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Chapter 275 Voldemort’s Resurrection

After Zhang Sanfeng had nothing to do, the group of friends returned to their own world one after another.

But Hermione ran to Yang Bo's side, gently pulled Yang Bo's clothes, and said softly: Brother group leader, Voldemort is resurrected!

Yang Bo: ???

How can it be?!

When he heard the news of Voldemort's resurrection, Yang Bo subconsciously didn't believe it. Peter Pettigrew was taken away by Dumbledore, so how could Voldemort be resurrected?

What is Dumbledore doing? Is he still training Harry? It shouldn't be!

Hermione heard Yang Bo's words and said: No, in addition to the Horcruxes in the plot, Voldemort has other Horcruxes outside!

Yang Bo: ...

Why does this guy look like Orochimaru? Keep a hand everywhere? what's the situation?

Yang Bo suddenly wanted to send Orochimaru to the world of Harry Potter and let Orochimaru deal with Voldemort, an old yin!

However, thinking that Orochimaru was developing his power in the world of Naruto according to Yang Bo's instructions, he gave up this idea.

Yang Bo gently rubbed Hermione's head, and suddenly found that Hermione had grown a lot taller.

With a snap, Yang Bo's hand was slapped down by Hermione.

Brother, group leader, you messed up my hair again!

Hermione stood there arranging her hair a little angrily. This discovery made Yang Bo sigh and said: Oh, little Hermione has grown up, you didn't care before!

Hermione rolled her eyes at Yang Bo and said, I'm a girl, not Harry... Well! I'm not a sloppy boy like Ron!

Hearing Harry Yang Bo ask curiously: By the way, Hermione, how is Harry doing lately?

Hermione's expression became very strange, and she said hesitantly: I don't know what to say. I don't know if this is good or bad?

Hermione's words successfully aroused Yang Bo's curiosity, and he quickly asked: What's wrong? Has Harry found a boyfriend? Ron? Or Malfoy?

Hermione rarely rolled her eyes at Yang Bo, but continued hesitantly: Brother, group leader, your spring water curse was broken by Harry. He completely relied on his potion ability to break it!

Yang Bo showed an expression of surprise. Harry, who was only in third grade now, could actually lift the curse of the spring water.

Sure enough, as the protagonist of the Harry Potter world, there is absolutely no problem with talent.

Isn't that awesome? Why do you say there are good things and bad things?

Professor Snape invented many similar potions based on spring water, which always prevents Harry from accidentally spilling it on himself or accidentally swallowing it!

After Harry became Harry, he kept learning Potions and lifted new curses. Then he was transformed into Harry with new potions. Harley continued to study and lifted them again!

Harry's potions skills are now among the best in the school, especially in terms of restoring and removing curses!

Yang Bo was speechless for a moment. He felt that Snape was a little out of touch with his personality, and he didn't know if it was because of Hermione's change in joining the chat group!

By the way, Hermione, you said Voldemort was resurrected. Can't you defeat him now?

Hermione showed a confident smile: Of course it's no problem, it's been so long, of course I've been able to fight, but...

When Yang Bo heard only two words, he knew that things were not that simple.

But what?

But I couldn't find him, and I suspect that after his resurrection, he will be more careful and make new Horcruxes!

Yang Bo nodded, agreeing with Hermione's point of view. If it weren't for the protagonist's aura, how could Voldemort, the Dark Lord of the generation, die so easily.

Not to mention that Voldemort also has many special methods.

You want me to help?

Hermione nodded slightly.

Yang Bo happily agreed: No problem, I can help you find him, but you have to defeat him yourself and temper yourself!

no problem!

Yang Bo said goodbye to Zhang Sanfeng and followed Hermione directly to the world of Harry Potter.

As soon as it appeared, Yang Bo was startled by a giant beast not far away, and subconsciously wanted to take out his weapon.

When he came back to his senses, he discovered that it was a very large dog with three heads!

Yang Bo said with some confusion: Isn't this Hagrid's Lu Wei? Why is he here?

Lu Wei heard the sound and climbed up on the ground. The three heads stared at Yang Bo non-stop, and a lot of saliva dripped from the dog's mouth.

Lu Wei, who didn't know that he was already on the verge of death, started roaring when he saw Yang Bo, a stranger.

Hermione also teleported over at this time and heard Yaya's voice saying: Quiet! Lu Wei!

When Lu Wei heard Hermione's words, two of the dog heads shut their mouths honestly, but the middle dog head didn't know if it was slow to react, but still screamed again, and was directly hit by the dog heads on both sides!

Brother, group leader, I forgot to tell you. Lu Wei is now assigned to guard the teleportation stone tablet. You know the students in the school are too curious!

Yang Bo nodded to express his understanding, especially for Gryffindor students, the adventure factor was directly engraved in their blood.

But Yang Bo doubts that this stupid dog who loves listening to music can play any role here?

Hermione, why do you feel like Lu Wei listens to you so much?

Hermione walked towards Lu Wei who was lying on the ground, gently stroked the dog's head in the middle and said, It was disobedient at first and always wanted to bite me, but it got better after being beaten a few times!

Yang Bo, who had sharp eyes, saw Lu Wei trembling very obviously when Hermione was talking about how many times to hit her.

Obviously things are definitely not as simple as Hermione said!

Yang Bo also walked to Lu Wei. He liked this huge pet very much!

He also reached out and touched Lu Wei's head. Lu Wei resisted a little, maybe because of Hermione's presence, but he still shook his head twice before accepting Yang Bo's touch.

Yang Bo showed a satisfied smile on his face and said: I didn't expect this guy to have such a good touch!

He took out a huge piece of roasted dragon meat and put it to Lu Wei's mouth. Yaya smelled the taste, and the saliva in his mouth instantly flowed all over the floor!

He stuck out his tongue and started wagging his tail at Yang Bo, as if he wanted to be eaten. Yang Bo didn't tease him when he saw this, and just threw the meat into the dog's mouth!

The other two dog heads saw this and came over. I don't know if it was an illusion that Yang Bo saw the flattering look in the dog's eyes.

He took out two pieces of dragon meat again and threw them into the two dog heads. The three dog heads were immediately satisfied and lay on the ground chewing in their mouths.

Hermione! And what is this? Oh Mr. Yang Bo, long time no see!

A loud voice came from behind Yang Bo, and the tall figure with a scruffy beard revealed the identity of the visitor. He was none other than Hagrid, the guardian of the Forbidden Forest and the new Professor of Care of Magical Creatures!

As soon as he heard Lu Wei's cry, Hagrid ran over. He originally thought it was another naughty Gryffindor, but he didn't expect it to be Yang Bo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

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