Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 283 Death of group members

After spending two days in the Harry Potter world, Yang Bo left with Voldemort and his Horcrux.

came back!

Voldemort threw it aside like garbage, without giving him any authority.

Yang Bo looked at the large number of busy figures on the empty island, and his mood suddenly became very comfortable.

Finally no need to worry about EMC value! Wear one set of Abyss and throw another, no problem!

Looking at the EMC value in the transformation table that looked like he had eaten Xuanmai, Yang Bo showed a happy smile.

Yang Bo looked at Thanos who was still fishing and thought of something suitable for Thanos.

He took out wooden boards and emeralds and made a small market, which contains the seeds of all the crops in the food module. Yang Bo didn't make it because it was too troublesome before!

Now is the time to hand it over to Thanos!

Walking to Thanos' side, Yang Bo patted Thanos on the shoulder and said: Thanos, come and take a look at this!

As he put down the small market while talking, a villager emerged directly from the ground.

Thanos looked at it with some doubts, and the villagers who emerged from the underground said: This is it?

Yang Bo introduced the functions of the small market to Thanos. Thanos nodded gently, took the emerald handed over by Yang Bo, stood in front of the villagers and began to exchange seeds.

Leave it to you, you can plant some in your little garden then!

Yang Bo naturally knows what Thanos thinks and wants to return to the Marvel Universe with things from Minecraft. As long as someone helps him do the work, other things are a small problem for Yang Bo.

Yang Bo returned to the teleportation stone tablet, picked up Voldemort on the ground, and went to the Village of Waves in the Naruto world.

As soon as he appeared, there were respectful greetings around him.



Two ninjas wearing forehead protectors were bowing to say hello.

Yang Bo nodded and said: Get up!

The two raised their heads after hearing this, and Yang Bo asked: Where is Orochimaru?

Lord Orochimaru is in the laboratory. Boss, would you like to inform Lord Orochimaru now?

Yang Bo nodded gently: Ask him to come to me in the office!

One of the ninjas directly used the teleportation technique and disappeared. Yang Bo threw Voldemort in his hand to the remaining ninja.

Help me get the office!

It's my lord!

Yang Bo walked towards the office, and the remaining ninja followed respectfully behind Yang Bo, carrying the unconscious Voldemort.

Orochimaru, who quickly got the news, appeared in Yang Bo's office.

Yang Bo looked at the evil smile on Orochimaru's face, and without waiting for Orochimaru to speak, he said: This guy is the Dark Lord of the Magical World, um... just like you before, this guy can constantly split souls...

He took out Voldemort's Horcrux from his backpack and placed it on his desk.

When Orochimaru heard what Yang Bo said, his eyes lit up and he carefully picked up the Horcrux on the table and started to explore it.

Sir, I feel the soul inside, it seems to be an incomplete soul!

Yang Bo nodded.

That's right! Pointing to the unconscious Voldemort, he continued: This is Voldemort's main soul. If he dies, he can be resurrected with the help of the remaining soul in the Horcrux!

Orochimaru suddenly felt an unusually familiar feeling after hearing this.

Isn’t this guy the same as me?

Sir, what do you need to do?

Yang Bo likes smart people very much. He looked at Orochimaru and said: I suspect that this guy has other remnant souls, so I will leave him to you. I don't care what method you use. I want to know if he has other remnant souls. !”

By the way, although this guy doesn't have a wand, he still poses a great threat. You should find a way to seal the energy and mental power in his body!

Orochimaru nodded.

Sir, is there anything else? If not, I will take him back!

Looking at Orochimaru's inquiring eyes, Yang Bo mentally mourned for Voldemort for a second and said, Go ahead!

Orochimaru picked up Voldemort on the ground and left Yang Bo's office with the Horcrux on the table.

Yang Bo stood up and prepared to return to the empty island of Minecraft.

[New members have joined the chat group, please check the group owner! 】

Yang Bo was startled by the message that popped up in the chat group. He glanced at it and said with a smile: There have been no new members for a long time!

Just opened the chat group.

A new group message popped up.

【warn! 】

【A group member died! 】

? ? ! ! !

After Yang Bo saw the sudden news, his expression suddenly changed.

Who died? It's impossible. In which world can group members not be able to use teleportation abilities? And I gave them all the totems of immortality!

Is it Fahai? Something happened in the world of Liaozhai?

Yang Bo quickly opened the chat group to check it out. At this moment, the chat group became very lively.

All group members seemed to have received the message from the chat group.

Everyone feels sad that the rabbit is dead and the fox is dead.

Group leader Yang Bo: All group members say something!

Zhang Chulan: Group leader, what's going on? How could a group member die?

Zhang Sanfeng: Group leader! Is the news true?

Ying Zheng: I was resting. When I saw this news, I suddenly woke up. Who is the leader of the group who died?

Fahai: Amitabha!

Yang Bo counted the number of people and found that there were not many members. He was very confused.

Group leader Yang Bo: There are not many people there? Is there something wrong with the chat group? What's going on with my little assistant?

[New member Wang Cheng dies! 】

Empire? Who is this? Yang Bo was frightened by the news of someone's death and forgot about the new members.

After the assistant said this, he finally came to his senses.

Good guy! Good guy! He died before joining the group and didn't speak. This was the first time Yang Bo encountered such a situation and he didn't know what to say.

Group leader Yang Bo: It was the new member who died! He died before he could speak. Is this good luck or bad luck?

People in the chat group were speechless, saying he was unlucky? But he joined the chat group, but said he was lucky? He died immediately before he even spoke!

Gao Yao: Sir, group leader, can you know how the other party died?

Group leader Yang Bo: Let me ask my assistant!

The assistant in the chat group would only answer Yang Bo's questions and ignore the others. He was very arrogant.

How did the new assistant member die? Was he killed?

[The new member Wang Cheng was killed strangely! 】

Group leader Yang Bo: So miserable? It seems that the world of new members is a strange world! Let me see the plot in the group sharing!

I opened the group sharing of the chat group and looked through it, but found that there was no new plot in it. I don’t know if it was due to the death of group members or if there was no plot at all!

Just when Yang Bo wanted to ask his assistant, a new message suddenly appeared in the chat group.

Wang Cheng: What is this? Chat group? What the hell?

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