the control, he showed a disdainful expression when he saw the weapon Yang Bo took out.

‘What a joke, the fat on my body is not for decoration! ’

A scene that frightened Fatty appeared. Yang Bo's red substance fist sword penetrated his body very easily.

The defense he was so proud of was no match for the opponent's weapons.

After Yang Bo inserted the fist sword into the opponent's body, he directly activated his new ability. The fat man lying on the ground stopped moving for an instant, and all the dark ghost energy on his body gathered towards the fist sword.


All the fat on the fat man's body was absorbed by Yang Bo's fists and swords, and soon he became skin and bones.

Yang Bo stopped, glanced at the rising EMC inside the portable conversion table, and nodded with satisfaction.

All the ghost energy and fat on this strange body were absorbed by the red matter sword and converted into EMC values!

Although it's not much, Yang Bo is very satisfied with this function!

I have to say, the roast chicken in this cafe tastes good! Yang Bo tore into the golden chicken in his hand with some emotion.

Wang Cheng nodded in agreement.

“It’s really good!”

As for why there is roast chicken in the cafe, this is not something Yang Bo has considered.

The strange skeleton-like figure standing next to Yang Bo was the fat man who blackmailed Yang Bo before.

Yang Bo did not kill him, but the other party prepared food. Under the threat of death, the other party quickly brought out a large amount of human-edible food in the kitchen.

If Yang Bo hadn't been a human, Fatty would have wanted to kill a human waiter to give Yang Bo a meal.

Yes, this restaurant is now a replica!

While Yang Bo and Wang Cheng were eating and drinking, a large amount of black mist appeared strangely outside, spreading towards this side from the other end of the street.

Yang Bo asked curiously: Have you ever seen the black fog in Wangcheng?

When Wang Cheng heard Yang Bo's words, he put down the drumstick in his hand and said, I've seen it before. It appeared during the live broadcast!

Once, black fog enveloped a hospital copy, which happened to be recorded live!

When the black mist dissipated, all the weirdness in the entire hospital disappeared! The surviving humans were also teleported back!

Yang Bo pointed at the black mist spreading from behind and said, Can you see if it's that kind?

Wang Cheng turned his head sharply, looked at the fog spreading in the distance, and nodded!

Yes, that's it!

The black mist seems to be able to swallow up the weirdness. Wherever the black mist appears, the weirdness will disappear, just like humans walking into the white mist!

Fortunately, this black mist will only make the weirdness disappear...

Having said this, Wang Cheng was stunned for a moment!

etc! It seems that now I am just confused. What should I do when the black fog comes? I have to wait online in a hurry!

The black mist spread quickly, and the royal city was a little panicked. An intangible attack like this makes people feel most powerless!

At this moment, a thunderous sound came from the black mist, mixed with a faint roar.

Yang Bo stood up and walked out of the coffee shop. This time his voice became clearer.

Bang! Boom!

There were sounds of fighting inside, mixed with the sounds of laughter!

Haha, it turns out it's all a trap and all food!!

A large number of shock waves continued to impact the black mist. Gradually, the black mist became thinner, and a huge figure could be vaguely seen inside.

How dare you hurt me, ant! I will make your life worse than death!

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