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Chapter 286 Lao Wang

After Wang Cheng asked who it was.

Yang Bo helplessly covered his face and said: In addition to being weird, this world is just a chosen one, and you still ask!

You are acting weird now, what are you still afraid of?

After hearing Yang Bo's words, Wang Cheng scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: Isn't this just death? I didn't get used to it for a while!

However, Weird and Weird will also attack each other!

After hearing Wang Cheng's shout, the knocking on the door stopped, but no one spoke.

Yang Bo nodded and said, Open the door first and see who it is?

Wang Cheng walked to the door, grabbed the door handle, opened the door violently, and then took a few steps back.

An old man stood at the door, wearing a black cloth gown and a pair of black cloth shoes embroidered with strange patterns.

After seeing the door open, a strange smile appeared on his face after seeing the royal city, and he said hoarsely:

New here, hey, don't forget to come to the management office to pay the rent tomorrow!

There are actually humans? It seems you are lucky!

After saying that, he turned around and left.

When Yang Bo heard the old man's voice, he felt goosebumps rising on his body, and he couldn't help but shudder.

Wang Cheng stretched out his hand and pressed the old man's shoulder and said with a smile: You're already here, why don't you come in and sit down and leave?

The old man stopped and did not look back, but still said in his hoarse voice: Hey, young man, do you want to invite the old man to try something fresh?

The old man obviously has his mind set on Yang Bo. Although there are living people selected to be teleported, it is still a drop in the bucket!

It doesn't matter if I go in and sit down!

The old man turned around and stared at Wang Cheng, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Yang Bo chuckled and said: Old man, come in and sit down, we have something else to ask you!

I'll definitely let you, old man, try something new then!

There was a surprised expression on the old man's face.

The first thought in my mind is: ‘Are people so proactive about food these days? Am I really old? Can't keep up with the times? ’

Then another idea popped up.

‘Is it true that eating this person’s IQ will not affect it? ’

The old man turned to look at Yang Bo, looked up and down, looked at the man's thin skin and tender body, showed a satisfied smile, and nodded gently.

The old man is so shameless today!

Entering the room, Wang Cheng glanced outside the door. When there was no one there, he closed the door with a Tom Cat smile!

The old man unceremoniously sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Yang Bo saw that Wang Cheng had closed the door and sat opposite the old man: Old man, what is your surname? Please let me ask.

What do you need for this rent? And how do you know that someone is living in this house?

The old man was obviously in a good mood, and he didn't look impatient when he heard Yang Bo's question. He said, Just call me Lao Zhangtou. I'm getting older and I can't remember many things clearly!

For rent, it doesn't matter if you use ghost coins or condensed ghost energy!

It looks like you are really new, but if you have fresh ingredients, it's not impossible!

I am the administrator of this building. If a new tenant comes, I can get the information!

He paused while speaking, looked at Yang Bo with a smile and continued:

I didn't expect that I made a mistake. You, a human, are actually the leader. Alas! It seems that today's meal is not so delicious!

If you have anything to ask, just ask!

As he spoke, Lao Zhangtou sighed.

Wang Cheng walked over and asked his question with some anticipation: Do you know about a very beautiful Weird guy wearing a white dress?

Lao Wangtou glanced at Wang Cheng and said: Why do you still want to lift someone's skirt? Don't worry, Yanzi will come to you, you have been targeted by her!

When Yang Bo heard what Old Wang Tou said, he realized why the other party only took away Wang Cheng's heart and not the other parts. Now it seems that the other party didn't understand his hatred at all and wanted Wang Cheng to become weird and continue to torture!

At this time, Yang Bo looked at Wang Cheng's expression and suddenly couldn't understand it.

Wang Cheng, can you explain what your expectant expression means?

Wang Cheng quickly became serious and said: Where is it? I don't have it, don't talk nonsense!

Ahem! Okay, stop talking, don't keep me waiting. I just want a kidney. Did you take it out yourself, young man, or do you want to try it with the old man?

As the administrator, Lao Zhang knew very well that Yang Bo was able to safely stay with the weird Wangcheng and occupy a dominant position. Obviously, he had certain means.

The chosen person would never be able to surpass him in strength among the ordinary people who came to this apartment. Because of the rules, generally he would not appear in front of ordinary humans at all.

Today was an accident. I didn’t expect to remind the newcomer to pay the rent, and to meet a human who wanted to pay his attention. The rules did not limit the delicious food delivered to his door!

Lao Zhang was right!

But he ignored one thing. Yang Bo was not selected to come here, but was teleported here on his own initiative.

Yang Bo looked at the old man with some surprise. He didn't expect that Lao Zhang was not bad, but he only had one kidney. In this weird world, this was already considered kind!

This made Yang Bo want to tease the old man.

Old man, kidney deficiency won't have any impact, right?

Lao Zhang looked at Yang Bo's rosy face and said with some surprise: That shouldn't be the case! Your complexion should be quite healthy!

Aren't you lying to me, old man? It seems I want to see for myself!

A large amount of black ghost energy suddenly appeared on Lao Zhangtou's body. Compared with Wang Cheng, Lao Zhangtou's ghost energy was deeper and thicker.

The ghost energy quickly condensed on Lao Zhangtou's left hand, and his originally pale and wrinkled left hand turned black.

It was inserted into Yang Bo's waist like lightning, and Wang Cheng didn't react at all. With this speed alone, if Wang Cheng and Lao Zhangtou were to fight, it would be a face-to-face matter!

The dark hand was inserted into Yang Bo's body, and not a trace of blood came out.

Yang Bo didn't react at all, he still looked at Lao Wangtou with a smile.

How's it going? Is my waist healthy?

The ghostly aura on Lao Zhangtou reappeared, and Lao Wang, who originally looked like an ordinary old man, had his eyes turn dark and half of his head disappeared, revealing the tofu brain inside.

There was a lot of dark black liquid flowing down the already somewhat rotten face, but fortunately there were no white bugs.

Now there is no expression on Lao Wang's face.

What the hell are you?

The originally hoarse voice has become as uncomfortable as fingernails scratching on a blackboard.

Yang Bo smiled: Me? I'm just a bad guy!

You can take back the magical power. If you don't take it back, I can only show you what it means to punch Nanshan Nursing Home!

He saw that his attack had no effect on Yang Bo, and the ghost energy erosion on his body also did not cause any ripples.

Lao Zhang felt that although he had hit the opponent, it was as if the opponent was a shadow and did not exist in this world at all.

He changed back to his original appearance, suppressed his ghostly aura, and sat on the sofa.

Okay, not only will I not be able to have a feast today, but it seems that I will become someone else's feast today, old man!

Aren't you going to resist again?

Lao Zhang shook his head: What difference does it make whether you resist or not?

Yang Bo looked at Lao Zhangtou and felt that he didn't seem to care about his life or death at all. He was very surprised!

It stands to reason that all living beings will have the desire to survive, not to mention the strangeness of wisdom. This old Zhang gave Yang Bo a very strange feeling.

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