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Chapter 267 Thanos Legion

Gamora looked at Ronan who was easily defeated, and was a little dazed. She didn't expect that Ronan, who had the power stone, would be defeated by Thanos like this.

And now he was directly destroyed by a strange man!

After Yang Bo finished smashing, he felt that his breath suddenly became smoother.

Ronan, who was originally unconscious, was awakened directly by the severe pain, and the ground kept rolling.

After snapping off the infinity stone embedded in the hammer, Yang Bo threw it directly to Thanos on the side.

That's it! We've got the power stone! It's time for us to go, Thanos!

The purpose of this trip has been achieved. Yang Bo, who has vented his anger, looks at the still lively battle and has no intention of intervening.

Neither Xandar nor the Kree have much to do with Yang Bo.

Thanos glanced at Gamora and opened the portal directly. This time Yang Bo learned his lesson and didn't go in directly.

Instead, he waited for Thanos to pass first.

At this moment, Gamora suddenly said: You don't recognize Thanos, right?

A smile appeared on Thanos' lips: Yes! My daughter!

He said and walked directly into the portal.

Yang Bo and Ebony Throat followed closely behind. As soon as they appeared, they saw a large number of meteorites surrounding them, surrounded by a gorgeous starry sky.

He frowned and looked at everything around him.

Where is this?

Ebony Throat said: This is Thanos' domain, the Holy Domain!


Yang Bo was confused for a moment and couldn't remember where this was.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the distance.

Who are you?

Yang Bo followed the voice and looked over. Another Thanos was sitting on a stone throne, looking at Yang Bo and the three of them calmly.

After seeing Thanos, Yang Bo suddenly realized that this was the place where Thanos had met Ronan, the leader of the Kree people.

No wonder it looks familiar, but I can't name it.

A place that has only appeared once in the movie before.

I don't know why, but there is only Thanos here and no one else exists.

Yang Bo asked Thanos on his side: What do you want to do when you come to Thanos in this universe?

I saw the gem Thanos on Yang Bo's side, showing a smile, staring at himself in this universe and saying: I think I should be able to accept my own legacy and legion! Just resurrecting my legion is not enough, the universe is too big !”

Yang Bo was startled, shocked by his own thoughts of destroying tyrants: Have you had such thoughts for a long time?

No, I decided after meeting Gamora! Thanos told the truth directly!

Yang Bo: ...

I didn’t realize that you are such a Thanos!

Okay, Thanos, do whatever you want!

Thanos, who was sitting on the throne, stood up and walked towards Yang Bo's direction step by step. The target was Yang Bo's gem Thanos.

Who are you? What is your purpose?

I am destiny!

As he spoke, Gem Thanos raised the wireless glove in his hand and directly released energy to control Thanos in this universe.

Thanos with gems and Thanos without gems are completely different concepts!

Thanos in this universe is directly controlled by the powerful energy of the Infinity Stones. Even Thanos, as a Titan, has no ability to withstand the five stones.

Thanos was struggling and was pulled in front of him by Yang Bo, and he grabbed the opponent's neck with a bang.

The familiar smell and feeling made Thanos in this universe understand that this was him, and he was still the one who had collected 5 Infinity Stones.

Are you the future me? Thanos struggled to ask even though his neck was being strangled.

No! I am your old self! From another universe!

For the first time, Thanos' eyes showed emotional fluctuations, and he asked in confusion: Why?

Thanos, brought by Yang Bo, looked at his future self and said: You and me! We were all wrong at the beginning!

How is that possible?! Thanos's expression in this universe was filled with disbelief. He knew what the other person meant.

How could it be wrong for me to kill half of the people? I was saving this...

Thanos beside Yang Bo shook his head, loosened his grip on Thanos' neck, and threw him to the ground.

It's not that, it's that we are wrong on the most basic point!

Thanos looked at this universe with a puzzled look on his face, and continued: The resources of our universe are limited! But I have found a way to unlimited resources!

Thanos, who was lying on the ground, suddenly raised his head and looked at himself when he heard this.

This...this is impossible!!!

The traditional understanding has been directly broken, which Thanos cannot accept at all.

Then...then why are you looking for me?

I need the soul stone, and I need your legion!

Thanos, who was lying on the ground, stood up, looked at himself in front of him in another universe, and fell into thinking.

I want to see what you said with my own eyes!

Thanos on Yang Bo's side nodded, then looked at Yang Bo and said, Boss, can you let me take him to see my farm?

I'll go. Yang Bo was startled by Thanos's title. This was the first time Thanos called him boss. Even when death was approaching, Thanos had never called him before.

Okay! Of course there is no problem!

Yang Bo took out the teleportation stone tablet and placed it directly on the platform at his feet. After setting it up, he waved to several people: That's it!

The Thanos of this universe was also shocked that he, who owned the 5th gem, had become someone else's subordinate.

Looking at Thanos who was stunned on the spot, Gem Thanos said to him: Come on! I will take you to witness the miracles and hope!

Several people returned to the Sky Island in Minecraft. Gem Thanos led his future self to the farmland, pointing to various crops and introducing them.

Thanos of this universe, his eyes are getting brighter and brighter as he looks at the wasteless planting, the never-ending water source, and various asexually reproduced animals, and the soil and pebbles that appear out of thin air!

Thanos's mind was shocked!


Thanos was speechless for a moment, and Gem Thanos walked directly to him and said, I need someone to help me farm!

Several people returned directly to the sanctuary. After Thanos saw my world in this universe, he directly began to gather his own legions.

Slowly entering my world, under the guidance of Wu Muhou and Yang Bo, I began a busy life on the empty island.

Yang Bo looked at a group of people working non-stop and couldn't help but sigh: Fortunately, in the real world of mine, there will be no lag, otherwise it would be a big problem!

Then he glanced at Thanos who was concentrating on fishing by the water, and said to the gem beside him: Let's go and see the soul gem. I want to try my method to see if it works!

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