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Chapter 278 Voldemort attacks

On the underground floor of Hogwarts Castle, Yang Bo followed Harry and Ron to the Potions classroom.

It looked like Harry was very skillful in resisting the potions thrown at him from all angles, and these potions were not only in liquid form, but also in powdery and gaseous forms.

The expression on Yang Bo's face changed from surprised to calm.

Ron, is Harry like this every day?

Ron shook his head and said, No!

Yang Tao breathed a sigh of relief and realized that if Harry experienced such a situation every day, he would definitely feel guilty. After all, it was all because of the spring water he brought out!

About once every three or four days. After all, it takes time for Professor Snape to set traps!

Harry walked back and forth several times in the corridor leading to the Potions classroom. After realizing that there were no more traps, he walked back and said, Okay, there's no problem, you can come over!

As he spoke, Harry walked towards the Potions classroom and said as he walked: I don't know why I feel like today's trap is a bit simple!

Yang Bo did not speak, but looked at Ron who was following Harry, and took out a bottle from his arms.

He looked back at Yang Bo and winked.

Yang Bo: ...

‘Lao Liu is actually by my side! ! ’

Harry, I'm sorry!

When Harry heard Ron's voice, he turned his head and looked at Ron in confusion, but what he saw was a piece of white powder.

Harry was caught off guard and was directly covered in the powder.

Soon the potion gradually dispersed, revealing Harley inside. Perhaps because of her age, Harley became more mature.

But at this moment, Harry was looking at Ron with a pair of big eyes, and his cheeks were rosy due to anger.

Ron! Why?

Harry shouted to Ron coquettishly.

Ron looked into Harry's eyes and said seriously: I'm sorry, Harry! Professor Snape gave me too much!

Yang Bo on the side looked at Ron's excited eyes and didn't believe Ron's lies at all.

I thought to myself: I'm afraid you don't want to fencing yourself!

However, Harry still forgave Ron, because it must be Professor Snape's idea behind this, in order to train his reflexes and the ability to lift the curse.

Harley touched her body with her fingers, and her fingers were immediately covered with white powder. She put it under her nose, sniffed it gently, and her eyes lit up.

Said: This is very simple!

When Yang Bo was hesitant to take out the milk, Harley took out a bottle of light blue potion from inside the large wizard robe and drank it directly.

The potion took effect in an instant. Harley's long hair gradually became shorter, and her body characteristics changed back to that of a boy.

Okay, this kind of thing won't happen again today! Mr. Yang Bo, we can go to the potions classroom!

Yang Bo nodded gently. What happened just now had a great impact on Yang Bo and completely refreshed his understanding.

I kept sighing in my heart:

‘The urban roads are rough, but the rural roads are also slippery! ’

Harry, will there be so many traps when others come in? Yang Bo didn't believe that all students could dodge them as easily as Harry!

Harry shook his head and said: Professor Snape has set it up, and only I can activate the trap!

As long as others don't come with me, there won't be any problems!

Harry looked at Yang Bo's expression, paused and continued:

There are also potions with various effects here, not only potions that can turn people into women, but also slow petrification and many more. This is the teaching specially prepared for me by Professor Snape!

Yang Bo nodded gently. It seemed that Professor Snape really worked hard to train Harry!

Harry walked into the classroom skillfully, stretched out his wand and cast a spell, and all the candles in the classroom were suddenly lit.

The dark classroom suddenly became brighter, and Yang Bo discovered that the potions classroom had changed a lot from what he remembered.

In the backmost corner of the classroom, a small space was expanded at some point.

There are various crucibles inside, as well as a large amount of materials.

Harry walked directly in and started to get busy, and Ron also started to walk in and start fighting.

Follow Harry's instructions and start working on different materials.

Time passed quickly, and the potion in the crucible was quickly brewed, and Harry carefully began to put it into the bottle.

Ron, it's okay! Go and inform your classmates!

Ron nodded and walked outside the classroom. Yang Bo looked at the bottles of potions placed on the table and asked, Harry, what are these potions for?

Harry was arranging potions behind the table. When he heard Yang Bo's question, he raised his head and looked at Yang Bo and explained with a smile: This is a potion to remove petrification. I don't know why the consumption of this potion has been very high recently, but fortunately this The materials for growing potions are easy to obtain, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to make so many potions!”

Yang Bo felt that he was witnessing the emergence of a new Potions Master, and now Harry was completely out of touch with the plot.

Yang Bo couldn't tell whether this was good or bad.

Harry continued to brew new potions, and soon Ron ran back, followed by a large number of students.

The potions classroom was filled with people all of a sudden. These students were queuing up quietly, not as messy as Yang Bo imagined.

A bottle of potion to treat trauma, and a bottle of potion to remove petrification!

An obviously senior student was standing in front of Harry honestly and expressed his needs.

Harry nodded and took out a small box under the table. After opening it, there were a large number of potions neatly placed inside.

He took out a bottle and handed it to the other person along with a bottle on the table. After the other person took it, he took out two silver coins and put them in a small box aside.

Yang Tao watched from the sidelines as the transactions went on smoothly. All the potions were worth one Silver Siko, and each person was limited to only two bottles.

Yang Bo knew very well that although the purchasing power of the coins in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was very strong, the price of the potions was definitely more than one Silver Sickle. This should be to make these students cherish these potions.

Ron stood aside and said: Today's potions have been sold out. If you need it, come back next time!

The students who did not buy the potion showed disappointment, but no one said anything and walked out of the classroom quietly. It seemed that this was not their first time participating!

Soon, only Ron, Harry and Yang Bo were left in the classroom. Just when Yang Bo was about to ask Harry and Ron how often they sold potions.

Bursts of bells came, and the bells sounded very quickly, with no intention of stopping for a while.

Harry and Ron's faces turned ugly when they heard the bell.

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