Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 260 Not enough points

Wuhu! Yang Bo was currently riding a giant dragon soaring in the sky, shouting happily.

Sure enough, having a mount and not having a mount are two different things!

After controlling Chihong to fly in the air for a while, Yang Bo landed on the platform specially built for it, and was going to go to the Dusk Forest to see if there were any new dragon eggs.

Two dragons are enough to breed dragonets! Then leave one to put on your shoulders!

In A Song of Ice and Fire, a first-order dragon can stand on your shoulders!

Yang Bo thought that going to other worlds in the future would definitely be very impressive.

Through the portal, Yang Bo once again embarked on a journey to find giant dragons. Maybe it was bad luck, but he found five underground dragon caves in succession, but they were all filled with male giant dragons.

Yang Bo stood next to the dragon's body with a dark face and began to peel off the skin without saying a word.

Then he was teleported directly back to the empty island.

There's no female dragon? I suspect I'm being targeted! Yang Bo slapped the stone tablet next to him bitterly.

Feeling a little depressed, Yang Bo directly opened the group store in the chat group to see if there were any new modules.

After the store interface appeared, Yang Bo's eyes widened and he looked at the products inside in disbelief.


But Yang Bo is uneducated, so he can only travel around the world!

The new modules that appeared inside completely shocked Yang Bo.

[Equivalent Exchange Module]

【Everything has value! A thoughtful little gift comes with your purchase! 】

[ps: So Gul'dan, what's the price? 】

【Points 3000】

After Yang Bo saw the price of the product, he immediately sobered up. Is it expensive? It’s definitely not expensive, but the point is that he doesn’t have so many points!

After looking at the value of 320 points, Yang Bo could only open the chat group again and prepare to seek help from the group friends.

Group leader Yang Bo: Everyone, who has points? Can you lend me some? I want to buy something, but unfortunately there is still a lot left!

Zhang Chulan: I'll go, I took a look. Although I don't know what it is, but 3,000 points, how perverted is this thing?

Zhang Chulan: Group leader, I have 75 points here. I deliberately saved them to see if the group store would refresh useful products. I have used the other points for practice!

Hermione: I only have 30 points left here! Brother leader, I'll transfer it to you first!

Yue Buqun: Group leader, there are 170 points here. You can use them first!

Yue Buqun actually had 170 points, which was completely beyond Yang Bo's imagination. Could it be that this guy Yue Buqun kept the points he got from signing in?

Group leader Yang Bo: How come Master Yue has so many points?

Yue Buqun: Group leader, you don't know something. Now there are no villains in my whole world. They are all imprisoned on the back mountain. All the martial arts secrets have been transferred to the group sharing, and I have gained a lot of points. , these are the remaining points!”

Yang Bo thought about what he saw when he went to Swordsman Jianghu and nodded. This was reasonable.

Supreme Treasure: Group leader, you didn't tell me earlier! I have used all the points, wait and see if there are any that can be redeemed!

[Zhizunbao uploads Dharma Xiang Tiandi (Westward Journey Edition) to the group and shares it to get 200 points]

Supreme Treasure: That's all I have now, but if the group leader can wait, I can find some more techniques!

Yang Bo looked at the dazzling countdown, sighed, and said in the chat group.

Group leader Yang Bo: Supreme Treasure, no need! We only have one day to pay it back, it's too late! The store will be refreshed by then!

Supreme Treasure: Okay, I'll give you these 200 first. If it's not enough in the end, you can only wait for it to be refreshed.

All the group members started to donate generously, but in the end they only had 2,000 points, which was still 1,000 points short!

Yang Bo had no choice but to sit on the empty island, a little disappointed, and wanted to give up the purchase of equivalent exchange, but if he didn't buy it this time, he didn't know when he would be able to buy it again!

Yang Bo suddenly saw Yakumo's conversation record and slapped his forehead: By the way, I also asked Asuma to collect ninjutsu scrolls. I don't know what happened!

By the way, I still have the task of resurrecting the scorpion. Then I will go to the Akatsuki organization and collect all the ninjutsu points and exchange them for points!

Yang Bo quickly ran to the location of the teleportation stone tablet, opened the control interface and teleported directly to the world of Naruto.

Time was running out, Yang Bo flew towards the Hokage Building in Konoha Village from the window.

Autumn has arrived in Naruto's world, and the leaves in the village have turned yellow. A breeze blew through a large number of leaves and fell from the trees.

Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire is endless!

Yang Bo looked at the falling yellow leaves, and this famous line from Naruto popped into his mind.

Now that the leaves are flying, isn't it time to set off a fire?

Putting aside the thought of being punished, Yang Bo walked into the mission hall of the Hokage Building and looked around. There was no Asuma at all. There was no way for Yang Bo to go to the window to handle the mission by himself.

She stepped forward, knocked on the table, and handed over the mission certificate Asma had given her before: Beauty! Help me check and see how the mission is going!

The other party raised his head, glanced at Yang Bo, and smiled: Please wait a moment! He took the mission certificate!

After a while, the female receptionist ran back and said very respectfully: Sir, these are all the ninjutsu scrolls. Please check them!

Yang Bo took the stack of scrolls from the opponent's hand and directly chose to redeem them all, but only got more than a hundred points!

Beauty, cancel the ninjutsu tasks below B level, and leave everything else unchanged!

The waitress nodded, and Yang Bo took the mission certificate handed over and threw it directly into his backpack.

After walking out of the Hokage Building, Yang Bo felt a little depressed. All the ninjutsu he could buy with money were low-level ninjutsu, and no one would sell high-level ninjutsu!

Looking at the people coming and going in Konoha, Yang Bo had a bold idea in his mind.

Go back to Wave Village first!

Yang Bo is directly teleported to the Wave Village through the teleportation stone tablet.

The teleportation stone tablet was placed in the building built by Yang Bo. As soon as it appeared, the two ninjas wearing Konoha forehead protectors knelt on one knee on the ground.


? ? ?

what's going on? Why are Konoha ninjas here and calling me boss?

Yang Bo was a little confused. Could it be that during the time he left, Wave Village was occupied by Konoha?

No, if he was occupied, he wouldn't call him boss!

You... Yang Bo looked at the two of them doubtfully.

The two of them obviously understood what Yang Bo was wondering about, and one of them said respectfully: Boss, we are from the Kurama clan, and we came here with Miss Yakumo!

Yang Bo nodded, no wonder he didn't see Yakumo in Konoha just now, he turned out to be here.

Yakumo is the most talented person in the Kurama clan in recent generations. After eliminating the Idu in his body, Yanran became just like the Kurama clan. It is not an exaggeration to bring two guards!

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